Garrence (GarrothxLaurence)

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{Title: Don't Leave Me}
{Background Info: Laurence doesn't think about his actions. Garroth is really jumpy and nervous, and Laurence takes it personally. He is finally sick of it. }



"I'm sick of it Garroth!", the brunette practically screamed at max volume. 

Garroth was shaking; badly. He didn't know how to react. The only thing Garroth had left was Laurence. His dad didn't love him, his mom doesn't enjoy him, and his brothers could care less if he was there or not. HIs brothers loved Garroth dearly but didn't realize how much their actions were hurting the elder. 

"Stop shaking! Your so scared ALL THE TIME. I don't understand it! You're being an idiot!"

Garroth wanted to die. Right then and there. He tried to stop, just to keep his only source f happiness with him; however, that only made it worse. 


(Flashbacks are Italics)

Garroth felt pain run down his spine as he was thrown against the wall. He looked up at the drunk man. 


Garroth choked on his own saliva, trying not to make a peep. If he responded, he would only get it worse.

Garroth stared blankly at his boyfriend. His heart was cracking every second. 

"I used to f*cking love you Garroth! I DON'T ANYMORE. And to be completely honest, I've been cheating on you. I don't even care!"

And with that statement, Garroth burst out in tears. "W-W-What d-did I d-do to y-you.."

"You became an idiot. You became a freak. "

Garroth sat there, trying to ignore all the words coming from his family's mouths. 

"Eww! Garroth, this food you cooked taste so BAD", Zane practically yelled.

"Garroth, your grades suck! Even I can do better you idiot.", Vylad mentioned to Garroth. 

"Garroth! When you are done, I need you to do all the chores in the house.", his mother demanded. 

Garroth slowly got up and started walking away. He walked head down, with his back arched. 

"Quit walking like that. You look like a freak."

Garroth was about to respond, till Laurence covered his mouth. "I don't CARE. I don't want to hear your HIDEOUS voice!" (*mentally dies inside*)

"Y-You don't...u-understand..."

"I don't want to understand."

"D-Don't leave me..."

"To bad. We are over Garroth."

Garroth's heart completely stops. He only starts shaking more. "L-LAURENCE P-P-PLEASE...."

"I don't want to hear your pitiful explanation! IM OVER YOU.  I FINALLY GOT RID OF YOU."

Laurence stormed away. Garroth fell to his knees crying. He couldn't move from the pain in his chest; heartbreak was the name. He felt so betrayed. How can anyone love someone like himself?

Garroth eventually got up and ran home. 

(This may start getting triggering. If you have any bad thoughts; as in suicidal, please talk to someone. You can even talk to me.)

He burst through the door and tried to avoid his father at all cost.  He ran into his small bedroom and locked the door. He ran to the bathroom that was connected to his bathroom. He opened the drawer and takes out the mint tin that contained tons of razors. 

The blonde male doesn't even hesitate to drag it down his nice smooth skin. 

There is nothing to live for anymore.


Garroth slowly lifts the piece of metal to look at his skin. 

'It'll all be over soon...", is all he said to himself. 

Laurence POV

(a few days later)

I regret everything....I wept and sobbed uncontrollably as I look at what I have caused. I drag my hand slowly down the piece of rock, just begging to hug him and hold him again...

--Garroth Andrew Romeave--

     -Suicide: 1991-2017-


:) sorry. 


okay im done bai xD

~ Aphmau Oneshots ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt