The Backseat

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Francis's point of view
Mary and I drove back to ours houses in complete silence. I didn't mean to keep it from her I just didn't know how to tell her. She doesn't seem mad she just seems sad. I pulled into our neighbor hood. She was on her phone. "Hey a bunch of people are going to go to the last night of the haunt tonight, do you wanna go?" I asked "Yeah sure." She smiled "Okay." I smiled then but my arm around her. She laid her head on my shoulder. "I think I should just skip school and spend the whole week with you." She giggled "I wouldn't object to that." I smiled pulling in my drive way, Mary's mom was getting her car ready. Mary jumped in the backseat on the floor. "Jesus Mary." I laughed "I am not here." She said "Um okay." I laughed, Marie walked over to my car smiling. I rolled down my window. "Hi." I smiled "It's so nice to see you." She smiled "Same here." I smiled "have you seen my daughter any where?" She asked "No I'm sorry, I went camping with her this weekend but she drove back with Kenna." I said, I couldn't say she drove back by herself because her car was right there. So saying Kenna went was the best lie. "Oh okay, I was just hoping to see her before I left." She said, I would feel bad if I didn't know how much pain she put Mary through by leaving. I wouldn't want to see her either if she was my mom. "I'm sorry, when I see her I'll tell her you asked for her." I said "Thank you Francis." She said "It really was nice to see you." I smiled "You too, bye bye now." She smiled "Bye." I said, I rolled up my window. "She's gone." I said "Has she pulled out yet?" She asked "Nope." I said, she let out a deep breath. "I will start unpacking, I will come get you when she's gone." I said "Thank you, I love you." She said "I love you too." I smiled down at her. "Thank you for doing this, I just can't look at her." She said "Of course." I smiled. I got out and started putting all the camping stuff in my garage. Mary's mom was watching me from her car. Oh my god. I grabbed both of our bags and walked inside. I put them on my bed then went back down stairs. Marie's car was gone and I went to the back seat and opened it up. "She's gone." I said "Thank god." She said, she got out and hugged me. "Do you need anymore help taking car of stuff?" She asked "No it's okay, if you wanna go get ready we can leave at 7:30." I said "Sure?" She asked "Yep." I smiled "Okay I'll see you soon." She smiled then kissed me, she let go of my hand and went upstairs. I locked my truck then went upstairs. I put on adidas pants and tennis shoes with a sweatshirt. I fixed my hair and put cologne on. I walked over to Mary's house and opened the door. Max immediately ran to me. "Hey buddy." I smiled patting his head. It didn't seem like her dad was home because all I heard was Mary's music and her singing along. She's bad at singing but it's cute. I went up to her room. She was sitting on her phone on her bed. I went up behind her and picked her up. "You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled "Sorry." I laughed "I hate you so much." She laughed "Well your going to be very scared tonight then." I smiled "Yeah but I will just make you go first." She laughed "Oh okay." I laughed. "Hold on I just need to quick change." She said "Okay." I said, she got off the bed and put on dark jeans with white vans, a white shirt with a brownish/tanish furry jacket, her hair was half up half down. "Ready?" I smiled "Yup." She smiled, she held my hand and we went down to her new car. "Your going to drive it?" I smiled "Yes and it's going to be fine because I'm not going to crash." She said "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" I laughed "Oh stop." She smiled, we got in the car. "Okay so we're picking up Kenna and Alex then we can go." She said "Okay." I said, we picked them up. Kenna's boyfriend is kind of a dick but whatever. We drove to the amusement park. We got out and paid for our tickets and all that. Once we got in Mary held my hand out of fright. "Okay lets go to that haunted house." Kenna smiled "Let's go." I smiled "I hate you for this." She smiled and wrapped her hands around my waist. I put my arm around her and smiled. We were almost in. "Okay so your going to hold me just like this." She said and got in front of me and wrapped my arm around her. "Okay." I smiled then kissed her ear. We walked in and this guy jumped out. Mary started screaming and grabbed my arms.

Love at first sight Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum