Chapter 3: Connor in the Bathroom

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A/N: WARNING! SAD SHIT! Language, Panic Attack, Mentions of Abuse and Self-harm. Oh, and massive feels!


Connor was panicking . He could feel his high wearing off, and he didn't want to have to deal with himself. He didn't want to face his shitty problems. Why did he shove Evan?? It was KLEINMAN he had an issue with, not Evan. Connor took one look at the confusion, fear, and sadness in Evan's blue eyes, and he had taken off. He was such a coward...

Connor's thoughts swirled, his legs carrying him to the second floor men's room. He swung open a stall door, his hands trembling as he locked it behind him. He had tears clouding his eyes as he sunk to the dirty tile floor of the bathroom. His breathing was uneven, and he felt so hot. Why was everything so hot?! He pulled his legs to his chest, sobbing into his knees, his mind in total disarray. He scratched at his arms, leaving red marks trailing down to his wrists, which were covered in red slashes of their own.

Connor had been like this for years now. He never got any better. He had tried, and there were moments when it seemed like maybe, just maybe, he could be okay again. But it never stuck. He would always end up falling back to weed. It made him feel as close to relaxed as he could get. It was his only escape. Connor had no friends, no family that cared. His father was an asshole who didn't give a shit about Connor, his own mother had just given up, accepting that she couldn't fix him. And Zoe...

God, Connor had fucked up that one. He had done so much to her, it was no wonder she hated him. There were times, so many times, that Connor had done her wrong. He would sometimes come home, high, and beat on her door, threatening to kill her. He would cuss her out, and had even hit her. She was his baby sister. He was supposed to protect her, but instead, he was the one who harmed her.

He would be doing everyone, EVERYONE, a favor if he just...

Let go.


It was the end of the day, and Evan had not seen Connor since he had shoved Evan into the lockers. Now, Evan sat in the computer lab, working on his letter to himself. He couldn't focus. He was too confused. He had to know what happened to Connor. He didn't understand why he cared, but he had to make things right. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, abandoning his letter, choosing instead to pursue Connor.

He exited the computer lab, speed-walking towards the double doors marking his exit. He suddenly collided with another body, and he panicked, looking for the person he had ran into, praying they wouldn't be mad.

Zoe Murphy was on the floor, oh god, Evan had just collided with his long time crush oh god she would hate him.

He rushed to help her, tears brimming his eyes. He couldn't do anything right. There went any chance he had with Zoe...

"O-oh god, I-I'm s-so sorry, I.. I didn't m-mean..." Zoe looked up, her gaze seeming pained. This shut down Evan's rambling. She shook her head, and Evan just used his good arm to pull her up.

"Thank you, it's... not a big deal. Don't worry about it." Zoe rubbed her head, wincing slightly from the impact. Evan just stared, dumbfounded that Zoe hadn't yelled at him. She began to walk away, snapping Evan out of his trance, remembering something.

"Z-Zoe, d-do you know, um, w-where Connor is...?" Evan stuttered out, Zoe's face falling slightly at the mention of her brother before her expression hardened again. She looked up and met Evan's eyes, her expression now cold.

"Yeah... he's in the hospital."


A/N: wHOOPS. The next chapter will likely be out today, as I'm stuck in my house thanks to fricking Hurricane Harvey. ANY WAYS, SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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