Chapter 8

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Josh's POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing I noticed was the pounding in my head and the cold concrete floor I was laid on. I had no idea where I was and my whole mind was blurry, waiting for my senses to come round.

I slowly sat up and waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark room I was in, confusion setting in as I looked around me. My eyes were met by four solid concrete walls and a small door to the left, above me on the ceiling was a small skylight, letting in a single ray of sunlight that hit the ground just next to me.

I felt weak and full of pain, wondering what on earth was going on. The last thing I remembered was pulling up at the pizza takeaway shop with Lily...


Where was she?

Was she hurt?

My mind was reeling with questions as I tried as hard as I could to remember what had happened.

Slowly, details came back to me and I gradually began to unfold the events in my head. The men, the way they talked to Lily, pushing her on the ground. I punched one of them. The gun. The shot.

I flinched at the memory and knew that was all I was all I was going to remember, there was nothing but darkness after that moment.

I stood up shakily and staggered to the door, pushing and pulling it to try and open it. No use.

I groaned and turned around, wandering back to the middle of the room. Exhaustion washed over me again as I sat on the floor. I literally had no energy and I felt my eyes shutting as I rested my head on the cold ground.

Lily's POV:

We followed the police officer through the door and into a narrow corridor, with many doors leading off of it. I peered in some to see offices with many people working hard on computers and phones.

We carried on walking for a few more seconds till the man led us through a door on the left. It looked like something out of a movie. A small desk in the middle, with chairs either side and a mirror on the far wall. I suddenly felt extremely nervous and uneasy.

"Take a seat" the officer said, gesturing for the three of us to sit opposite him.

We nodded and took our places, looking back up at him to speak.

"Ok, first of all, you can call me Dave" he told us, trying to smile wearily.

"I'm George, this is my girlfriend Lucy and my...well...sister, Lily" George spoke for us, which I was incredibly thankful for.

"Why the hesitation young man?" Dave asked him accusingly.

"Well, she is Lucy's sister. I am with Lucy. I just tend to call her my sister now" George explained as best he could, making me smile a little.

"Ok, fair enough. Now back to the reason you are here. My colleagues were called to the scene on the night of the disappearance of Josh and I need you to know we are investigating what has happened as we speak. The gang of men outside that night are known criminals around here, they are dangerous, willing to do anything to get money. They have been wanted for a long time, but we have yet to capture them" he told us, pausing to breathe out in frustration.

My mind was all over the place. They would do anything to get money. They had never been caught. What was wrong with the police force here?

"Why haven't you captured them yet?" Lucy spoke up, seemingly reading my mind.

The officer sighed, "They are very... cunning. They have bases all over the country and contacts everywhere. Their crimes are usually relatively small, but this the most extreme they have taken it. To kidnap someone"

"You are saying they kidnapped him!" I blurted out, unable to contain my shock and worry at his words.

"Well we are not 100 percent certain but it is looking that way. You see, witnesses have been in to tell us they saw men carrying someone into a car and speeding away. We are almost positive that someone was Josh"

I literally felt like I was going to be sick at this news.

"They know who he is" George said suddenly, his voice distraught.

I looked over at Dave who nodded sadly, "they know about the band and they want the money. They must have recognised him as soon as they saw him"

"Well it's simple then, we can give them the money" George said, raising his voice slightly.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. He is held under ransom, and the gang have not been in contact with anyone to say how much money they want for him"

"This is disgusting" I said quietly, "he is a person"

That was when I started to cry, uncontrollably. The tears continued to stream down my face and the officer said he would give us some time, leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind me.

I held my face in my hands and felt George's arms wrap around me. Neither of them said a word, they just comforted me.

After a good few minutes I sniffled and gently peeled my hands away from my face, looking up at George and Lucy as they looked at me sadly, "what are we going to do" I said quietly, just as Dave walked back in the door.

"You are going to go back home to England and leave us to sort things out here. We will keep you informed with regular updates on our progress and I can assure you this case will be resolved soon and we will get Josh back to you. We will be in contact with you soon Lily to get as many details about the men as possible, so for now try and remember as much as you possibly down, write it all down to help" he said warmly, offering us his most positive smile.

But that wasn't good enough, and we all knew it.

We weren't going to leave Josh in this country, he was coming back with us, no matter how long it took.

The three of us exchanged glances, communicating silently in agreement.

"Yes officer" George said quietly, putting on his most convincing face, getting Dave to believe we were going to do what he told us.

"Come with me to leave your contact details at the front desk, we will be in contact soon" Dave told us, seemingly thankful for our quick co-operation and gesturing for us to exit the room.

We followed him back down the corridor and out into the reception area. We walked with him to the desk and gave him our phone numbers, saying goodbye and thank you as he wished us a safe flight home.

We walked out of the building and into the jeep, not saying a word till the doors were shut and locked.

"We're not going back to England are we?" Lucy said first.

Me and George turned round to face her in our seats and George shook his head.

"We are staying in this country. And we are going to find Josh ourselves" I said, with much more confidence than I felt.

If the police here had yet to catch these criminals, how on earth could we trust them to be successful this time. We were not going to wait around for them, whilst Josh could be suffering. We were going to find him and we were going to be back in each other's arms again. Where we belonged.

Author's Note:

Ok, the majority voted for nice/romantic but that was only by like 1 more vote so I am going to try and incorporate both, it's probably going to be a pretty long fan fic haha! :D So, to keep Josh in this as much as possible, I am going to switch point of views a lot :) Wish me luck! xxxx

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