Chapter 11

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"Ok, I think this Dave is the best person for us to start looking at for any clues" George concluded after a few minutes silence.

Me and Lucy nodded at him and we gathered the pile of pictures together, keeping the main one on the top.

"So you have an address related to the car?" I asked, looking up at George as I put my phone in my pocket.

"Yeh, I have found directions to it from here. It's only about a 15 minute drive" he smiled, taking the pile of pictures from Lucy so she didn't have to hold them.

We walked out of the cottage, back to the jeep, and jumped inside.

"So what is the plan when we get to the house?" Lucy asked, sounding apprehensive.

I hadn't even thought about that.

I turned to George and saw his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

"I guess we will see what happens when we get there" he murmured after a few seconds of silence.

Great. I hated not having a plan.

But I didn't say anything, I couldn't think of anything either.

I turned on the engine and pulled out onto the road again, it suddenly dawned on me that today was our last day Josh had booked the cottage for. I quickly braked and turned the car around, noticing George and Lucy looking at me in confusion.

"Ok, so this probably isn't the best news but we no longer have the cottage to stay in. Josh only booked it till today so I need to pack all the stuff up that's still in there" I sighed, annoyed that we were wasting time.

"Well lets be quick then" Lucy smiled, "we will help"

I pulled back in front of the cottage and we ran inside, heading upstairs where all mine and Josh's things were. The covers on the bed were still a mess and our suitcases were laid around the room messily.

"Wow, you guys aren't very tidy" George giggled, kneeling down to put some of Josh's clothes back in his suitcase.

"We, umm, lost track of time before we went to get dinner" I laughed, feeling my cheeks burning red.

"Lost track of time" George scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. I threw a pillow at him and Lucy started laughing as she threw a top at him as well.

"Girls, concentrate on what we are doing" he said whilst trying to hide his laughter.

I rolled my eyes but quickly began shoving my clothes into my bag, not even bothering to fold them neatly.

When we were finished, I glanced at the window to see it was already beginning to get dark.

George and Lucy noticed where I was looking so they quickly grabbed the bags and helped me carry them downstairs. I checked the living area and kitchen, making sure we hadn't left anything, and then headed outside to see them both already waiting in the jeep for me.

I climbed in and took one last look at the cottage, I had mixed memories from that place.

George was sat in the front and he told me he would give us the directions, telling me to turn right as we got off the dirt track. I had been driving around this place for long enough to know that right led us out of the town, and all I remembered from that direction was a lot of fields.

I gulped down my nerves and concentrated on driving, the noise from the radio creating a calming sense of normality for me.

When we got out onto the main road George told me to carry on for around 10 minutes, telling me that there would be a small dirt track to the left along here somewhere.

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