Chapter 7

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I opened the door and the now familiar, musky smell of this cottage hit me. I looked around to see George and Lucy stepping inside, looking round with their mouths open.

"This cottage looked a lot nicer on the internet" George said quietly. I smiled at his comment but my face dropped as I remembered Josh saying almost the exact same words when we got here.

I sighed and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch that I had said I would never sit on. But right now, I couldn't care less.

George and Lucy followed me inside and Lucy scrunched her nose up at the site of the room we were in, leaning against the wall as she clearly didn't want to sit on the couch.

George took a seat on the arm of the chair and I looked up to see them both looking at me intently.

"What do you think we are best doing first?" I asked, my mind completely blank as to a plan.

"Did the hospital you were in not have anyone there under his name?"George answered, his face forming a frown as he tried to think.

"No. The woman said it was quiet so she would have known. I don't even know if there are any other hospitals around here that he could be in" I sighed, "It's all my fault"

"Hey, it's not your fault at all!" George assured me, walking over and sitting next to me, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulder.

"I wish I wouldn't have passed out, I would have been able to look around for Josh. Find out where he went" I said quietly, holding back the tears.

"You can't help that you passed out, Lily" Lucy said as she walked over to us and knelt beside me, "we will find him though"

I looked up at her and smiled, thankful for her optimism.

"Does anyone know about what happened to Josh, other than us?" I asked, looking worriedly at both of them. I didn't want this all to break out in the news.

"No, I told everyone that me and Lucy were going on a last minute holiday. No one knows about any of this" George smiled wearily.

"Ok" I replied quietly.

"You said that the police came just as the shot was fired, I think going to the local police station is the best option for us at the moment" Lucy suggested after a minutes silence.

I looked up at Lucy in hope, I hadn't even thought of doing that.

"Let's go then" I said quickly, jumping up from the sofa. I didn't want to waste any more time debating what was best to do. I just knew we had to do something.

George nodded and got off the sofa, taking Lucy's hand in his and following behind me as I made my way out of the cottage and into the jeep again.

I started the engine and pulled out onto the dirt track, gripping the steering wheel tightly and putting all my attention into keeping the car on all four wheels. Everyone in the car stayed silent and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when we finally got out onto the main road.

"Do you know where the police station is?" George asked, pulling his phone out and loading his maps app.

I shook my head and mumbled a "no", glancing to him and seeing him get directions to the nearest station.

"Ok, keep on this road for the next few minutes and then I will give you the directions. It's not too far away" he told me calmly.

I was nervous about what they were going to tell me, wondering if they knew where Josh was. Wondering if they had seen what happened.

Someone had to know where he was, or what happened to him. The police turned up almost as soon as the shot was fired, they had to have seen him.

My mind was swirling with thoughts about what happened and I barely took notice of my driving, manoeuvring robotically through the streets as I followed George's directions.

We finally pulled up outside the police station, and my heart rate picked up. I took a deep breath to steady myself and looked over to Lucy and George who smiled encouragingly at me.

I unlocked the doors and took a step out, turning round to see them both walking to stand next to me, Lucy wrapped her arm around mine and we all walked inside.

The automatic doors slid to the side to let us through and the air conditioning hit me, making me shiver until I got used to the temperature change. At the far end of the room was a reception desk with a man in a police uniform sat behind.

We walked up to the desk and the man looked up, "may I help you?" He asked us sternly.

"I...Umm" I stuttered, suddenly at a loss for words. I suddenly felt like if I spoke I was going to burst into tears so I looked at George for help.

He smiled briefly at me for turning to look at the officer, "Sir, a couple of nights ago there was an incident in the town. Outside a pizza shop next to a nightclub. My...sister was there with her boyfriend and he got into an argument with a group of men. She was thrown to the ground and remembers hearing a gunshot and then being surrounded by the police, before she passed out. She woke up in the hospital the next day and we can't find her boyfriend anywhere, we were wondering if you knew anything?" He concluded, looking at the officer pleadingly.

The man cleared his throat and nodded his head, "what was the name of your boyfriend?" He asked, looking at me now.

"Josh... Cuthbert" I stuttered, my throat closing tightly as I struggled to contain myself.

"Please come with me" he said calmly, walking from behind the desk and towards a door to the right, gesturing for us to follow.

Author's Note:

Ok, I have a couple of ideas for different ways to take this fan fic and I seriously can't decide which one is best! So I thought I would ask you all what you would prefer; either take this in a 'different' sort of darker/mysterious direction (but there will be less Josh in it), or make it romantic and 'nice'?!

Haha I hope I'm not giving too much away, I just really can't decide what's best! So please comment with what you would prefer and I will go with the majority :)

Also, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to either message me on wattpad or on twitter! My twitter is @icedcuthbert :)

Thank you again for reading xxxx

Always Yours (A Josh Cuthbert Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang