Garrence (GarrothxLaurence)

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(Title: Broken)

(Background Info: Garroth has extremely bad depression. His friends like to playfully tease him, not taking his feelings into concideration. It all finally gets to his head.)

(Enjoy my little nuggets!)


Another day.. Sigh. I got up out of my bed. I threw on an oversized sweatshirt that covered my thighs.

My fat thighs

Yes, I am depressed. Have been for a very long time... there is only one reason I am still here. His name is Laurence.

He made me laugh. He made me smile. Just like no one else seemed to do, or care about.

I smiled a bit thinking of him. I looked into the mirror and sighed. I left my curly locks unbrushed and grabbed my backpack. I went downstairs to see my brothers eating breakfast. I sat down next to them. I looked at the food. I pushed it away. I'm fat enough.

"Are you not going to eat again....?", my father asked me.

"No.", I simply responded.

"Garroth. Just eat! You never do!", he screamed at me.

I shrugged. I put my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my hand. My father just rolled his eyes and just walked out. I sighed. When my brother's finished, we all headed out to school.




Garroth POV

I sat by the rest of my friends. I sat next to Laurence and Aphmau. Travis looked at me and laughed. "Garroth. That oversized sweater makes you look fatter than you already are.". Crack. Aphmau laughed. "That's not nice!"

"It's a joke!"

I sighed. Wait! It's Valentine's Day! (cause I wanna). I pulled the chocolates out of the bag I had bought for Laurence. I pull it out, as I started smiling. I hear Dante laugh.

"Well, look at you getting chocolates for a babe~. I bet Laurence is jealous~"

I go silent and look at Laurence. He pats my head. "My little girlie is growing up~ and no. I am not jealous.". Crack. Katelyn starting laughing among everyone else. "HAHA. HE ACTS LIKE A GIRL TOO!", Katelyn screeched in laugher. I felt something pierced my heart. The fake smile finally faded away. I felt tears finally fill my eyes.

"I could never love him that way. The "babes" can have him"

That's when I finally broke. I burst out into silent tears, while everyone laughed. As usual, no one noticed I was crying. They all just laughed and talked. Fat...Girl....Never love him..... I grabbed the chocolates and slammed them by Laurence. He read the tag. "To : Laurence <3 From: Gar <3". He looked back at me. I was sobbing super hard.

"Never talk to me again..."

And that's when I ran away. I ran out of the building. I didn't want to see face, hear his laugh....

...Or Love him anymore...


It had been awhile since Garroth had came into school. I have been quite worried about him. I hadn't seen him since he ran off around 3 days ago. I was sitting on the fountain, trying to text him.

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