Chapter 11: Lulu's and A La Mode

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A/N: Okay, so, this chapter is kinda filler, but it's full of cute fluff! Hope you guys enjoy, because shit is about to go down in the next chapter. Anyways, love ya guys and see you at the end of the chapter!! XOXO


Connor woke up, incredibly sore. He was hazy, and he began to worry he had gotten high again. He sat up quickly, only to feel the constriction of limbs wrapped around is body. He looked to the side, jumping when he saw Evan Hansen spooning into his side. The smaller boy's mouth was open slightly as his chest gently rose and fell. Connor smiled at Evan, relishing in how cute he looked. He kissed Evan's lips lightly before carefully prying himself from the other boy's grasp.

Connor stood up, stretching. He sleepily rubbed his eyes, pulling his phone out of his pocket lazily, checking the time.

11:42. Shit.

Connor panicked, watching Evan. It would take at least an hour for them to get back to the Murphy household, and he knew Larry would be an ass about everything. He also didn't want to wake Evan, who looked so peaceful, but they also needed to eat at some point. Connor's stomach rumbled at the thought of food. He quickly made his decision, picking up the sleeping boy bridal style, making his way to the Orchard's gate.


The two drove in peacefully, Evan now fully awake, chattering to Connor. He had woken Evan up to get over the gate. The smaller boy had damn near had a panic attack, but he was reassured by Connor. Luckily, this time had gone without incident. Connor cringed at the memory. They continued the ride, the only background noise that of Evan's cute tree ramblings.  Connor wished the moment would last for forever.

Eventually, Connor pulled into a small plaza, parking in front of a small, seemingly older building. The sign read "Lulu's Pies", with a smaller sign beneath reading "A La Mode". Connor started to open the car door, but he suddenly stopped when he heard a small whimper come from his right.

Connor looked over, seeing Evan looking absolutely petrified, staring at the small building with wide eyes, his breathing heavy and unsteady. Connor mentally face-palmed, of COURSE Evan would be nervous. He hadn't had his medication for almost 24 hours, and even then Evan couldn't stand interaction. He had witnessed this first-hand, multiple times. He cringed at the memory of when Evan had to tell a nurse the Connor needed meds. THAT had been a disaster...

Connor quickly made his way to the passenger side door, opening it, bending so that he was eye-level with the shivering boy. Evan sniffed, tears flowing down his face. He didn't want to have to order food, and on top of it all he was embarrassed that he was so pathetic as to start having a panic attack at even the thought of ordering food. He was 17, he should be able to order some HECKING. FOOD. He just cried, turning away from Connor, not wanting the other boy to see him like this. He felt so utterly stupid.

Connor watched Evan, feeling helpless. He took a breath, and leaned in towards Evan, grabbing both of the smaller boy's hands in his own. He whispered encouraging words into Evan's ear, rubbing circles along Evan's back, just letting the boy ride out his panic attack.

"C'mon Ev, we both need to eat. It's just a small diner and ice-cream shop, and I'll order for you, okay? You won't have to do anything." Evan sniffled, looking at Connor, nodding hesitantly. Connor smiled at Evan lovingly, giving him a tight hug before leading him out of the car. Evan stayed close to his boy, gripping Connor's hand firmly.

Connor pushed open the door to the small diner, the bell above it giving a ding to acknowledge their entrance. The small woman at the register looked up, immediately smiling at Connor, rushing over.

"JENNA, BECKY! COME SEE WHO FINALLY CAME TO SEE US!" Connor smiled anxiously, Evan backing away as the smaller woman engulfed Connor in a hug. Connor was momentarily stunned, but he eventually, halfheartedly, hugged her back. Evan averted his eyes, blushing, slightly (very) jealous. The small girl pulled away from Connor, turning her attention towards Evan.

"Who's this cutie-pie, Con?" Evan, blushing, looked up quickly, noting the girl's Southern accent. She had approached him, examining him closely. Connor calmly pulled the young waitress away from Evan, slightly annoyed.

"Dawn, this is Evan, my... friend." Connor awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, blushing lightly.

"Just a 'friend', hm?" Connor looked up, seeing to woman approaching them. One was a bigger woman; her hair was done up in a messy bun. The other was skinny, smiling tiredly at Connor as she balanced a pie in one hand, and a babbling young girl in the other. The small child looked up at Evan, giggling lightly, and Evan couldn't help but smile, making silly faces at the young girl; she shrieked in delight, clapping her hands. Connor knew EXACTLY which of the two woman had made the snide remark, and he rolled his eyes, blushing slightly.

"Ha ha Becky, really funny. Evan's just my friend" He trudged over to Becky, awkwardly wrapping his arms around her. She squeezed back too tight, but let go after a second. She placed her hands on her hips, raising her eyebrows at Connor. 'Oh god.' Connor thought, 'SHE KNOWS.'

The other woman approached Evan, who shrunk slightly, pulling his arms to his chest anxiously. She gave Evan a small smiled, before carefully placing the pie in her right hand onto a nearby table. She extended her hand to Evan, who hesitantly shook it. She laughed, her accent also a strong Southern drawl.

"Hey Evan, was it? Any who, I'm Jenna. This little gal is Lulu, my daughter, AND the namesake of our little place. Any friend of Connor is a friend of ours. We've practically watched the kid grow up. Not that he ever comes to see us anymore." Jenna playfully stuck her tongue out at Connor, who blushed further in embarrassment .

Evan laughed, blushing at how cute Connor was. He was feeling a bit more comfortable, especially with the toddler, Lulu, who was currently reaching towards Evan, laughing brightly. Evan continued to coo at the child while Connor conversed lightly with the three woman. Eventually, Dawn cut in with, "Now, what can we get y'all two to eat today?"


Connor and Evan sat at a small booth, telling jokes and making light conversation as they licked their respective ice-cream cones. Connor looked at Evan, noticing some Rocky Road that had somehow wound up on the smaller boy's nose. He giggled, and Evan looked at him, confused

"W-what's wrong? I-is there s-something on m-my face?" Connor laughed, nodding. Evan blushed lightly, grabbing a napkin and wiping his mouth. "S-still there?" Connor smiled, leaning towards Evan, extending a hand, wiping the ice-cream from the other boy's nose. Evan blushed yet again, looking into Connor's eyes.

"Now its not." Connor and Evan were both blushing, Connor, still with his elbows on the table, leaned in, eyes closed, as Evan returned the gesture. Their lips met, and they shared a light kiss.

"I KNEW IT!" They quickly pulled apart, both red as apples, and turned toward the register, where Dawn, as well as Jenna and Becky (with Lulu), watched the two boys. Connor groaned. Of fucking course.


A/N: HOLY SHIT! This is the LONGEST goddamn chapter I've written so far! Okay, so, first off, thank you so much for over 500 reads, you guys are AMAZING!! Sorry for the filler chapter, I wanted to give y'all some nice fluff before I destroy your feels :-). Second of all, in this universe, Lulu's Pies/Joe's Diner and A La Mode are separate facilities, but they share a connected building. Also, the Waitress characters know Connor because of his family coming to the building so many times, so they're almost like mothers to him, despite them only being about 12 years older. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, I love you all, see ya in the next chapter! Bye!

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