The Butter

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Francis's point of view
When I woke up Mary was laying with her back to me, my head was buried in her warm neck. She smells so good. My arms were wrapped around her waist. Her arms her on top of mine wrapping us in a third layer. I feel absolutely awful about what's going on with her parents. I wouldn't want to be in my house if my family was like that either. I mean I seriously think something is wrong with Mary's mom, she has never behaved like this. She acting crazy, I almost think she's bipolar. I don't know why if she wanders happy in the marriage she just got out and didn't have affair for years. And her parents are christen so they don't even believe in divorce. Mary's poor father, he has stayed with her for so long knowing she was having an affair. I mean if Mary and I got married and she cheated on me, which she never would, I could never forgive her. And same the other way, I would never expect her to forgive me. Which I would never cheat on her either. I'm happy to have her stay here for as long as she wants, I like having her in my bed every night. We have already discussed that we want to live together off campus in college after freshman year, even then she can sleep in my dorm room and I can sleep in hers. I kissed right behind her ear to wake her up, she started wrestling around in my arms and I kissed her ear again, she started giggling. "Good morning." I smiled, she turned around and faced me. "Good morning" She smiled then kissed me. "I think you should just move in here." I smiled "Well Maybe I will as a present." She giggled "A present for what?" I smiled "Your birthday silly." She smiled then kissed me again. "You don't need to make a big deal out of my birthday." I smiled, she straddled me. "Happy birthday." She smiled "Thank you." I smiled "I am going to make your birthday special, so we're going to go get a couple massage." She smiled, I put my hands on her ass. "I can give you a better massage right here right now." I smiled "Yeah well I spent a lot of money on this so your going to go have a spa day with me." She giggled "I would rather just lay on the couch with you." I smiled "Are you afraid of getting a face mask in your hair." She smiled stroking my cheek. "Your beautiful." I smiled "Why thank you." She giggled "Why don't we cancel the massage and we can go see a movie." I smiled "Fine, I will even see a horror movie because it's your birthday." She smiled "And Do you promise that when you get scared your going to cuddle next to me and put your head on my shoulder?" I smiled "I guess so." She giggled, we got ready and drove to the movies. I purposely picked a scary movie. We got food and I took the popcorn over to put for butter on it. "No no no." She said "Mary it's just butter." I laughed "it tastes awful." She said "It's my birthday Mary." I said "Fine, But I'm not eating it." She giggled "Whatever eat your candy see if I care." I laughed "Oh I will." She laughed, we walked into the theater. "Go to the top row in the corner so we can make out with out anyone seeing." I whispered in her ear. "So we can have middle schoolers stare at us and giggle?" She smiled "Exactly." I smiled, she went up to the corner and we sat down. "Intros are my favorite and now they are just going to be horror movies." She giggled "Oh hush." I smiled, I set the popcorn on the floor and kissed her. She wrapped her hand around my neck and I moved the arm chair to get closer to her. I started kissing her neck and she started laughing. "What?" I smiled "Those boys over there are staring at us." She giggled then put her head in my shoulder to muffle her giggles. They looked like they were 12 or 13. "I hope you won't let a 13 year old steal you away from me." I smiled "I don't know, better be extra nice to me." She smiled "Hey, watch another couple make out pervs." I shouted, Mary started giggling, they looked scared and immediately turned around. "See were good now." I smiled then kissed her
After the movie
Mary and I spent the rest of the day hanging out then we got dinner and frozen yogurt. We were on our way back to my house. I held her hand. "Happy birthday." She smiled "Thank you darling." I smiled "You haven't even seen my present yet." She smiled "And what's my present?" I smiled and quickly grabbed her inner thigh. "There is one sexy present and there is an actual present." She giggled "Okay well you might want to give me the actual present first because I won't remember about it if you give me the sexy one first." I smiled then kissed her cheek. I pulled into my drive way and Mary's mom was outside with her boyfriend. "Jesus I don't know why my dad puts up with her shit." She slammed the door to my truck. "Mary it's okay, she's going to be gone soon." I followed after her inside. "I hate her, I completely hate her." She said "Mary she's your mom you don't hate her." I said locking the front door. "Oh yes I do." She said going up stairs. "Mary be reasonable here." I followed her up to my room. "I am being reasonable!" She said "hey Mary if your still pissed at your parents just stay here, I won't say I think this healthily for you to not be speaking with your family. I will still support you but you should really talk to them." I said "I'm talking to my brothers." She said, I walked out to my balcony where she was laying on my hammock. I picked her up and brought her over to my bed. I set her down and cuddled next to her. "I am such an attention seeker, I always have to be the helpless victim it's pathetic." She said "No Your not Mary, your amazing and beautiful and strong, your. It a victim." I placing kisses in her jaw. "My life is a fuck hole." I said "Hey Everything in your life isn't a fuck hole, I'm not that bad." I smiled "No Your not bad at all." She smiled "There's that beautifully smile." I kissed her cheek "Well a plus of my parents getting divorced is I'm going to have the house to my self a lot more." She smiled "Well that is a very good thing." I smiled "Do you wanna see your presents now?" She smiled "Yes please." I smiled, she rolled over and went into my nightstand, she pulled out a gift wrapped in cheesy wrapping paper and the other wrapped in matte black wrapping paper and a black bow. "So I'm going to open this one first." I smiled then grabbed the colorful wrapping paper and opened it. They were new tennis shoes and they were really nice, like $300 dollar shoes. We were shopping one day I wouldn't stop talking about how much I liked them. The inside said 'so blessed you ran into my life' I smiled at her and kissed her. "Thank you for my gift, it's very sweet." I smiled "Your very welcome." She smiled "Let me pay you back for the shoes." I said getting money out of my wallet, Mary pinned my down. "What are you doing?" I smiled "Your not paying me back." She said "Okay I surrender." I smiled, she got off me and I opened the next box, it was really lingerie. She was shopping for bras in Victoria's Secret and I told her she would look really hot in this one thing and she giggled and told me in your dreams. "I think this is my best birthday ever." I smiled then kissed her.

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