The Alarm

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Francis's point of view
My alarm went off and I rolled over to shut it off. I saw a alert on my phone that school was canceled. I rolled back over and got out of bed, I opened my curtains and there was at least three feet of snow. I got back in bed to go back to sleep and my phone went off again. It was Mary.
come over!!!!! my dad and brother are gone and my bed is cold!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay babe I'm coming:)
good see you soon💘
I grabbed snow pants and gloves and a jacket and all the stuff you need to go out in the snow Incase she wants to. I walked through the snow over to her house, the door was unlocked. I opened it then went inside and locked in the took my layers off expect my pajamas and went upstairs to her bedroom. "Hello." I smiled standing in her door way. "Hello francy." She smiled, I walked over to her bed and got in. "Your bed really is cold." I smiled pulling her into me. "I wasn't lying." She smiled "I thought you were just texting me for a booty call." I smiled "Oh I was." She smiled then kissed me. "I love you." I said fixing her messy hair. "I love you too." She smiled "Guess what I did." I smiled "What?" She giggled "I got us another suite for from night." I smiled "Ohhh." She smiled "So after a night of dancing we can get to a night of love making." I smiled then kissed her neck, she started giggling. "Oh my gosh maybe we could get in the hot tub." She said "Mary it's snowing." I smiled "I know but we could make it really hot and it will stem, it will be fun." She smiled "I don't see how that will be fun." I smiled "Well I will be in the hot tub if you want to come join me." She smirked then took off her clothes and put a bathing suit on and walked out, I got out of bed and quickly went into bash's room and changed into one of his suits then went outside. Mary wasn't out there but the hot tub was steaming, I got in and sat down. Mary came out. "Where were you?" I smiled "The bathroom." She smiled, she stepped in the hot tub and stood right in front of my knees. "Are you cold?" I asked "I'm all right." She smiled, I grabbed her thigh and pulled her on to my lap, she leaned in and kissed me. "Do you remember our second date?" She smiled "I remember all our dates." I smiled "Well we made out in this hot tub on our second date." She smiled "I remember being so nervous." I smiled "Me too." She smiled "Mary it's absolutely freezing out here." I smiled "Okay well our thirty second make out was fun while it lasted." She giggled then got out. I followed after her and put a grey robe on and she put a white robe on. I got on the couch and she sat next to me. I put my arm around her. "So you are just going to wear a black tie right?" She asked "Well unless you want me to wear something else yeah." I smiled "So I have a picture of my dress if you want to see it." She smiled "Of course I do." I smiled, she showed me a picture of a rose gold dress, it was a two piece and the top was lace while the bottom only had lace on the outer linings and it stuck out to wear you could see her knees in the front but not the back. "I could wear a tie to watch that." I said "Really? That would be great." She smiled then kissed my cheek.

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