Chapter 2: A Chance Encounter

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A/N: Language!

"What are you, an acorn?" Jared Kleinman snickered, watching Evan Hansen grow red with embarrassment. Evan just stood there, taking the insults. He was trying to regulate his breathing, not wanting to have a panic attack in the middle of the hallway... again.

"I-It's not th-that... I uh-" Evan tried to explain, but he was interrupted by Jared. He could never get a sentence in with normal people, but Jared was definitely NOT a normal person.

"Loving the new hair length, Connor. Very school-shooter chic." Evan turned suddenly, and was greeted by an alarming presence. Connor Murphy stood at at nearly six feet, and was intimidating to be around. Evan crinkled his nose, Connor smelling like... something? Evan couldn't place it.

Connor glared at Jared, deadpan. Jared's douche-y exterior melted for a millisecond, his eyes reflecting fear. Evan was holding his breath, praying for Jared to just drop it. But, his prayers were futile. Jared was soon back to his trademark smirk and asshole attitude.

"It was a joke, Hot Topic. Calm your nipples." Jared spat, sarcastic. Connor's eyes flashed rage, before he returned to his deadpan expression.

"Yeah, no, I'm laughing." Connor deadpanned, before his anger came back. "What, am I not laughing hard enough for you??"

"Jeez, you're such a freak." Jared murmured.

The whole time, Evan zoned out, too nervous to pay to much attention to the situation unfolding in front of him. He was observing Connor absentmindedly, noticing the little things about him. Looking at Connor, he noticed some things he had never seen before. He noticed his left eye was a deep blue, with a splash of brown at the bottom left of the iris. He had his nails painted black, with the polish slightly chipped in some places. His eyes were also slightly glassy and bloodshot.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Connor scowled, snapping Evan out of his daydream. Connor stared at Evan, almost as if he were trying to figure him out. Evan blushed deep red, before slightly chuckling , a nervous habit of his. He instantly regretted it. Connor's eyes stayed neutral for a moment before blazing with anger.

"Why are you laughing, do you think I'm a freak??" Connor's voice was raised and angry. Evan looked around nervously, avoiding eye contact. He realized that Jared was no longer in the hallway. Hecking Spruce.

Evan looked back towards Connor, who was now right in his face. Evan looked directly into his eyes, fearful of what Connor would do.

"I'M not the freak, YOU'RE the fucking freak!" After the last word, Connor moved forward, forcefully shoving Evan, who yelped before losing balance and falling to the ground. He looked up in time to see Connor stare at him a moment, their eyes meeting. Suddenly, Connor turned on his heel, running away, leaving the smaller teen to his thoughts.

What the ever-loving pine had just happened??


A/N: Uh oh. I wonder where Connor is running off to...

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