The Texts

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Francis's point of view
I woke up to Mary lightly snoring. I must have tired my baby out last night. She's so amazing. I love her so much. I want to marry her. I know we have only been dating for a couple months but I love her and I want to be with her for the rest of my life. We're only seniors but we're graduating in a couple months. I know Mary wants to go to college to be a teacher and I want to get my law degree. Once we graduate we can move in together. I'm sure my parents will pay for it. I knew she was awake because she started to stir around in my arms. "Baby are you awake?" I asked "No I'm still sleeping." She smiled with her eyes still closed. "All right then I'm just going to have to wake you up." I smiled then got on stop of her. I kissed each side of her neck. "Wake me up one more time." She giggled "All right." I laughed then nibbles on both her ears. "I'm starving." She said "I'll order breakfast." I said rolling off her. "Get orange juice please." She said "Okay babe." I laughed, I picked up the phone and ordered breakfast. I rolled back and put my arm around her and my nose in her cheek. "It's going to be up soon." I said "Mhm okay." She cuddled me close, a few minutes later room service knocked on the door. I got out of bed and put my robe on the answered the door. "Here you are sir." He said "thanks." I pulled the cart into the room then closed the door, Mary was wearing my my shirt. God she's so hot. "Order up." I smiled. "Give me give me." She giggled, I handed her a plate of bacon. I jumped in bed a we continued eating. "I'm a little to tired to feed myself." She smiled then laid back on the bed. "For every piece of food I feed you I get a kiss." I smiled "No." She giggled "Okay fine." I smiled then started feeding her. "All right I have to pee I'll be right back." I laughed, I went into the bathroom and I heard my phone go off. "I got you." Mary said "Thanks babe." I said, I finished then washed my hands. I went back out and Mary was putting her dress on. "Hey baby we don't have to check out till noon." I said "What the fuck is that?!" She threw my phone at me, I looked and it was text messages with Lola. "Mary I don't know what the hell this is." I said "You know what Francis I thought last night was just Lola being Lola but no! This is proof Francis! I didn't suspect anything I mean why would I? God I am so stupid!" She yelled "Mary I swear baby I don't know what this is!" I said "Francis just stop, I knew it was to good to be true! I mean the gifts and the hotel rooms and everything! Was everything a lie?!" She yelled "No of course it wasn't a lie baby, I love you so much." I said "I don't believe you, I can't trust you anymore Francis!" She said "Mary I don't know what this is, I swear she could have faked this." I said "Francis I'm only going to ask you once and I want you to be honest, did you meet Lola before we told you about her?" She asked "Yes." I said "How? When?" She asked "It was before I met you, it was at a party and she gave me a lap dance." I said "I thought you were not an ass hole like everyone else in this god damn town but you are, I can't believe I ever had sex with you" she walked past me, I got down on my knees and held her hands. "Francis don't." She said "Mary I love you, your the most important thing in my whole life please. I promise nothing happened other than that. I was drunk and it was a mistake Mary. I love you baby please." I said kissing her hands. "Francis I have to go." She said "Mary please." I said, she pulled away and walked out the door. I quickly put my boxers on and chased her down the hall way. "Mary let me pay for your taxi." I said "Francis just please leave me alone for awhile." She said "Mary please." I said "I think it's best if we see other people for a while." She said "Mary I don't want to see other people! I want to be with you!" I said "Francis I do love you, I love you so much it makes my heart hurt. But I am so pissed right now I can't be around you." She said "I'm sorry Mary." I said "I know." She said "I love you too." I said as the elevator shut.

Love at first sight Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora