The Car

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Francis's point of view
I can't believe I finally had the strength to tell Mary I love her. We're going camping today and I'm so excited. I really think we might go all the way this weekend. I brought condoms just incase but I don't want to pressure her. Mary's alarm went off and she rolled her eyes and shut it off then laid her body on top of me. "Baby you can sleep in the car." I said "I want to sleep in my bed." She pouted "I know you do, but we will be there in two hours and you can sleep there." I said "Ugh." She rolled off me "Sleep in the car." I said "I almost forgot." She said "Forgot what?" I asked "Good morning Francis." She kissed me "I love you." She smiled "Good morning babe." I kissed her "I love you too." I smiled "It might not seem like it because I'm sleep deprived but I'm very excited to go away with you this weekend." She smiled "I'm very excited too." I smiled then kissed her. "Come on, we need to go." She said pulling me out of bed. "I'm not changing, I'm just wearing this to drive." I said "Francis no one is telling you to change." She smiled, she went in the bathroom and came out like five minutes later, but she didn't fix her hair or anything. "What did you do?" I asked "Lady things." She said "Lady things?" I asked "Francis did you pass 6th grade health?" She laughed "Ohhh, your um your thing." I said "You won't get cursed if you say period Francis." She smiled "Really? That's what my friends in sixth grade told me." I smiled "Come on, Leith is parked out front." She said "Okay let's go." I said, I picked up both of our bags. "Francis this isn't my only bag." She smiled pointing at another three bags. "Are you kidding me?" I laughed "I would rather over pack than under pack and not have something I need." She said "Oh my goodness Mary." I smiled "Chop chop, your the boyfriend." She smiled then walked out the door, I picked up all four bags and brought them out to the car. "Francis I thought we told you not to pack any dresses." Leith laughed "I couldn't help myself." I smiled, I got in the back seat of the suv with Mary. "Oh my god Mary did you see this?" Kenna asked "No, What is it?" Mary asked "Lola did I live of herself in a bra and underwear." Kenna said "Oh my god no she didn't." Mary said "Wait who's Lola?" I asked "Are you serious?" Kenna asked "Why wouldn't I be serious?" I said "Francis Lola is a girl who left our school in 8th grade because she emailed a nude photo of herself, on her school computer, to everyone." Mary said "Jesus Christ." I said "I shorter words she's a hoe." Kenna said "Well what school does she go to now?" I asked "Cyber school." Bash said "You know her too?" I asked "That chick is crazy." He said "She is." Mary said "Oh god." I said "You don't ever want to meet her." Mary said "Or her best friend, Olivia, she's awful too." Kenna said "Wait does she go to cyber school too?" I asked "Yep." Mary said "These girls sound like dicks." I said "Yeah they are." Kenna said
Two hours later
"Mary babe wake up." I shook her gently, she lifted her head off my shoulder. "Mhm are we here?" She asked "Yeah we are." I kissed the top of her head, she smiled then wrapped her hands around my waist, I put my arm around her. "Francis which house is yours?" Leith asked "The last one on this road." I said, he went down the road and pulled in. Mary was sleeping again. I picked her up bridal style and got out of the car. "I'll be right back to help with the bags, someone is a little tired." I laughed then took Mary up to the huge master bedroom I wanted us to have. I set her in the king size bed and pulled the covers over her. I went back down stairs and got the bags. "You guys can take whatever rooms you want." I said "Okay cool." Bash said, swung mine over my neck and held Mary's. I went back up to our room. I figured I could use a nap after a long car ride too. I climbed in bed with her and she immediately felt my skin against hers and shifted her position to welcome me to the bed, she put her head on my chest along with one hand and cuddled close to me. I was drifting to sleep when Leith came in. "Leith What the hell!" I said "You said to take any room!" He said "I know but if the door is closed and there is three open rooms downstairs maybe go in those." I said "Okay, my bad." He laughed then closed the door. That must have woken Mary up because she started sprinkling kisses on my jaw. "Your finally awake." I smiled "Yes I am." She smiled "Would you like to stay in bed or  do something?" I smiled "What would you like to do?" She asked "I would like to make out with you." I smiled "Francis!" She giggled "Okay if we can't do that, we can go out on the sea doo's." I smiled "Oh my god that will be so much fun." She said then tried to get off me, I pulled her back. "Just wait a few more minutes." I smiled "You can have me all you want tonight, now let's go." She smiled then pulled me up off the bed. "Ah come on." I smiled "I'm going to change, I'll be back in five minutes and you better be ready." She giggled "okay" I smiled, I changed into my bathing suit and Mary came back out wearing a really, really hot bathing suit. "Come on." She grabbed my hand then we went out to the sea doos. We put on life jackets. "You can ride with me if you want." I smiled "I know how to drive a sea doo thank you very much." She giggled then got on a sea doo and started riding away, I quickly went after her and we spent the rest of the day playing around.

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