Garrence(GarrothxLaurence) The Cassanovas (P1?)

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Laurence looked around, lifting his mic up to be mouth level with him. He put his headphones on, looking through the class at his producers. 

"You ready, everyone?", he said, his voice echoing through the speakers in the other room. They nodded as the brunette looked over at Travis and Dante, signaling to them they were about to start.

The three had sung songs together ever since high school, almost instantly becoming an internet sensation. They took turns writing songs, putting them all into the albums. Laurence was the lead most of the time though since he had the smoothest voice. 

Today, they would be singing a song Laurence wrote called Why did you go. It was more of a sadder song, as it talks about some of the brunette's childhood as an orphan. he had told Travis that the title came from what he would say in his head when he thought of his parents. It had brought them to tears. 

The song began slowly, a piano playing in a minor key with a slight beat. He got close up to the circular microphone, beginning to sing the lyrics.

Travis sang slightly in the background. Surprisingly, he could sing surprisingly high. They always let him have the high harmony. Dante was low, and Laurence was about mid-range. However, that never excused the laughter when Travis would voice crack, blushing from embarrassment as the others started giggling. Once they start laughing, there is no hope to continue.

"Travis!", Dante chuckled, leaning forward while holding his side. 

"You think I meant to do that!? It's hard!"

Laurence shook his head, looking at his two best friends. "You guys are idiots."

The three laughed, looking at the five producers that stood there. The first one to speak was Tianna, one of the stricter ones. 

"Seriously guys. We need to get this recorded.", she sighed. "Oh well, you have a meet up in a few minutes outside the studio. After that, I guess we will try again. No messing around!"

The albino nodded, snickering under his breathe. They took their headsets off, turning off the microphones. They walked out of the soundproof room, and down the hallway.

"Jeez, she can be strict.", The brunette muttered under his breathe. 

"Tell me about it."

Dante sat down in the lounge, grabbing his guitar from the corner. They couldn't go outside, knowing there must be a whole crowd of fans just waiting to go and see them. He grabbed Laurence's ukelele, handing it to him. 

The younger one strummed a chord to the small instrument, smiling at the sound. However, that smile quickly turned into a concerned smirk when he heard a huge crowd of screams all at once. Travis got up, looking around the corner.

"The producers are getting them hyped up."

"Ew.", Dante joked, causing the other two to laugh. 

"Come on guys, it won't be th-"


The three quickly got up, rushing over to the door. As soon as they were at view, everyone started cheering. Occasional screams could be heard, causing them to laugh. 

Garroth jumped a bit in excitement, along with Vylad. Zane stood there, crossing his arms in annoyance. He had been listening to the band since they were just making covers on Youtube. When he had heard about them having a meetup in the state next to him, he had been ecstatic. The fans assembled a line, waiting to meet their idols. 

When it was finally their turn, they walked into the building, looking around. Garroth immediately sprinted to his favorite in the group, Laurence. 

"Hey, bud!", the brunette giggled at the huge smile on the blonde's face. 

"H-Hi! Um- I don't even know what to say-"

"You don't have to say anything. Your excitment is cute."

Garroth's eyes went wide, a blush forming on his face. He knew it was simply a compliment, but it was from someone he's looked up too since high school. 


The brunette snickered slightly as he observed the blonde, taking in all his features. His sunkissed hair, his pale pink lips, and oh my irene, his eyes. 

His eyes were beautiful. They were a unique cyan color, something Laurence had never seen, nor knew he was so attracted too. He had long eyelashes, that would gently kiss his skin when he blinked. The look of so much appreciation and excitement that he got to meet Laurence. Him. A beautiful boy was excited to meet someone like Laurence. It was hard to keep the smile off his face when he looked at the young fan. 

When he finally snapped to his senses, he noticed Garroth was holding something out to him. He grabbed it, observing it. It was a necklace with a music note, along with his name engraved in it. It was a beautiful silver color, with other little chains hanging from it.  It was beautiful. 

"It's for you. My mum makes jewelry, and I wanted to bring something for you-"

"I love it. It's freaking beautiful... thank you."

Laurence leaned closer and hugged Garroth. The blonde didn't hesitate to hug him back. When they separated, Laurence whimpered at the loss of warmth. 

Why did he care so much about this kid?

As if it was by instinct, Laurence looked down at the shorter male. 

"Hey, what's your Instagram? You seem really cool."

Garroth's face went completely blank, his lips parting slightly in surprise. He quickly took out his phone, almost dropping it in the process. He opened the app, pulling up his account and showing it to Laurence. The brunette copied it down, smiling widely. 

"Heh, I'm glad I got to meet you. I look forward to talking to you more.", he smiled. 

Garroth nodded as the producer told Laurence to talk to someone else. The blonde understood, as there was almost thousands of fans outside. Well, it seemed like. He left the building with his family.

"That. Was. AMAZING!", Vylad squealed. "I actually got to meet Dante!"

Zane snickered, looking down a bit. "It was nice. Travis is real sweet."

Garroth began blocking everything out after that. Does Laurence do this with all his fans? Was it just him? Either way, he was happy. Overwhelmingly happy.

This week couldn't have been any better.

(Part 2?)

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