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OKAY, so, I really need rant about something and I'm doing it here because it's the one social media I have where this person cannot find me, and it has something to do with Wattpad. I'll be deleting this later because I don't want to have this around for forever (ha) because it gets in the way of the story.

Okay, so, I guy who's been consistently rude to me and just an all around awful person towards me and my friends has struck yet again. I won't get into it, but suffice to say he's a creep.

So anyways, he just made a Wattpad account (found out through a friend) and they told me I should read it.


Now, originally, this wouldn't seem too bad, right? Perhaps a little tasteless, but nothing to be too upset over or angry about. But that's not it. The dog was named after my best friend's service dog, whom Marcos also knew. And he had a history of acting inappropriate around said service dog.

And idk, maybe I'm over reacting because of stress I've been under at school w/ finals and everything recently, but I just can't help feeling disgusted. It's clear he based the dog being murdered off of a mutual friend's (one of my best friends in the whole world who I deeply love) service animal after behaving inappropriately for how someone should behave around a service dog.

I'm just frustrated. Okay y'all, I'm gonna go to bed and I'll probably delete this in two days or less but if anyone does read this, thank you so much. I just really needed to get this off my chest and Wattpad was the only place to do so

I just wanted to say I'm so incredibly thankful and lucky to have amazing readers and amazing friends on this site who put up with my bullshit. I promise I'll get another chapter out by 2019. Thanks again and I love all of you!

Hazy Love: A Treebros FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora