The Voicemails

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Mary's point of view
All I have been doing for the past two days is crying, eating ice cream, and watching sad movies. It's awful. I'm so mad at him but all I want to do is lay in his arms in a warm bed and never leave. God I hate myself for that. I mean yes I would have been pissed if he just told me, I'm not going to lie. But I'm so mad at him. He's so sweet and gentle like always but he got a lap dance from that slut. He's leaving me voice mail after voice mail. I cracked my phone because I got so mad I threw my phone at the wall when he left me that 10th voice mail. School is today and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm honestly making myself sick over this. I put on sweat pants and a sweatshirt and put my hair in a bun and went out to my car. Oh my god, I went to the grass puked. Shit, Francis was right there. "Are you okay?" He asked "I'm fine, I'm skipping school." I said "Can I get you anything?" He asked holding me up. "No, don't touch me." I said "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said "Please text me if anything changes with the project in first. I'll work on it from home." I said "Don't worry about it, just rest." He said "Bye Francis." I said "I miss you." He said "Francis." I said "Sorry, I just want to talk. Remember what you said last time we were fighting, we should just talk it out." He said "I don't want to talk it out I just want to be pissed at you." I said "Did you listen to any of my voice mails?" He asked "No." I said "please just listen to them." He said "Okay fine I'll listen to them." I said "Thank you." He said "I don't know when I'll be ready to talk." I said "Take as long as you need, I honestly have no explanation other than I was drunk and I'm stupid." He said "Your not stupid francy." I said "Your calling me francy, that's a good thing." He smiled "Don't feel to special." I smiled "I love you." He said "Francis don't do that." I said "Sorry I couldn't help it." He smiled "You need to go to school, your going to be late." I said "I'll skip too." He said "Stop it Francis." I said. "you were just smiling at me and now your yelling." He said "I'm pissed at you again." I said, he kissed me. I slapped him. "Francis what do you not get I want to see other people, and I just puked that's disgusting." I said "Mary stop pushing me away, deep down you know it was a mistake and it happened before I even meet you so honestly I'm not going to try to be the nice guy and be hopelessly devoted to you because I tried, I really did and now you won't let me explain myself and your acting like I'm this awful person. So yeah I did one really fucked up thing and I feel awful about it but I am not going to let you sit here and make me feel like a shitty person when I have never done anything to hurt you!" Tears were falling from his eyes. "I just want to love you unconditionally Mary and if that's not good enough for you then I guess we're over." He said "I guess we are." I said, he went to his car and slammed the door then drove off. I went in my room buried myself under the covers and started hysterically crying.

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