The Deer

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Francis's point of view
I can't believe she keeps trying to make me the bad guy in this. She should be pissed at Lola. Not me. I feel awful for what I said. But at the same time I don't because it's true. I'm hopelessly devoted to her and she treats me like this. I love her so much. I just want to hold her in my arms and never let go. But I'm so mad at her for how she's acting. She knows I would never cheat on her. Even though I'm so mad at her she's still the only one I want to have sex with. Well she's also the only one I want to be with in anyway. I love her. She has had her bedroom window closed for the past week and her phone is off. Kenna and Greer won't tell me anything. She has been sick for the past week. There is a party tonight that I want to go to but at the same time I don't because I don't want to get excused of anything else. It's after my game so I will probably be tired. I went to my game and played awful. We lost and Mary wasn't there. She's always there and it gives me motivation to play better. I got in my car to go home and Bash knocked on my window. "Are you going to kick my ass?" I smiled rolling down the window. "No I'm not going to kick your ass." He laughed "What can I do for you then?" I laughed "Look I know my sisters pissed at you but I just want you to know I'm on your side." He said "She's your sister, I don't want to make anyone sides." I said "Well She hasn't been doing anything other crying for the past week, and eating. So if you do get back together she might be a little chunky." He laughed "Your an asshole." I laughed "She'll get over it eventually and come back to you, she still loves you. She's being so weird lately so just let her ride this out." He said "Yeah I guess your right." I said "Are you coming to the party?" He asked "Nah, I got my ass kicked. My back is killing me so I'm going to go crash." I said "All right get some rest." He said "Bye Bash." I said, I pulled out of the parking lot. Some ass hat was riding my bumper. I took the back way to take the scenic route. Finally the car turned when I went straight, it started pouring. I could barely see. I should probably just turn around suddenly out of no where a deer and her baby were in the middle of the road. I swerved so I would hit them and hit a tree. My air bag hit me and everything went black.

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