Chapter 7: Finding Common Ground

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A/N: Mentions of a Panic Attack, Mentions of a Suicide Attempt, Sad Boys, and Adorable Boys


Evan was sure he hadn't heard Connor correctly. He was POSITIVE he hadn't.

"I-I'm sorry, w-what did you say?" Evan stuttered, utterly bewildered. Connor rolled his eyes. This kid...

"Seriously? I asked if you wanted to be my friend. You could've just said 'no', I get it. I'm a freak, a stoner, a 'school shooter'. Don't play dumb, Hansen. Why do you think I'm HERE? I don't have anything to be proud of. And when I do try to do anything right, it fails. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I get it. I DESERVE to disappear." Connor shouted, tears brimming his eyes. Evan watched Connor, speechless.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, reaching a trembling hand towards Connor.

"DON'T-" Connor jerked to the side, hissing in the pain brought on by his sudden movement. Evan flinched, retracting his hand. "Son of a-" Connor's eyes widened, his cold hand suddenly engulfed in warmth. Connor looked down, blushing a light pink as he saw a hand holding his. He looked at Evan, who was looking back with tears in his eyes.

"I-I'm j-just surprised... it has n-nothing to d-do with you... I-I just d-don't understand? W-why me?  N-no one's ever w-wanted to be my f-friend... I-I'm n-not sure you'd w-want to, um, b-be my friend..." Tears were now flowing freely down Evan's reddened cheeks, his grip on Connor's hand tightening as his breathing quickened. He was sure Connor was going to hate him.

"Evan, look at me." Evan slowly looked up,  meeting Connor's eyes yet again. "Let's just, breath, okay?  In for 5, hold for 7, out for 5." Connor started breathing, Evan following his example. Soon, Evan had calmed down enough to speak. He smiled a watery, embarrassed smile.

"S-sorry... I, um, I kinda have anxiety...? U-um,-"

"You don't have to be sorry. You can't help it, Hansen. It's fine." Evan was grateful, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"U-Um, and, Connor?" Evan said, having a sudden burst of confidence.


"I'd l-like to b-be your f-friend."


The week had finally passed, and Connor was scheduled to be released. Since the attempt, Evan hadn't seen anyone but doctors and himself come into Connor's room, and though Connor said he didn't care, Evan could tell that he did.

Evan and Connor had grown relatively close over the week, Evan spending all available time with Connor, as both felt better in the other's presence. Evan hadn't let his mother know WHO he was seeing, only telling her that he was visiting "a friend". Heidi was overjoyed, of course, and decided not to press her son for too many details.

The day came for Connor to go home, a day he was, to be honest, dreading. Evan and Connor walked out of the elevator and into the parking garage, where Connor was quickly able to locate the small car he and Zoe shared. Connor slide into the driver's seat, inhaling deeply, comforted slightly by the familiar smell of the car. Evan joined him in the passenger seat, remembering the day he had found out Connor had tried to kill himself. The thought made him want to cry; he and Connor were so close now, he couldn't imagine a universe without him.

Connor drove, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, softly singing along to 'This is Gospel' by Panic! At The Disco. He stopped, blushing when he noticed Evan staring at him, slack-jawed. He blushed lightly, avoiding Evan's eyes, paying WAY to much attention to the road.

"T-that was r-really, um, pretty... I l-love that s-song..." It was Connor's turn to stare at Evan. He wouldn't have taken Evan as the kind of person to listen to P!ATD. That, and the fact that Evan had actually LIKED his singing.

"Really, well, now it's your turn." Connor nodded his head towards the radio, which had now turned to 'Perfect' by P!nk.

"Do you know this song?" Connor asked, glancing at Evan, who was as red as a tomato yet again. Connor couldn't help but smile, Evan was adorable when he was flustered.

What? Where did THAT come from?! Connor's thoughts were interrupted by a soft, but clear and angelic voice singing along to the song on the radio. Connor took his attention from the road, watching Evan. Evan was staring out of the window, slightly tapping his fingers on the glass, singing softly while still blushing madly. Connor also blushed, hypnotized by Evan's voice. He didn't interrupt, choosing to focus on the road, allowing himself to lose himself in Evan's vocals, feeling at peace for once in his life.

It quickly ended as they approached the driveway of his house.


A/N: We better pray Larry isn't too much of an absolute asshole now. Also, check out the songs above, they're two of my favorite non-musical songs lol. ANYWAYS, hope you guys enjoyed, let me know by leaving a comment or a vote! TYSM, see ya in the next chapter!! <3

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