The Loft

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Francis's point of view
Everyone got back to the beach house after a long flight. She's in the shower and I'm putting our stuff away. We got a nice nap in on the flight. I put away all the stuff then went into the bathroom. I took off my shirt then my pants and under wear. I quietly opened the shower curtain. "Oh my god!" She laughed covering up her breasts and privates with her hands. "Mary," I stepped in the shower. "you have a beautiful body. Don't cover it up." I smiled slowly moving her hands away. "Stop." She smiled blushing. "It's nothing I haven't seen before." I smiled "I know but shower sex is weird because everything is so much more visible then under covers." She said "But it's fun." I smiled "It is fun." She smiled "I love you." I looked down at her. "And I love you." She smiled looking up at me. "You seem off." I said "I'm great, I just want to have an amazing two weeks with you." She smiled "Amazing?" I smiled "Amazing." She smiled "What are you going to break up with me at the end of the trip?" I laughed "No, don't joke about that Francis." She said "Mary I'm just kidding, I'm sorry." I said "I know I just don't like to joke about that." She said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I said "It's okay, are you all clean? I wanna go to bed." She said "I'm just going to wash my hair, you go ahead though. Get some rest." I smiled "okay." She smiled, she kissed my cheek then got out. She's acting so weird. Maybe she's just nervous because she doesn't know anyone here. I mean this house is huge and our room in this attic converted into a loft. It's really cute. The whole house is cute. But we will get to spend some good time together. I washed my hair and body then got off. I dried off then brushed my teeth. I fixed my hair and put product in it then put my pajamas on. I went out to the living room area and she was laying on the couch in my sweatpants which were way to big on her and a church t-shirt. I was in joggers and a football t-shirt. "Are those mine or yours?" I smiled "oh their mine." She giggled, I went over and sat on the couch. "Come over here." I smiled, she smiled then laid her head in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. I played with her wet hair. "I'm probably going to fall asleep so watch what you want." She smiled "Okay baby, goodnight." I said "Good night, I love you." She said "I love you too." I whispered, she snuggled closer to me. I pulled a blanket over us so she wouldn't be cold.

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