Chapter 13

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George slowly backed up towards me and Lucy as we stood staring at Dave. I literally thought I was going to be sick.

I glanced down at the file on the table that had Josh's name on it and looked back up to see Dave looking between me and the file, his smug grin getting wider as the seconds ticked past.

"Ah. Now I didn't realise you had seen anything here. I was going to just let you guys go, of course making sure you got back to England ok. But now, it seems you are beginning to know a little bit too much" Dave grinned, shaking his head slowly.

The realisation hit me that he was the one behind all of this and I couldn't believe it was him; he was a police officer. It was his job to protect people, not kidnap them. The possibility that Josh was in this house somewhere caused so many emotions to run through me but the one that stood out the most was anger.

Anger bubbled up inside me as I realised the man stood in front of me had taken away my source of happiness, my world.

"Where. Is.  Josh" I said slowly, through gritted teeth. My voice was filled with hatred and it satisfied me to see him briefly loose the smug smile on his face.

"Sweetheart, that's for me to know and you to never find out" he said as he regained himself and smiled coldly at me.

"What do you want with him then?" I asked, my confidence growing as I hoped either George or Lucy were figuring a way out of here whilst I stalled.

"Hmm. I haven't quite figured that out yet. But more importantly right now, I need to figure out what to do with you three" he smirked as he dramatically stroked his chin and began walking slowly towards us.

Just the sight of him made me want to either be sick or punch him in the face. I preferred the punching idea.

I glanced over at George briefly and saw he was looking at me intently. As I made eye contact with him his eyes flicked to the door at the front of the room and then back to me as he raised his eyebrow.

I looked over and saw that Dave had moved out of the doorway as he had walked closer towards us. The path in front of me and Lucy was clear for us both to get out.

Dave continued to say something but I didn't quite manage to hear it because George held three fingers up behind his back and began counting down with them.

I waited and watched as his hand closed into a fist he ran straight at Dave and punched him hard in the face. His strength and speed shocked me and I heard Lucy gasp next to me; she clearly had no idea what me and George had silently planned. Dave clearly wasn't expecting it either as he fell to the ground and looked up with a dazed and confused look on his face.

I grabbed Lucy's arm and ran towards the door, but she abruptly stopped as she turned to see Dave get up from the floor and lunge at George. She screamed and we both ran to help him but he shouted at us to leave before we even got close. George reached up and around to hit Dave again, the sound of his nose breaking made my stomach turn and my eyes widened as Dave let out a long line of swear words that I would never want to repeat.

"GO!" George shouted at the two of us, "I will be right behind you"

I stood shocked, "come with us!" I pleaded with him. Lucy had gone extremely pale next to me and I knew she wouldn't leave willingly without him.

"It's ok! Just run!" George shouted again when we didn't move, he looked at me with insistent eyes and I knew he needed me to get Lucy out of here.

I grabbed hold of Lucy's arm and practically dragged her out into the hallway, she was crying behind me but I knew neither of us were any match for Dave's strength. George was the only one out of us that could take him. She resisted for a few moments but I didn't let her slow me down and eventually she gave in and picked up her pace.

We ran along the narrow balcony, towards the staircase. The many doors whizzed past me and the thought of Josh being behind any of them was nearly enough for me to stop and push all of them open.

But I knew doing that wasn't going to help anyone right now so I focused all of my energy on getting out of here instead.

"Lily" Lucy sobbed as we sprinted down the marble staircase. Anything I said right now would not help so I stayed quiet, concentrating on remembering the way out. I didn't know why George hadn't come with us straight away, when Dave was already on the floor, but I knew he must have had a good reason.

I ran to the little door we had came in from and tugged it open, almost pulling it off its hinges at my force. We raced through the little corridor and I breathed a sigh of relief as we got outside, continuously tugging Lucy behind me as we headed towards the car.

I pulled the keys out of my pocket and unlocked it, jumping inside and watching as Lucy got into the passenger seat.

"George" she stuttered, in between her sobs. Her eyes were streaming with tears and she looked so vulnerable and worried. I reached across and pulled her into a hug.

"He's going to be ok" I murmured to her as she cried into my shoulder, "he will be here any minute now"

"We left him though" she cried, on the verge of hysteria.

"He wanted us to leave, us waiting around was not going to help him. I don't know what he is doing but he is smart, he knows what he is doing" I assured her, trying to assure myself at the same time as I spoke.

She cried into my arms for a good few minutes until she pulled away and we sat in silence, looking out and waiting for George, whilst also continuously checking no one was coming after us.

Josh's POV:

The guy who usually came down with my tray of food for dinner still hadn't arrive yet and I was beginning to get really hungry.

I paced the small room annoyingly, the walls becoming frustratingly familiar the more time I spent in here.

I didn't even know how long I had been here for. But it was longer than I wanted.

I suddenly stopped walking when I heard the distant sound of someone shouting. It was too muffled to hear properly, I had no idea what they said, but they sounded desperate.

I walked to the door and pressed my ear against it, listening intently as someone shouted again. The voice sounded familiar, but there was no way I had just heard George's voice.

Why would he be here? Unless, he was coming to get me. That would mean Lily had told him what happened. Maybe she was here as well.

My heart rate began to pick up at the possibility they were here, but the desperation in his voice soon made my mind fill with worry.

These men were ruthless, they had locked me up in a basement. Who was to say they wouldn't do the same to George? Or Lily?

Author's Note:

Please don't hate me for taking ages to update!! I had an exam yesterday so have been revising like crazy for that!

But... GUESS WHAT!! I MET THE BOYS ON SUNDAY!!!! ALL 4 OF THEM!!! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT... I GOT SELFIES AND HUGGING PICTURES AND THEY WERE SO LOVELY AND PERFECT! (Pictures are on twitter if you wanted to see... pre-warning, I look like a potato next to them :/)

Anyway... Sorry again for taking ages to update, but I hope you like the chapter :) Please vote and comment :) xxxx

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