Chapter 25: Rehab Arc - Part Two

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A/N: I'm so sorry it's short and not exactly that amazing. I could've probably done better, so I may revisit this and rewrite it but I figured you guys deserved a chapter and I'm fine with it so yeah! I hope y'all enjoy! Thanks so much for 50K+ reads, that's beyond anything I could've hoped for!! I love you guys!!


Connor walked behind Eliza as she talked. He already liked her; she was obviously incredibly sweet. She was the kind of person that could put someone at ease simply by being herself, which seemed appropriate for working with fucked up teens.

"Okay Connor. So later today, you'll be attending a group therapy session. Then we all have lunch! Don't worry though, my youngest sister and I help with cooking, as do some of your peers. So the food won't taste like the crap they serve at schools." Connor cracked a smile at that, but he had to admit to himself that the idea of "group therapy" made him nervous.

"You'll also have an hour of personal therapy with my wife, Maria. She's a therapist for youth. This session will be followed by another 15 minutes session with our psychiatrist, Dr. Madden." Connor nodded. This didn't seem too bad. Maybe because it was hard to be uncomfortable with Eliza around.

"So, um, the website and shi- uh, stuff mentioned that we have a roommates?" Eliza nodded happily.

"Yes. We're heading to your room right now. Also don't worry about the swearing thing. We're pretty lenient with that." Connor sighed, relieved. It would have been hard to not swear at all.

"Anyways, because you are part of the LGBTQ community, we also have a special offer for you. We have an extra group session for LGBTQ teens. This will include Maria and myself, several other staff members, and multiple other teens. What do you think?" Eliza gave Connor such a loving, kind smile that he couldn't help but say -

"Yeah, okay. That sounds... okay?" Eliza clapped, smiling even wider than before.


"Yo Eliza, hey!" A tall, Filipino teenager wearing a red hoodie with multiple patches and glasses jumped up from a bunk bed to engulf Eliza in what seemed to be a crushing hug.

Despite that, Eliza only giggled and returned the hug.

"Hello Michael, it's nice to see you!"

"Huh. Michael... he doesn't seem too bad." Connor thought as he awkwardly shuffled his feet, watching the two interact. Suddenly, he was ripped from his thoughts as Eliza grabbed his hand and placed him in front of Michael. The other teen, Michael, gave Connor a bright smile that seemed WAY too big for a human face.

"Heyo dude! I'm Michael Mell, but you can call me Michael, Micha, Master, whatever floats your boat." Connor nodded, before realizing exactly what Michael had said.

"I, um, I think I'll just stick with Michael..." Michael shrugged, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. Connor coughed lightly, slightly annoyed.

"I'm Connor Murphy. You can call me Connor." Michael laughed, seemingly pretty chill despite Connor's obvious attitude.

"Well, I'll leave you boys to set up and get used used to each other. Michael, could you please show Connor around once he's ready and settled?"

Michael nodded and gave an "okay" sign with his hand.

"Thank you sweetie! Okay Connor, Michael, I've got other stuff to take care of but I'll check on you two boys later. Bye you two!"

Both boys waved, though Connor's wave was definitely much more awkward than Michael's; it was obvious to Connor that he wasn't new.

Michael broke the awkward silence with a laugh, and he turned to Connor, flopping onto the bed.

"Mrs. Eliza is hella nice, so are most of the people here." He chuckled. Connor simply nodded, choosing to focus on unpacking rather than Michael.

"Need any help, uh, Connor, was it?"

"Sure, I guess." In truth, Connor kinda felt bad for Michael. It was clear he was really trying to help Connor feel at home. Michael broke into a goofy grin, jumping up to assist his roommate.


Connor and Michael sat on the bottom bunk, done unpacking Connors stuff. Both boys were laughing and talking, acting like that had been friends for two years as opposed to two hours.

"He said what?!" Connor snorted, listening to Michael ramble about his boyfriend.

"He told me he was "multitasking", dude, it was so fucking awkward. I mean, I wasn't exactly complaining but he could've tried a little harder." Michael's laughs subsided to giggles. After a few more minutes, Michael got up to stretch. He then looked at the clock, and a look of horror crossed his face.

"SHIT, DUDE, WE'RE LATE FOR LUNCH! C'MON, WE'VE GOTTA GO!" Michael grabbed his arm, pulling him quickly out the door.

It was finally time to get started with rehab... after he had some food.

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