Chapter 15: Head Over Arse in Love

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Chapter 15: Head Over Arse in Love

You know that moment when you realize that maybe, just maybe, you have bitten off more than you can handle? Yeah well, I think someone should have told Asher that.

For the past three days he has been secretly planning our nuptials. He has told me that I am not to know anything about the wedding until the day of.

Two days ago our family and Aiden, who is practically family, graced us with their presence. I was all for it until they too began to secretly make wedding plans with my soon to be husband. Do you hear me? Asher King is going to be my husband, a fact I still haven't wrapped my head around.

Honestly, all this secrecy has me just a smidge bit worried. I don't know what to expect from that man. I mean, our relationship isn't the most conventional one. It started off weird and I declare that it will forever be weird, but I guess that's what makes it so interesting.

So moving on from our wedding talk, I believe I should tell you just how our vacation is going. For everyone else besides myself, it is going perfectly. However, for me, I have not spent more than a few hours with Asher and that's counting night time when we are off to bed. The first night we managed to consummate our engagement, if you know what I mean. It was perfect I tell yah. The following nights after, Asher has been M.I.A. Honestly, if I don't get some in the next two days, I might just kill that man.

I have spent all of my time with the twins. We went to the beach, saw dolphins, took a tour around the island, ate traditional Hawaiian dishes, and have been to three luaus. It was great being with them but a little alone time with the soon to be hubby would have been nice, but I wont complain. He's only being secretive to make it special for all of us.

Everyone pretty much abandoned me for the wedding planning. I don't think I've seen anyone more than once these past few days. Its just been Mickey, Mikey, and me.

Like I said, I wont complain. But I'm starting to feel just a tad bit neglected. I asked Alecka to go shopping yesterday. She flat out told me no, but that might be because she's still pissed at me calling her fat or some shit. I don't understand women, and thank skittles I never have to. Mickey will never grow up if it means she will be like her aunt. I will not allow it.

"Daddy?" Mikey asked as we were laying out on the beach. It was starting to get darker, meaning it was starting to get colder and the twins were starting to get sleepier.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I answered.

"We're sleepy," Mickey followed.

"Can we go back to the room now?" Mikey continued.

I stood up and held out both my hands for them. "Come on. Lets get you two to bed."

Hand in hand, we made our way back to our hotel room. As we walked in I noticed that it was quiet and the lights were off. More than likely, Asher went to bed early or he left the room. I didn't know simply because I have hardly talked to him at all this week.

I made sure the twins were bathed and tucked into bed.

"Daddy?" Mikey said.

"Are you marrying Daddy Ash tomorrow?" Mickey asked.

"No babe. Its going to be the day after tomorrow," I replied. "That's Saturday."

"Ohh," she replied.

"Daddy? Can you make Saturday come tomorrow?" Mikey asked.

I laughed, "Daddy doesn't have the power to do that. But it will get here faster than you expect. I promise."

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