Chapter 47 | Special To Me.

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The next day was busy spent moving out of our humble abode and into our beautiful apartment. Matt was lovely and actually went through the contract with us, assuring us genuinely and answering any question we posed without hesitation, and even set us up with a small Christmas tree for good measure. Things began to feel as if they were looking up... somewhat.

"Isn't it just lovely. Here for Christmas Eve and everything!" Marina chirped as she put her arms around my waist against our new breakfast bar. I beamed back at her, trying to ignore the uncertain thoughts niggling in the back of my mind.

"It's wonderful." I replied, flashing my best 'I'm so happy right now' smile. The smile wasn't entirely false, I was happy, but I wasn't care-free.

She leaned towards me, putting her left hand against my cheek, pulling me into a kiss. "Do you want to... Christen the place?" She asked, huskily as she did so, smirking too.

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked, letting her cut my sarcastic tongue with her own. A messy, passionate embrace. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom, pushing me onto the bed and moving to straddle me.

I watched as she undressed herself before undressing me, returning to her original spot on my lap and leaning in to kiss my neck. I let out a sigh, running my hand against the back of her neck as she placed her hand between my legs, causing friction between us. I squirmed as I felt her all over me, her touch was electric, the most dangerous kind of addiction. I never wanted to imagine a day where I couldn't experience her, a world without her light wouldn't be worth living in. I had never felt this way about anyone, she was my first and I so desperately wanted to hold onto the idea that she was my last. That's all I wanted. I felt her press her lips against my bare skin, looking up towards me with seduction in her eye. "I'm gonna make you feel good." She whispered.

And the rest was history.

The next morning we woke up, legs intertwined, her face fit into the crease in my neck. It was Christmas Day.

"Good morning." I whispered as I felt her stirring besides me. "Merry Christmas." I added.

She looked up at me, innocence in her eyes as she struggled to take in the light beaming in through the crack in the curtains in our new bedroom.

"Merry Christmas." She replied, stretching and snuggling closer to me.

We'd agreed that we weren't going to 'do' Christmas this year, that there was enough going on and we couldn't afford to spend money on gifts at this point, and although I hadn't spent money on the gift; I couldn't help myself.

I turned to reach for a box inside my bedside table, I'd set it there yesterday, knowing this was exactly how I wanted to give it to her.

I passed the box to her. She looked at me, a look of confusion and apprehension forming upon her face.

"What's this?" She asked. "We're not supposed to be doing Christmas this year." She added, as if to remind me, perhaps to justify the fact she had actually stuck to the rules — as per usual. But I didn't care. This was special to me, I wanted her to have it.

"Just open it." I said, nodding towards the box sat in her delicate hands.

So, she did, opening to lid to reveal an emerald ring.

"It was my grandmother's, and God I miss her like hell, but I want you to have it. It was special to her, and it's special to me. But so are you. I want you to wear it." I explained, quickly before she had the chance to say a word, to question the price or feel bad about herself for not buying me a gift.

"I'm-" She began, I could tell she was choked up. "It's absolutely beautiful." She whispered, shaking her head slowly as she darted her eyes between myself and the glistening ring before her.

I reached for the ring, and then her hand, and slipped the ring along her right index finger.

"There. Perfect." I said, beaming at her with pride. It felt so right.

"I don't know what to say!" She confessed, admiring the ring from an array of different angles as she lifted her hand in the direction of the light.

"It reminds me of your eyes." She said softly, gentle as she caressed my face with the hand whereby the ring was situated.

"It reminded my grandfather of my Grandmother's eyes, too. That's why he bought it for her God rest his soul." I explained, meeting the hand she had resting against my cheek with my own.

Just then, Marina's phone made a noise. She picked it up and instantly squealed with excitement. "Fuck!" She exclaimed, widening her eyes as she looked at me.

"What?" I asked, trying my best to match her excited tone.

Marina sat up and read the text out to me:

Hey Marina! Merry Christmas. Album's due for release in February, you ready to get your promo on? Go you!


I beamed at her, though I felt I'd been stabbed in the chest. I was doing it for her.

"That's my girl!" I said, rubbing her arm. "I'm so proud of you." I added.

Grey Skies, White Lies - Larina | [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz