Chapter 1

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This last year had been perfect.

After New Year's Eve, over a year ago now, everyone was kind and understanding towards me and Josh and I attended a lot of interviews. From then on I was no longer harassed by the media and people treated us so much differently to last time.

I finally felt happy.

The tension between Josh and his manager had finally gone away, but Daisy still hadn't forgiven Josh for 'ruining her career' and she said she never would. It had been over a year so I didn't see her forgiveness coming any time soon at all.


The two of us had grown even closer over the past year, even though that hardly seemed possible before, and we had worked out a great way to see each other in between his work commitments and my university. I was now living at home and driving to university every day, so I could get down to London a lot more to stay at his flat. He was also staying over at my house whenever he could and would sometimes even surprise me by driving up to my university to pick me up.

Our one year anniversary had been spent with George and Lucy and we had all gone out for a meal together in London. It had been a rollercoaster of a year.


It is now 14th February, our seconds valentine's day together.

Last year's had been amazing, but we were still in the middle of a lot of media attention so it was a bit of a whirlwind evening, being chased by cameras as we made our way to the restaurant. I was hoping this year would be different.


As I stood in my bedroom back home, I admired the outfit Lucy had picked out for me and watched in the mirror as she sorted out my hair. Some things never change.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked me suddenly, taking my attention away from my thoughts as I looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"Nothing" I replied, forcing a smile on to my lips.

She frowned at me and raised her eyebrow, "there is clearly something wrong, you are too quiet".

"Ok, well I guess I am a bit nervous about tonight" I sighed quietly.

"Why? There's nothing to be nervous about. It's just Josh"

I giggled and nodded but still wasn't convinced. The constant TV adverts and shop displays were a regular reminder of today and I was worried about everything, from the present I had brought Josh to where we were going to go tonight.

"So what are your plans for tonight then?" Lucy asked, probably trying to make me feel better.

"I have no idea" I sighed, "Josh wouldn't tell me. All I know is that he is going to meet me at the train station as soon as I get into London"

"Oh that sounds exciting" Lucy smiled, her grin ridiculously wide.

I forced a smile, trying to agree. But the truth was, I hated not knowing what was happening. I had always been the same, I liked to have some sort of control over what was happening, and the unknown scared me.

"Right, I think you are ready" Lucy said after about 5 minutes, leading me to the full length mirror in her room so I could admire her work. I grinned at the reflection and turned around to hug her.

"Thank you"

"No worries, now get to the station!" She laughed, walking downstairs with me and watching as I put my shoes on.

"I will see you tomorrow then" I smiled, "and have a great time tonight with George" I called as I headed out the door.

I took my car keys out of my bag and grinned at my car sat on the drive. Due to my old one having to be scrapped, I had managed to get a loan for a new Corsa and I was now ridiculously overprotective over this one. I unlocked the door and climbed in, the familiar smell relaxing me as I turned on the engine and put the heater on.

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