The Tray

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Francis's point of view
When I woke up Mary was snoring in my arms. Her messy hair was all messy and in her face. I gently moved her hair in place, out of both of our faces. I gently moved her head off my chest to a pillow. I pulled blankets over her to keep her warm. She was wearing a tank top and shorts. I was wearing pajama pants but no shirt. I went down stairs and got out pancake mix. I made the batter then got out some fruit. I poured in a bowl then set it on a tray. I got out a pan and poured the mix on it. I made like a dozen pancakes then. I put them on a plate. I poured two glasses of orange juice for Mary and I then set them also on the tray. I cut up potatos and made home style fries. I put them on the plate then made some bacon, extra crispy because that's her favorite. I grabbed the bowl of fruit. I poured yogurt then fruit then for yogurt then fruit then granola. I wonder if I should make anything else. I grabbed two sets of a fork, knife, and spoon. I wrapped them in a silk napkin and set them on the tray. I went up stairs and set the tray on the on the night stand. I kissed her forehead. "Mhm good morning." She smiled "Good morning my love." I smiled holding her face in my hand. "Is that bacon I smell?" She smiled "Yes it is." I smiled, I set the tray on the bed then got in with her. She bit a piece of bacon. "Mhm." She giggled "Orange juice?" I smiled "Yes please." She smiled, I handed her a glass. "Your the best boyfriend." She smiled then kissed my cheek. "I try." I smiled, she put a piece of bacon in my mouth. I playfully licked it, she started giggling. "We should just never go back to high school." She smiled "Yes we should just live here together." I smiled "Yes." She giggled, I smiled and nuged my nose against hers. "I love you." She smiled "I love you too." I smiled. "I really am lucky to have you." She smiled "So am I." I smiled "I think we should just stay in bed the wholeeee" She emphasized 'whole' all singy songy. "day." She giggled "I like that idea." I smiled "I do too, I came up with it." She giggled "Oh come here." I laughed, I pulled her on top of me. "Sooo." She smiled "Sooo." I smiled, she held my hands. "Maybe instead of staying in bed all day we could go shopping." She giggled "Oh no." I smiled "Yes." She smiled "Mary if I'm being honest, I like you best just naked." I laughed "Oh shut up." She smiled "Okay so were not going shopping, what else would you like to do?" I smiled "online shop from my bed." She giggled "Go get your laptop." I smiled, she giggled then got out of bed. She went over to the desk and grabbed her laptop then got in bed, I put my arm around her. "Now I think this is cute but I don't know if it would be cute on me." She said "Mhm." I nodded. "Your not even listening." She smiled "No I'm not." I smiled then kissed her.
sorry this is so short

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