Chapter 9 | Rosy Cheeks.

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Several hours, cups of coffee and squares of Galaxy Cookie Crumble later, Marina had managed to find her legs on my lap whilst we continued to endure Springsteen.

"It's getting late." She said reluctantly as she looked at the clock hung above my fireplace. I ran my hand along her leg to distract the realisation she'd have to face Joey sooner rather than later.

"Stayyyyy." I childishly whined, even attempting to influence her with my rendition of the classical 'puppy dog eyes'.

She hesitated and looked across at me, pulling a sad lip as she took a deep breath in through her nose. "I need to end it." She finally announced.

My eyes widened at the statement she had dropped so very lightly. "You do." I agreed, nevertheless.

"I can't stand to go home to him again, I can't do it to myself. I want to be free." She urged, tilting her head backwards and leaning it against the plump cushion of my sofa.

"You can be free, if you leave him, that is." I replied, some hidden doubt accidentally seeping through my tone.

"I'm going to." She reassured, swinging her legs off of mine and sitting slouched with her head in her hands. "When is the question." She added.

"Now!" I instantly responded, I wasn't sure whether she was asking for my input or not, but I offered it anyway. "Just call him. He doesn't deserve your presence." I said, my blood boiling at the memory of him grabbing her arm.

She suddenly appeared reluctant, shaking her head. "Where will I live? I can't crash here forever." She asked, rubbing her temple.

"Not forever, no, but you can until you find yourself back on your feet again. Stop worrying about what's not happened yet, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I assured her, purposely using inclusive pronouns. I needed her to understand I was there with her. "When your music career launches, you won't have to worry about where you'll live or how you'll afford it, you'll be able to just do it." I added, in attempt to lift her doubt.

She couldn't help but crack a slight smile, although I was aware she didn't really like to talk about her career tendencies, I had to enlighten her on what was to come, the light at the end of the tunnel, should I say. I'd known her 2 weeks but I already knew she needed that boost once in a while, especially in times of being close to giving up for good. We all need a boost sometimes.

"You're beautiful when you smile, he doesn't deserve your smile, just like he doesn't deserve your tears." I told her, rubbing her back.

She blushed and leaned her face on her clasped hands, positioned to face me. "You're beautiful when you smile, too." She replied, her rosy cheeks highlighting her face. She took a deep breath and stood up. "I'm gonna do it. I'll call him." She asserted, walking towards her jacket leaning over the breakfast bar and picking up her phone.

"Go for it." I encouraged, leaning my chin on the the back of my sofa to watch her. I could tell she felt timid, she felt shy and she felt bewildered. But I could tell she knew this was what was good for her, what would bring her eventual happiness.

"Joey." She said, as soon as he picked up the phone. "I'm not coming back to you." She added, barely giving him chance to respond to his welcome beckoning.

There was a slight pause and a wince that came over Marina's face, but the sense of relief I could feel surely compensated for the casual abuse that left Joey's mouth. "I know what I'm doing. I'm want to do what I love, I'm going to do what I love, I won't let you hold me back anymore." She added, followed by a hurdle of abuse from the other end of the phone.

"Goodbye, Joey." She concluded, ending the call before he had the chance to say anything else.

I leapt up and grabbed her as she approached me, pulling her in for a very long and deserving hug. "You did it!" I said, releasing her of the hug and looking into her eyes.

She smiled slightly, a half-pained grin was the closest I'd got to true joyousness from her within the past couple of days, it wasn't ideal but it would have to do. Time heals everything.

"Thank you." She whispered, interlocking her eyes with my own. "I never would've done that of my own accord." She added, nodding gratefully.

My heart began to race as her smile faded, she suddenly looked serious. A brief sweep of confidence overtook me as I reached to touch her rosy cheeks. My nerves secreted the excitement I felt, allowing me to lean in and kiss her.

I pulled her face closer as we shared the desired touch of our lips, intensely deepening the kiss.

She pulled away.

"I'm-" She began breathlessly, but I cut her off with another kiss.

Grey Skies, White Lies - Larina | [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora