The Store

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Mary's point of view
I'm so glad Francis and I aren't fighting anymore. We have only had one fight but I hated it. I'm so happy to be in his arms again. I'm so happy with him. I feel so bad for him about his parents. It's like he has no support at home. "Mary are you awake?" Francis asked "Yes I'm awake." I smiled then rolled to my side to face him. "I want to ask you something." He said "Ask away." I smiled "So Bash, Leith, and I were talking about going camping for the next couple days. And I was wondering if you would like to come with us?" He asked "I would love to." I smiled "Okay cool." He smiled "So when are we going?" I smiled "Tomorrow, Don't worry my family has a cabin in the woods so we won't be sleeping in tents." He smiled "Yay." I smiled then kissed him. "How are you so perfect?" He smiled "I don't know, tell me how perfect I am." I giggled "Well for starters," He straddled me. "Your lips are perfect." He kissed me. "Your hair is perfect." He fixed my messy hair. "Your face is perfect." He kissed my nose and both my cheeks. "Your personality is perfect." He kissed my forehead. "Your skin is perfect." He kissed my neck. "Your tiny hands are perfect." He kissed from my shoulder down to the middle of my hand. "Your breasts are perfect." He kissed in the middle of my two breasts, by then I was bitting my lip trying not scream out his name. He lifted up my shirt so it only covered my breasts. "Your entire body is perfect." He kissed down my stomach while holding my hands back against the head board. "Francis, oh my god, keep going." I yelled out "Shh Mary, you wouldn't want the whole neighborhood to hear you." He peaked his head out from under the covers. "Then stop putting your lips in those places!" I said "But you taste so good down there." He smiled "That's for another time." I smiled pulling my under wear back up, he smiled then buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my legs around him. "Mary as much as I want you right now, I don't want your first time, my first time, our first time, to be at noon in my bed." He said "I agree, we will find a good time." I said "Yeah we will." He smiled then kissed me. "Come on, I'll make you lunch." I smiled "What are you going to make me?" He smiled "I'm going to load you up on carbs with buttered noodles." I giggled "Yummy." He smiled, we went down stairs. "Francis your a seventeen year old guy who shops for himself so I'm assuming this is all junk food." I smiled "Eh, their is protein drinks and stuff." He said "Hold on a second." I went upstairs and put my hair in a bun and put pants on then went back down stairs. "Wait why are you getting dressed?" He asked "Because I'm taking you grocery shopping." I said pulling him off the couch. "Baby I don't need to go grocery shopping." He said "Your pantry is almost empty." I said "I just get take out." He said "You probably shouldn't do that" I smiled "Well what about my butter noodles?" He smiled "I'll make you them for dinner, we can go out to lunch." I smiled "Okay fine." He smiled, we walked out to his car and got in. "Where are we going?" He smiled "Target, it's my favorite." I smiled "Okay." He smiled, per usual he held my hand and kissed it while he drove. "Do you know the way?" I smiled "Um I think so." He said "Okay babe if you decide you want directions just let me know." I smiled "I will get there fine." He smiled, after ten minutes we still weren't there. "Do you need help yet?" I giggled "No." He smiled then kissed my hand again. "As much as I love it when you kiss my hand it's not going to distract me from the fact that your lost." I smiled "I'm not lost." He pulled into the target parking lot. "What the hell? You were so lost!" I said "You were just doubting me." He smiled "Do you have your wallet?" I asked "Yeah." He smiled "Okay were about to do some major grocery shopping." I smiled latching arms with him. "Yay me." He smiled we walked inside and I grabbed a cart. "Okay so bags and I have a maid come while my parents are gone because we don't have time for cleaning with school and sports. Do you?" I asked "No, I don't make a mess so I don't need to clean anything up." He said "Do you do your own laundry?" I asked "No, I get it dry cleaned." He said "Were going to teach you a lot of things today." I said "Wait your teaching me how to do laundry?" He asked "Yes, and the dishes, and basic housing." I smiled "That means you'll just have to spend the whole day with me." He smiled "Yes I will." I smiled, he slid his hand in my back pocket. I giggled and kissed him. "Where should we start?" He smiled "Cleaning supplies." I smiled we walked to the cleaning isle and he started putting random things in the cart. "Sweetheart What are you doing?" I smiled "I'm picking stuff out." He smiled "Okay babe, just put these back." I smiled putting the stuff back on the shelf. "Okay so do you have mops and a vacuum?" I asked "Yes of course I have that." He smiled "Okay then let's get you some stuff to clean the floors and windows." I smiled, we put at least $100 worth of cleaning stuff in the cart. "Can we go get food now?" He asked "Your such a pig." I giggled, we walked to the food isle. I felt my phone start buzzing. I got it out of my pocket and it was my mother. "Francis just pick out some stuff you like, I'll be right back." I said "Okay babe." He said I walked to the other isle and answered the phone.
"Hey mom." I smiled
"Hi Mary, how are you?" She asked
"I'm great, how are you? How's the trip?" I asked
"It's great, the ocean here is amazing." She said
"I'm glad to hear it's going well." I smiled
"How is your brother doing this season?" She asked
"Do you want me to sugar coat it?" I giggled
"That bad huh?" She laughed
"Are you coming home soon?" I asked
"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." She said
"Your staying longer." I said
"Sweetheart I'm sorry, if you want us to come home then we can." She said
"No don't come because of me, I'm fine. Stay. Have fun." I said
"I'm so sorry honey, I promise we will be home in the next month." She said
"Mary should I buy organic? Or is that more expensive?" Francis said
"Hold on a sec Francis." I said
"Mary who's that?" She laughed
"Nobody." I giggled
"It's clearly somebody." She said
"You know the Valois's?" I asked
"Their that family that just moved back next door right?" She asked
"Yes. They have a son, Francis." I said
"Is he cute?" She asked
"Very." I giggled
"So are you two dating now?" She giggled
"Yes." I giggled
"I can't believe I'm not home to meet my daughters first boyfriend." She said
"You can meet him when you get back." I smiled
"I have to go sweetheart, I love you." She said
"I love you too, bye." I said then hung up.
"Mary don't organic things taste worse?" He asks "Yes Francis." I smiled, I looked over at the cart, it was half filled with things he needs and the other half had junk food. "This is the best I'm going to get from you." I smiled "Yes it is." He smiled then kissed me. "Okay let's pay for this then grab lunch." I said. "Okay." He said, we went to cashier and paid. We went to the car and loaded the groceries into the back of his truck. I got in the car and he put the cart away then got in the drivers seat. "Where do you want to get lunch?" I asked "I don't care." He said "Um do you want to go to a salad place?" I asked "No." He smiled "Oh my gosh." I smiled "Why don't we go to a pizza place?" He asked "Okay Sure." I said
Later that evening
Francis and I spent the rest of the day cleaning then I went to his football game. Now I'm back at my house packing to go camping. I'm so excited, I think Francis and I might go all the way this weekend. I pack some of my more sexier under wear and bras just Incase we do. I love him, I want to tell him but I don't know how. It's just three words and eight letters but I'm so scared to say it. I heard the doorbell ring so I went downstairs. It's Francis. "You know you can just come in." I smiled "Well that might be kind of rude." He smiled then kissed me. "All packed?" I asked "Yup." He held up his  duffel bag. "I'm assuming you think your sleeping here tonight." I smiled "I kind of thought that." He smiled "I guess you can sleep here." I smiled "Thank you." He smiled then kissed me. "I'm almost done packing." I said "Okay cool." He smiled, we walked upstairs to my room and Francis laid on my bed and put his bag on the floor. I put a few more things in my bag then zipped it up and set it next to Francis's bag then climbed in bed with him. "You did really good tonight." I said "Thank you baby." He kissed my forehead. "I hope we can have a fun weekend" I smiled "We will, we can go boating, we can kayak, we can go swimming, we can go hiking." He smiled "We better do all those things." I smiled "oh we will." He smiled then kissed me. He pulled away and looked at me with his gorgeous sparkly blue eyes. He's giving me the look like he's about to tell me a beautiful or something sweet. "I love you." He said "You love me?" I asked "I love you." He said "I love you too Francis." I smiled, he smiled then kissed me. "We should get to sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow of traveling." I said "Yeah your right." He said, we laid down and he put his arm around me. "Good night, I love you." I said "Good night, I love you too." He smiled, and with that we both fell into a deep sleep.

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