Chapter 6

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I slowly came round and my eyes fluttered open. I looked round me to the unfamiliar surroundings and realised I was laying in what seemed to be a hospital bed and it was then that the memories of what happened came flooding back to me.

"Oh my god" I breathed, sitting up quickly and looking around for Josh. My head spun from the quick movement but I was able to ignore it as a nurse came into the room and looked at me in concern.

"Hey, you're awake" she smiled comfortingly, walking over and checking her clipboard, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine but where am I, where is Josh?" I asked, accidently sounding unnecessarily blunt. "Sorry" I apologised quickly, "I'm just worried about my boyfriend, is he here?"

"This is Inglebrook hospital, and what's his name?" She asked, looking at me sympathetically.

"Josh Cuthbert" I replied.

"I'm sorry but there hasn't been anyone coming in here with that name. This hospital is pretty quiet so I would have known" she said sadly.

Confusion and worry clouded my thoughts, the one question ringing through my ears. Where was he?

"Ok. Umm, am I allowed to leave now? I feel fine" I asked, forcing a smile as I looked at the woman.

"Yes, everything here looks ok. You are free to go. The police dropped you here along with your jeep that was found next to you, here are your keys and some paperwork" she smiled.

I took them and thanked her, getting out of the bed and walking out of the room. I looked up at the exit signs and followed them out of the small hospital, turning right towards the car park.

It was pretty empty so I saw the jeep straight away. I used the keys to unlock it and climbed in, thankful to be alone to think. I had no idea what to do.

The memories from yesterday were still a little blurry so I struggled to focus on exactly what happened.

I remembered getting to the takeaway place, getting out of the jeep, clinging to Josh as we walked through the crowd, the guy grabbing me, being thrown to the floor, Josh punching the man, and then the gun. I swallowed nervously as I thought back to the sound of the gun shot, tears pricking in my eyes at the memory.

I didn't see if Josh was hit, I only remembered chaos around me as the police arrived.

I decided to drive back to the cottage, pulling out my phone to get directions. When I got back tears were streaming down my face and I could barely see.

As I parked up outside the cottage I decided there was only one thing I could do right now, get help.

I deliberated for a second and decided on the person I trusted just as much as my family, the person I now considered a brother, George.

I grabbed my phone and dialled his number, putting it to my ear and waiting for him to pick up.

"Lily?" His voice came through the phone, confusion clear as he said my name.

"George" I sobbed, unable to control my crying as his familiar voice calmed me and let me relax.

"What...What's wrong?" He asked quickly and worriedly.

"Josh...shot...can't find...him" I stuttered in between sobs.

"Calm down, Lily. I can barely understand you" he said down the phone, his voice sounding even more confused than before.

I breathed in heavily and pulled myself together, speaking carefully as I explained what happened to George.

When I was finished there was silence at the end of the line and I was beginning to think the line had gone dead, but his voice eventually came through and I breathed a sigh of relief at his words.

"Me and Lucy are coming to you, are you still at the Wild Coast, at the cottage?" He asked.

"Yes I'm still here" I replied quickly.

"Stay there, we will get the first flight over" he said before the line went dead and I slumped back into the chair.

I decided it was best for me to unpack all of our things from the cottage and put them back in the jeep so I jumped out of the vehicle and headed inside. The door creaked open and I stepped inside, shivering at the loneliness I felt here on my own.

I headed upstairs, into our bedroom and I couldn't help but think of the memories of Josh here. This trip had started off so well.

I took our bags out from under the bed and began to pack away our toiletries and clothes. I picked out one of Josh's tops and decided to wear it, taking off my own shirt and replacing it with us. I breathed in his familiar scent and it relaxed me enough to calm my shaking hands.

Once the bags were packed I carried them carefully downstairs and put them into the jeep, locking it shut and wrapping my arms around my chest.

I looked around me and decided I might as well take a look around this cottage, since we hadn't had chance to do that before.

There was a small path leading round the back of the cottage so I followed it round and my eyes widened as I saw a small stable in front of me and a beautiful horse stood in the paddock. I looked around to see if anyone was here to look after her but soon realised there was no one around.

I walked up to her and she trotted to the fence, holding her head out for me to stroke. I smiled and was thankful I wasn't completely on my own here.

Looking over to the stable I noticed some hay and a wheelbarrow so I let myself into the paddock and wandered over to the barn. I looked around me to see the horse following and she stood next to me as I sat down on the bale of hay.

"What am I going to do" I said quietly, talking to myself mostly as I put my head in my hands.

I heard her step closer to me and she nuzzled my hair with her nose, breathing gently and making me laugh. A wave of tiredness swept over me and I laid down on the hay bale, shutting my eyes and letting sleep take over me.

"Lily! Lily!"

Voices calling my name woke me up and I jumped up, suddenly realising I was still in the barn. Voices shouted again and I recognised them as Lucy's and George's.

I ran out of the stable, through the paddock, across the path and turned the corner to see George and Lucy looking around worriedly.

"George! Lucy!" I shouted, watching as they turned around and relief spread across their face as I ran into their arms.

"Thank goodness you are ok" Lucy sobbed into my arms, her voice full of emotion.

I pulled back and smiled at them both, so glad they were here with me. I then looked at George who was grinning at me and clearly holding back giggles.

I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what he could possibly be laughing at, when he pointed to my head.

I reached up and realised my hair was covered in hay from the barn and I giggled as I tried to brush it out.

"How did you get hay in your hair?" Lucy giggled, helping me get it out.

"I fell asleep in the stable barn round the back of the cottage" I sighed, smiling as we cleared my hair.

My face suddenly dropped as I remembered the reason they were here and George pulled me in for a hug, "it's going to be ok, we will find him" he assured me.

I nodded and pulled away, "let's go inside and figure out what to do" I sighed, walking back to the cottage as they followed behind me. 

Author's Note:

Aww I love George! I had to include him and Lucy in this one as well :D 

Thank you for reading, and I love reading your comments! xxxx

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