Chapter 5

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"Hmm" he replied, looking down at me as I laid on his chest in bed.

"We need to unpack" I smiled, sitting up slightly to get off of the bed. He grabbed me round the waist quickly and pulled me back to him, making me giggle against his chest.

"You are not going anywhere" he murmured against my hair.

"You got your way once, not happening again" I laughed, sitting up more forcefully and jumping off the bed just in time to get away from Josh's grasp.

He groaned and pulled the covers over his head as I threw his clothes at him, "come on" I giggled.

I grabbed my shirt from the floor and put it on, pulling up my jeans and watching as Josh reluctantly got out of bed and began to get dressed. I finally got the chance to actually properly look around our bedroom in this cottage. It was decorated in simple, neutral cream colours with a big double bed in the middle and a small dresser in the corner with a mirror above. The back wall had a huge window on it that looked out across the ocean, and right now the sun was shining brightly into the room. I decided I liked this room, it was much nicer than the rest of the cottage.

"You look happy" Josh chuckled, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I was just thinking that I like this room the best" I smiled, walking over to the window and looking out.

"This is my favourite room as well" Josh replied. I could hear him walking up to me and soon his strong arms wrapped around my waist as we looked outside, "and we can spend a lot of time in here" he breathed, making goose bumps appear on my neck. We had been together for nearly two years and he still had such an effect on me.

I murmured in response and held him close to me before breaking out of his embrace and heading out of the bedroom door and down the stairs into the hallway. Josh followed behind me and grabbed the keys for the jeep, unlocking it as we got outside and getting our bags out of the back.

"Do you need help?" I asked, watching as he took everything out of the jeep in one go.

"I'm good" he replied, visibly straining to hold it all as he began to stumble back to the cottage.

I stifled a giggle and locked the jeep, following behind him and getting back to the hallway just in time to see Josh trip and fall head first on the ground, thankfully being cushioned by all the bags he had been carrying.

I ran over to him and knelt beside him, laughing as a smile crept onto his face and he groaned.

"You should have let me help you" I giggled, helping him stand back up.

Josh just rolled his eyes and winked at me, but this time let me help carry some of our bags up stairs.

We unpacked quickly, just putting the toiletries in the bathroom. We left most of our clothes in the bags because we were not staying in this one place too long so there wasn't really any point in taking everything out.

By the time everything was sorted out I felt a wave of tiredness wash over me and I yawned involuntarily.

"Someone tired?" Josh asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Nope" I lied, and almost got away with it too but I yawned as I spoke which caused Josh to chuckle and roll his eyes at me.

"I think we should have something to eat and get some sleep. I have planned some exciting things for tomorrow because it's our main day here, so we might as well be fresh and ready for it" Josh explained.

"Ok, ok" I smiled, "do we have any food for dinner though?"

Josh's face fell at my question, "I didn't even think about that" he giggled.

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