Chapter 22

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After a few moments, Mark speaks up. "Alistar. It is good to see you. I hope you do not take offence. Ester is very protective of her friends." He is right, of course and I chuckle. The sound comes out as more of a growl and I flick my ear in his direction.

"No. It is I who should apologise. My son, Marcus, must learn some respect. He cannot go around threatening to attack other pack members. Especially those who have friends who could easily crush him like a bug." I can't help but snort in amusement and I grin. "More like a cockroach," I think.

Both Lucas and Yale laugh and Marcus's head snaps to Yale, breaking eye contact. "How dare you laugh, you filthy little leech." My anger rises again and my body shakes as I fight to control myself. "Ester, don't. I invited them here. The last thing I need is for you to start fighting with potential allies," Mark urges over our link. For a moment, I think about listening to him for once, until Marcus growls a single word under his breath. "Disgusting."

The rage I was suppressing suddenly boils over and I growl, taking a step forward to challenge him again. "Ester! No!" Mark yells into my mind, but I ignore him. My only response is a flick of my ear and I hear him growl in frustration.

"You really should listen to him, Ester. The information this boy has makes him very dangerous, even more than he knows. You have to use your brain, not your anger. You must scare him enough that he backs down."

Well, it's easy enough to scare him. I can just beat him within an inch of his life. "Ester..." Taini begins, but Marcus starts speaking again. "Are you challenging me, little mutt? I'm not sure you are strong enough to fight me." My anger rises again and I growl, causing Marcus to laugh. "You think you can fight. Hah. You couldn't even protect your parents from Lord Garbaroth's assassin."

My anger instantly vanishes to be replaced by pain. Pain of the memory of my parents. The night they died and how I failed to save them from the lycan, Valentine. I try my hardest to hide the pain from my pack but I must have failed miserably because a chorus of growls erupt from behind me. I hear Mark's growl join the others and Marcus smirks. Closing my eyes, I do my best to control my temper.

I hear Marcus's father’s voice again. "Son. You will not..." He is cut of and I suddenly realise I am no longer standing outside the school. My eyes slowly creek open and I look around. I'm in human form in a clearing surrounded by trees. The trees and ground around me are white, as if covered in snow, but it hasn't snowed here in a while so how is it possible?

Not far from me, a woman stands watching me. Her hands are clasped and resting on her stomach and she is wearing a white robe which reaches her knees. Confusion fills my head as I look around. How on earth did I get here?

The woman, Taini I presume, smiles at me. "You have not moved. We are inside a small corner of your mind I have set up so I can talk to you face to face. I didn't want you to hear what the young alpha had to say. He is trying to make you angry." I stare at her for a moment. Ok, so either I am insane or the voice in my head is someone reaching out to me. Weird.

"Taini, I presume. Who are you? Why are you reaching out to me and how did you create this place?" She only smiles at me again, her eyes glittering. "So many questions, child. The werewolf, Marcus, is a spy for Garbaroth, the dragon king. I saw the situation unfold and decided I would intervene. Now is the perfect time for you to learn."

I only stare at her. Well, I know Marcus is a spy for Garbaroth for the pure and simple fact that he referred to him as "lord". Only his followers would call him that. But what is this about me learning? What am I supposed to learn?  Taini continues. "He was sent here by Garbaroth to learn. Learn your strengths and weaknesses so Garbaroth can launch an attack and take you by force."

I continue to stare at her, a shocked expression lining my face. Why is that over-grown lizard determined to get me? Taini only gives me a sad look. "I'm afraid I know very little about this situation." I frown at her. I thought she said she sees everything? Isn't that what she said?

The smile returns to her face. "I said very little escapes my sight. I'm afraid this is just something I do not know. What I can tell you is that Marcus has all the answers you need, and more. You have to find a way to scare him into giving them to you."

I stare at her stupidly. Firstly, I doubt he will be willing to give me any information regarding his master. Secondly, I'm not the right person to be asking questions. I mean, if I can't almost kill him, how am I supposed to scare him? I only kill, or save some humans life who got in the way, so how am I supposed to get answers from and insane werewolf who worships a dragon king?

"Marcus does not worship Garbaroth. He only threw in with his side because he believes Garbaroth is stronger. Sort of "being on the winning side counts" point of view. Because he believes Garbaroth's power is uncontested, he is on his side. If you were to show him you are stronger, he would be on your side and give you any and all information you need."

My brain starts working. How do I show Marcus that I am more powerful? I mean sure, I can turn into two forms while Garbaroth is grounded in one, but he has the ability to control the elements; fire, water, earth and wind. They can make a guy very powerful.

I don’t bother speaking out loud, since Taini seems to be able to read my thoughts. "Don't dismiss your powers just yet. You have a lot to learn before you reach the height of your powers. I can help you learn, but you have to trust me."

I nod my head at her, doubt gnawing at me. I push it away and focus on Taini. "First, picture an animal in your head; something big and scary." The perfect animal comes to my mind and I smile. I have seen the mangled corpses from grizzly bear attacks and totally believe that, next to shifters, they are the scariest creatures alive. Well, that's my opinion anyway.

"Now with that image in your head, imagine your body moulding into the shape of that animal. Your muscles changing, limbs and fur." I close my eyes and focus on my body. Focus on moulding my bones into the shape I want. Sound slowly returns to my ears as my mind returns to my body. I hear voices but I tune it out.

Instead, I continue to focus. I feel myself...grow. It's the only way I can describe it. My muscles bulge and expand, making me feel like I just overloaded on steroids (not that I know what that feels like).

After a few seconds, I force my eyes open look down. Way, way down. I am standing taller than I would in my lycan form. Cool. Pale faces stare up at me, their eyes wide with shock and fear and a gasp escapes from everyone’s lips. I spare a fleeting moment to look down at my new body before my eyes zone in on Marcus.

I narrow my eyes and bare my teeth, lunging forward to attack. A single though trickles through my mind and in any other situation, I would laugh. Wow. I'm huge.

Yeah updated finally. Sorry for the late update. I know this is kinda weird but all will be explained in the next chapter. :D

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