The Smoothie

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Mary's point of view
I can't believe Francis said that! I mean I get He didn't want his parents to see us making out, I wouldn't want my parents to see that either but that was just such a dickish thing to do. And then he calls me just to further say how he doesn't want me to meet his parents! He tells me that he's falling in love with me, he asks me to be his girlfriend, he wants me to hang out all the time! I don't mind it, I love to hang out with him but I'm just so mad at him! I put on ripped light jeans and a white sweat shirt because it's raining and cold out. I put my hair in a bun and grabbed my back pack. I grabbed a smoothie out of the fridge and went out to my car, crap the doors aren't on. I went in my garage and grabbed the doors, I got them all on but the drivers door wouldn't go on. "Hey, Do you need some help?" Francis asked "No thank you." I said, I finally got the door on. "Mary." He held my hand. "I need to go to school." I said "I can drive you, we can talk." He said "I need to pick up Greer." I said "Oh, can we talk after school?" He asked "Maybe, I don't know." I got in my car. "Mary just please let me explain." He said "I need to go." I said then pulled out of my drive way, he's going to know I'm lying because I just pulled out of the neighborhood. Greer has her own car. I feel like I'm being so mean to him but I'm so mad at him. I don't want to look at him let alone talk to him. Crap I forgot my smoothie. I probably left it sitting on the drive way. I got to school and it was pouring, I got out my umbrella and walked inside. I went to my locker to look for something to eat. I keep snacks in there but there is nothing. "You left this on your drive way." I heard someone say. I turned around and it was Francis. "Thank you." I took it from him. "Did you get my voicemails? Or my texts?" He asked "Yes I got them." I said "Did you listen to them?" He asked "Yes." I said "Mary please, I'm so sorry. If you want to meet my parents I'll have you over tomorrow after the game." He said "Are you serious?" I asked "Did I say something wrong?" He asked "Francis I understand you wouldn't want your parents to catch you sucking on my neck but there is no issue with you simply saying, this is Mary she's my girlfriend, and it just had to look like we were watching a movie! And when I get mad your apology is if I really want to meet them then you guess I can come over for dinner tomorrow!" I said whispering/yelling. "Mary I didn't know what to say, I didn't mean it like that. I'm so sorry." He said "I need to get to class." I said "We have first together, I'll walk with you." He said "I'm going to take the long way." I said "Just let me walk with you please, I need to be with you." He said, how can I say no to him. I want to, every thing is telling me to say no but my heart is telling to just kiss him. "Okay." I said "We can take the short way if you want." He said. "Okay." I said, we took the short way and walked into first. I sat down in my assigned seat and Francis did the same. "Just read your books for today's class." The teacher said. The book Francis and I choose is extremely boring. Greer came in. "Hi, I need Kenna and Mary. Mrs.Colby wants us for a special project, they probably won't be back for the rest of class." She said "Go ahead." He said, I smiled at Kenna and then we grabbed our back packs and walked out. "God I love you." I laughed "Me too." Kenna smiled "Mary I only got you out of here to talk about Francis." Greer said "What's going on with Francis?" Kenna asked "Greer how do you know?" I asked "Because he didn't drive you, you guys weren't making out at your locker, and you didn't post any pictures of you two for the past couple days." Greer said "Come here." I pulled them into the library. We sat down at a table. "What are you girls doing in here?" The librarian asked "Studying." We all said "Just keep it quiet." She said "What happened?" Greer asked "Okay so we were at his house and we were in his room making out and his parents got home but there not supposed to be back for a while and he told me I better go home." I said "After he told you he's falling in love with you?!" Kenna said "Yup." I said "Oh my god." Greer said "Oh but this makes it better, he tells me this morning that if I really want to he will have me over tomorrow after the game to meet them." I said "Oh my god!" Greer said "I know!" I said "What the hell, he seems like he's quite the charmer but he's just being stupid." Kenna said "Yeah your telling me." I said "He really needs to do something to make this up to you." Greer said "I feel awful though, I'm being so mean." I said "No, it's not you. He's the one who did something wrong." Greer said "But he's still so sweet." I said "Don't worry Mary, he's still sweet he is just making a lot of mistakes." Kenna said "I mean it's not even about meeting his parents anymore it's about how he handled it." I said "We get it Mary." Greer said "Can we go to the mall after school? I feel like spending a bunch of money on really cute clothes." I said "Stress shopping is always the way to go." Kenna laughed "Of course Mary, we'll sleepover tonight too if you want. I mean we don't have school tomorrow so we can hang out after school, hang out tomorrow then go to the game." Greer said "I'm not 100% sure I want to go to the game yet." I said "Okay, we don't have to if you don't want to." Kenna said "I love you guys." I said "We love you too." They smiled.

Love at first sight حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن