Chapter 10

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Me and George turned to look at her, urging her to explain.

"Well, why haven't the police come here to ask questions. Surely this would be the first place they would look. We have got some really important information now, and it didn't even take that much trouble. Why haven't they done this yet, if they said they are investigating this disappearance?"

I had been trying to ignore this question in my mind, but now that Lucy had brought it up I couldn't agree more.

"Something strange is going on here and things aren't adding up. Let's just say, I think the only people we can truly trust right now is ourselves" I sighed as I pulled out of the car park.

"I agree" George said, nodding as he spoke, "I think we should take these pictures back to the cottage and write down all the number plates, then look on the internet to see if we can find any more information on the vehicles"

Me and Lucy nodded in agreement and I turned the car around, heading back in the direction of the little cottage. The radio played quietly in the background and the corners of my mouth turned up into a smile as I recognised the song. No one said anything, but George leaned over to turn the radio up a bit louder, the lyrics to Carry You filling the car, Josh's familiar voice recognisable in the music. Tears pricked at my eyes but I forced myself to hold them back, needing to stay strong right now. I let his voice fill my head and I fought the urge to close my eyes, wanting nothing more than to hear him talk to me again.

 The whole drive back was relatively silent after the song finished, the radio was turned down and that left all of us to think intently about how on earth we were going to find and rescue Josh.

When I finally pulled up to the driveway, we slowly got out and headed inside. I shut the door of the cottage behind me and headed into the living room, where George and Lucy were already sat in a circle in the middle of the room. They had spread the pictures of the vehicles around them and I began walking into the kitchen.

"Anyone want a drink" I called as I walked into kitchen, reaching into the cupboard to get some glasses down.

"Just water please" they both called, giggling a little because they spoke at the same time. I rolled my eyes and placed the glasses on the counter.

But as I looked around me, reminders of me and Josh in here together filled my mind. The feeling of his warm breath on my skin, and his hands wrapped protectively around me. I closed my eyes and remembered.

After a couple of seconds I snapped my eyes open again, a new sense of determination rushing through me.

I carried the glasses back into the living room and sat them down on the table next to us, reaching over to my pile of pictures.

We all took our phones out and loaded the internet, splitting the piles between us to try and get as much details of each as possible.

After a good half an hour I sighed in annoyance and laid down on the floor, feeling useless. I had only found details for two cars, and all I had was a phone number for the apparent 'owners', not even an address. My new found determination was slowly decreasing.

"How you getting on?" Lucy asked. I sat up to see she was looking at me for an answer.

"I only have phone numbers for a couple, what about you?"

"I have two phone numbers and I managed to find an address for one of them" She said hopefully, her eyes sparkling at the information.

"Thank goodness" I said, letting a small smile break my features.

"George?" We asked at the same time, turning to look at him. His face was etched in concentration and his eyebrows furrowed together as he scrolled through something on his phone.

"What is it?" I asked, scooting over to sit next to him.

"This is weird" He mumbled, looking between his phone and the picture sat in front of him.

"George" Lucy groaned, willing for him to tell us what he was talking about.

"Ok,  well I was looking through the information for this car and the owners information is down as Dave Mokili. The strange thing is that he is the same guy that we spoke to at the police station, the officer. All the information matches to him. He owns this car that was seen driving out of the car park at the same time as the police arrived" he said, pointing down to the picture sat in front of him.

"I don't understand" Lucy said quietly, staring at the information on the phone as George held it out for us to look at.

"But that doesn't make any sense. He told us that he was there at the scene when it happened, he was one of the police that came. If that's true, then how could he be driving his car out of the car park at the same time. He can't be in two places at once" I stated, now completely confused.

Josh POV:

I couldn't even remember how many times I had paced backwards and forwards in this room. The walls seemed to be closing in around me every time I stayed still for too long and I couldn't stand the claustrophobic feeling I felt in here.

It must be around midday because the sun was shining brightly through the sun light on the roof, so I was now waiting for my food to arrive. The food was disgusting, but at least eating it was something to do.

I stopped walking when I heard the faint footsteps in the distance, which grew louder as the seconds passed. Before I knew it the door swung open and in its place stood the man who always brought my tray of food down for me.

"What's your name?" I asked him suddenly, eyeing him cautiously.

He smirked at me and shook his head, "that's none of your damn business, boy"

I wasn't surprised by his rude reply, so I just shook my head and grinned cockily at him, "just making conversation"

"What makes you think I would want to talk to you, boy" he practically growled, throwing the tray of food on the floor carelessly.

"Ok, first of all, my name is Josh, so you can stop calling me boy. And second of all, what the hell is that" I said, pointing at the pony colouring book and pens that sat on the tray under the food.

"That, boy, is a present from the boss. He thought you might get bored down here" the man chuckled coldly, slamming the door shut as he walked out of the room. Leaving me on my own.

I rolled my eyes and stopped myself from punching the wall. Instead I dropped to the floor and began to eat the horrible food, flicking through the colouring book and cringing at the drawings. Was he trying to demean me or something, get me weak. Because if he was, then this was some strange way of doing it.

Then I had an idea.

I put the sandwich I was eating back on the tray and picked up the pen, flicking to the back of the book where there was a near empty page, just a title on the white paper.

I put pen to paper and began to write. About Lily. A song.

Little things that you do

That we share, me and you, the air I breathe

You supply me with such wonder stuff

Just one touch is all I need.

It feels like I'm falling into sun

Even on stormy days

In every way it feels like we're one

As we watch the years go by

Feels like we're still flying high


Author's Note:


Sorry, I just had to let you all know! :D I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far, I really really love reading all your lovely comments, and thank you so much for reading and voting :) xxxx

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