Chapter 12

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Josh's POV

I eventually pulled myself together and jumped up as I heard the sound of footsteps nearing the door to the room I was in.

I narrowed my eyes as the door swung open and in stepped the man who always brought my food to me.

This time he had a magazine sat on the tray of food, and he quickly dropped the whole lot on the floor, chuckling to himself as he left the room and shut the door.

I quickly walked over to the magazine, flipping it over to see the front cover and my eyes widened as I saw a picture of me and Lily on the front, with the headline 'HOLIDAY FROM HELL'

I flicked through the pages to find the article and sat on the floor to read it, my eyes skimming the page.

What a load of rubbish I thought as I threw the magazine to the ground.

I don't exactly know why, but I'm guessing from the lack of tweets or pictures from the two of us at the moment, people were assuming we were going through a break up or something.

What confused me the most was why wasn't Lily back in England, sorting this whole thing out with my management, the people who were contracted to look after me and the boys. Why wasn't there any news about her if she was back in England without me?

Lily's POV

"So, what do we do now?" I asked, turning round in my seat to look at George and Lucy.

They stayed silent for a moment then George looked up at us with an unreadable expression on his face, "I think there's only one thing we need to do. But you are not going to like it" he sighed.

I knew what he meant, "we are going to break in aren't we"

"Well not break in, we are just going to go inside without anyone knowing and look around for any clues" he said, trying to make it sound like less of a crime.

"So in other words, breaking in" I giggled, rolling my eyes at him as he scowled at me.

"Let's get this over and done with then" Lucy sighed, unlocking her door and stepping out.

I suddenly felt my stomach fill with nerves, I had never done anything like this before. Not even close. I had never broke the law, but I knew this was something that had to be done if we were going to get any closer to finding where Josh was.

I stepped out of the jeep and looked around me. The huge mansion sat to the left of where we were stood and I could see steps leading away from the building, down to the gardens at the back. I scanned the windows of the building, looking for any signs that anyone was in there. But it looked pretty empty, all the windows were shut and the curtains were all closed.

But why were there so many cars here?

I shook my head at the thought and turned to look at George and Lucy, wanting them to make the first move towards the building. I'm such a coward.

"Come on then" George sighed, his voice low as he looked around. I felt like criminals already.

We quickly made our way to the back of the building, constantly looking around us in fear of getting caught. Trees lined the path leading round the back so we walked close to them, trying to use them as a form of cover as we made our way to the doors and windows on the ground floor.

We eventually came across a door on the ground floor and George looked at us for confirmation about what we were going to do. Me and Lucy nodded and he reached across to test the handle. I held my breath as he pushed it down but it didn't move.

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