Chapter 14

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I need to start this by saying I AM SO SORRY!!! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in ages, I have been an awful author and I can't apologise enough!

I have been so busy, and every time I have sat down to update, I either haven't been able to think of what to write or i've been distracted from it!

I am hoping to hurry up and get back into writing again, because I do miss this story! I can't promise I will update as regularly as I used to, but I will try my best! 

Anyway, I apologise again... Here's the new update :) 

It had been a good 20 minutes since me and Lucy got into the car. The whole time had been spent in silence, scanning the car park to make sure no one was around.

I had no idea where George was, and as the seconds ticked by I gradually got more and more nervous.

As I scanned the grounds, the sound of a gunshot suddenly filled the air and me and Lucy bolted up right in our seats, looking out of the window to the house just in time to see George sprinting towards the car. He was carrying the brown file I had seen on the desk in the room earlier and I realised that must have been what he had stayed to get.

I started the engine and pushed my foot down hard on the accelerator, shooting forward out of the car park towards him. I screeched to a stop as I neared him and he jumped inside just in time for us to see Dave appear from the house, limping and carrying a gun.

"GO" George shouted as he breathed heavily. I pressed quickly on the accelerator and we sped up the road, the sound of gunshots echoing around us as we got further away from the mansion.

"What happened, are you ok?" I asked George as we sped through the line of trees, glancing in my mirrors nearly every second to check if anyone was chasing after us.

"I needed... to get this file... So I... Had to fight him...To get to it" George gasped between breaths. "I'm not seriously hurt... Just bruised".

"We were so scared" Lucy spoke up next to me, turning in her seat and holding her hand out to grasp George's.

"It's ok... I'm ok" he told her, gripping her hand tightly and smiling slightly.

I had been so caught up in our small conversation that I hadn't looked in my mirrors, and when I glanced behind us I swore to myself as I saw a black range rover coming up fast towards us.

"Lily!" Lucy shouted next to me, gripping the dashboard in front of her tightly as I pushed my foot on the pedal, going faster than I had ever gone before.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened so much that my knuckles turned white, and I knew I was soon going to come to a junction where I would need to slow down and decide which direction to go in.

"Go right!" George shouted from the back of the car without me even asking. I didn't hesitate.

As we neared the junction I slammed my foot on the brakes and held my breath as we shot out onto the main road, swerving to the right as I struggled to keep control of the car.

I quickly straightened the wheel and put my foot back on the accelerator, breathing a sigh of relief that there was no cars on the road when that happened.

I looked in my mirror and gasped in horror as I saw the black range rover on its side in the middle of the road. Lucy and George turned and looked at the same time and a horrible silence descended in the car.

"Keep driving" George told me solemnly, leaning forward in his seat slightly.

I nodded and kept my eyes focused on the road in front of me. I hoped Dave was alive, for everything he had done, knowing I could have potentially caused the death of someone was not something I would be able to deal with.

"There's a petrol station up ahead" Lucy said, pointing to the sign in the distance, "shall we pull in there and figure out what we are going to do now?"

I nodded and turned off the road into the petrol station, pulling up in one of the parking spaces and turned off the engine.

I sat back in my seat and let out a shaky breath, peeling my hands away from the steering wheel and watching as they continued shaking uncontrollably.

"What's in the brown file?" Lucy asked George, turning in her seat to look in the back where George was flicking through the file.

"There's a load of information about Josh in here, things about the band, about Lily" he sighed.

He continued to flick through the file, pictures of Josh and information were spread over the pages, until he neared the back and things looked to be more interesting.

There was a page of filled with notes, numbers, money and a total at the bottom.

"I think this is how much they have calculated Josh to be worth. Like how much money they would get if they kidnapped him" George sighed, running his hand over the page.

"That's just disgusting" I said, shaking my head as I spoke and watching as George turned the page.

On the next page was what looked like a plan of a house and me and Lucy leaned closer to look at the drawing.

"Look" George said, pointing at a room on the map with a dot in the middle, "you don't think that's where he is do you?"

I held my hand out and picked up the file, looking closer at the drawing. After a few minutes the realisation hit me, "this is the manor house we were just at. If this is where he is kept, then he's back there"

I looked up at George and Lucy in excitement and they mirrored my expression.

"Let's not waste any more time then, we need to go back" Lucy exclaimed, putting on her seat belt and looking at me expectantly.

I nodded and placed my hands on the steering wheel, nervously starting the engine again and slowly pulled away from our parking spot.

If I was honest, I was terrified to be going back there. But I knew that if we didn't, we weren't going to get Josh back, and that wasn't an option.

I had almost forgot about Dave and his car, until the traffic started to slow down on the main road and ahead of us I could see the car on its side, but had now been moved to the side of the road. There were emergency vehicles surrounding the scene and police were diverting the traffic around the accident.

I swallowed nervously and as we got closer Lucy said quietly, "don't look". I tried not to but I glanced to the left just in time to see Dave on a stretcher being carried into the ambulance. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw him turn his head to the side and quickly turned away as he glanced in our direction. He was alive. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

Once we drove past the scene of the accident, the turning to the right could clearly be seen so I indicated off the road and onto the dirt track.

I drove quickly down the small road, the car was silent as we headed back to the mansion. 

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