The Crabs

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Mary's point of view
I pulled up to the house and it was absolutely huge. I parked next to Francis and got out. "Do you like it?" He smiled "No I absolutely hate the mansion, Francis." I smiled "I knew you would." He smiled then kissed me. "I think we should go get unpacked then go down to the beach make a little fire and watch the sun go down." I smiled "I think so too." He smiled "I brought that big sweater of your that I love." I smiled "So you can steal it?" He laughed "Borrow and look really cute in." I giggled "whatever you say." He smiled "Mhm." I giggled "Here I'll carry your luggage up." He said "Such a gentleman." I smiled, he smiled and winked at me. He picked up my luggage then his. I picked up my back pack and his duffel bag. I went inside and it was so nice. It was so sleek and modern. I can't imagine how much that cost. Even the outside looked like a Apple store. I followed Francis up to the master bedroom. It was really nice, not really my taste because it was dark colors. But it was still really nice I'm not complaining. I put down my bags on the floor and jumped on the bed. "Tired?" He smiled "Very." I giggled, he grabbed a fur blanket of a chair and come over and laid it on me. "Come here." I giggled, he got in bed with me. "So I'm thinking that we go watch the sun set then come back here up here and watch a movie and whatever it leads to I wouldn't object." He smiled then kissed me. "Okay I like that idea." I giggled "And we can watch a horror movie just so you'll snuggle up next to me." He smiled "I will cuddle with you whether I'm scared shitless from a movie or not." I giggled "Okay baby." He smiled "I can't get a good night sleep with our you in my bed." I giggled "That's so sweet." He laughed "Your just going to make fun of me now." I said "No baby I promise I won't." He said "Promise?" I asked "Promise." He smiled then kissed me. "And you have nothing to be embarrassed about, I can't sleep with out you either." He said "Let's go out to the beach." I smiled "Okay." He smiled, I put on shorts and Francis's sweater which was practically like a dress on me. He put on a sweatshirt and shorts. "Come on." I smiled, I held his hand and led him downstairs. We went out through the patio  out to the beach. Francis lit the fire then sat down on a lawn chair. I sat on his lap and laid my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me. "I love you." He said "I love you too." I smiled "I don't know how I ever got the prettiest girl in school do go out with me." He smiled "You stalked me for nine periods." I giggled "It's not my fault we had a lot of classes together." He smiled "Some other football player might sweep me off my feet this year." I giggled "I'll kick his ass." He smiled "That's so hot." I giggled "look." He pointed out the horizon. We sat there on the chair cuddling until it was dark. "Can we go inside? Crabs are going to come out." I said, he picked me up bridal style. "The crabs can get me." He smiled standing up. "My big strong boyfriend." I giggled, he smiled then walked inside with me still in his arms. He set me down. "I'm going to go upstairs, can you make some popcorn?" I asked "Sure." He smiled "Okay." I smiled, I kissed his cheek then went upstairs. I took off my shorts then walked over to the bed and got in. I turned on the tv but I couldn't find anything I wanted to watch. He came up a few minutes later with popcorn. "Hello." I smiled "Hello." He smiled, he put down the popcorn on the bed then took his shorts and shirt off and put pajama pants on then crawled in bed shirtless. He immediately put his arm around me. "Okay so we could watch this one." He said "Is it really scary?" I asked "Not really." He said "It better not be." I laughed "Oh calm down." He smiled then started the movie.

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