The Boat

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Francis's point of view
I can't believe how perfect Mary is. I can't get enough of her lips, she tastes amazing. And her skin is so soft. I just want to hold her in my arms and never let go. I have never met anyone like her. She's just so amazing. I didn't want make things awkward or uncomfortable for her by being so affectionate, but she seemed to enjoy it and return the affection. I know if I ever even want to have sex with her, well of course I definitely want to have sex with her but just having her lay in my arms for the rest of my life would be enough. I wonder if I should tell her she was my first kiss, judging on how well she kissed it probably wasn't hers. I love how we can just talk about things with each other and not be embarrassed about anything we say. I'm happy just being around her. I just want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't want to take things to fast. But at the same time I want to take things fast, I want her to be my girl friend and I want to drive with her to school and go to all her games and watch her cheer me on in the bleachers and I want to take her out to dinner and watch more movies with her and have more take out dinners on the couch and definitely have more sleepovers and spoil her with gifts. I want to do every thing couples do. She started to stir around in my arms, she opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Hi." She smiled "Hi." I smiled "How did you sleep?" She asked "Well I have never slept in a bed with someone before but it's very nice." I smiled "Nice?" She giggled "I just like to have someone to hold in my arms." I smiled "Well you can hold me." She smiled "Will you be my girl friend?" I asked, oh god I hope she doesn't say no. "I would love to be your girlfriend." She smiled "I was scared you would say no." I laughed "Why would I say no? Your literally the perfect guy." She said "No I'm not." I smiled "That night after the party when I fell asleep in your truck most guys would have probably not brought me back home but tried to have 'consensual' sex with me while I was passed out, but you made sure I got tucked safe in my bed and you didn't try to do anything." She said "What asshole would try to have sex with a girl while she's passed out?" I asked "A lot of assholes." She said "Wait nothing like that ever happened to you, did it?" I asked "No, I've heard a lot of stories though." She said "That's awful, men should always treat their wives or girlfriends or even just their date with the upmost respect." I said "Your such a good guy." She smiled "No I'm not." I said "Yes you are." She giggled "No" I smiled "Yes." She smiled "No." I smiled "Yes." She smiled "Oh come here." I pulled her further into me and kissed her. She got on top of me, I sat up and she wrapped her legs around me. I started kissing her neck, god she tastes so good. "Oh Francis." She tipped her head back, I stopped kissing her neck and she brought her head back and our eyes locked. "I think I'm falling in love with you Mary Stuart." I said "Me too." She said then kissed me. "Let me make you breakfast." I said "Only if you make pancakes." She smiled "Breakfast isn't breakfast with out pancakes." I smiled "I have never heard you say something so smart." She giggled "Come on." I picked her up and walked her down stairs then threw her on the couch. "Any other special requests?" I smiled "Crispy bacon." She smiled "Coming right up." I smiled I went in the kitchen and started cooking the pancakes, she came up behind me and crossed her hands across my chest. "I feel like were playing house, your cooking for me, we're sleeping in the same bed." She giggled "We can play house until my parents get home." I kissed her forehead. "I don't know how we got such perfect timing with both our parents being away." She smiled "I know, I don't want you to ever leave my bed." I smiled "Well there's one thing about that, school." She giggled "I have a solution, skip school." I smiled "Francis Valois, the bad boy." She laughed "You know it." I laughed "Mhm that smells good." She said "Come here." I placed her in front of me and held her hand against mine so we were both holding the spatula. "What are you doing?" She giggled "I'm helping you flip a pancake." I smiled then placed one kissed behind her ear. "I know how to flip a pancake." She giggled "Just flip one with me." I smiled "Well you know if a boy ever gets behind you to show you how to do something he's flirting." She giggled "Well I am flirting." I smiled "Just show me how you flip a pancake." She giggled, it started sizzling and I put the spatula under the cooked side and flipped it high in the air. It fell to the floor. Mary started laughing uncontrollably. "I know how to flip pancakes but you clearly don't." She giggled "Okay it was one bad flip." I smiled "Really bad flip." She giggled "Let me clean this up a second." I smiled then kissed her cheek and picked up the pancake and threw it in the trash, I grabbed a paper towel and cleaned up the batter then threw it away. "Let me show you how to flip a pancake." She smiled "Mhm okay." I smiled then stood behind me and held the spatula in both of our hands, we gently flipped it, it landed back on the pan and continued cooking. "See, when you try to impress your girlfriend by flipping a pancake in the air then plopping it to the ground." She laughed "I might not have impressed you but I made you giggle." I smiled "Yes you did." She smiled, I held both her hands then leaned in and kissed her. "When's your birthday?" I smiled "Why?" She giggled "Because I will feel awful if I miss it so when is it?" I smiled "December 8th." She smiled "Now I will when to buy you presents." I smiled then spun her around. "Now when's your birthday?" She smiled "January 19th." I smiled "What does your dad do that makes him travel so much?" She asked "He's a foreign diplomat." I said "Seriously?" She asked "Yes, I was sick of moving so he lets me stay here because I have never really acted out or anything so my parents don't have any issue with me staying here alone." I said "Wait so your here alone for months at a time?" She asked "Yes." I said "So your parents aren't just in England for the week?" She asked "No." I said "How long are they gone?" She asked "Two months." I said "Oh Francis." She hugged me. "I don't want you to pity me." I said "No Francis I don't pity you, of course I feel bad for you because your family is never around, but I don't pity you." She said then kissed me. "Thank you for being here for me last night and this morning." I said "I can come stay with you while your parents are gone if you ever get lonely." She said "Well even if I'm not lonely I will still probably call you over just so I can look at you." I smiled "Okay Francis." She smiled "But thank you for offering that." I smiled and held her face in my hands. "Well I'll be right next door if you ever want to take me up on it." She said "What do your parents do that makes them travel so much?" I asked "So my dad is high up in the hotel business and he travels around the world to make sure everything is running smoothly and my mother of course loves to travel with him because who would love to travel around the world and literally be able to anything you want and their good parents it's just there never around." She said "Well if you ever get lonely you can come over here." I smiled "I'll probably only come over to touch your abs." She laughed "Okay but remember it will cost you." I smiled then kissed her, we finished eating breakfast. "What should we do with the rest of our day?" She smiled as we washed the dishes. "Do you just wanna hang out at the beach?" I asked "Sure." She said "We should go tubing." I said putting the dishes in the cabinet. "We could ask Bash and Kenna to come with us, she probably slept at my house last night." She said "Okay sure." I said "Go change into your bathing suit and come over to my house." She said then turned around to walk out, I quickly went after her and pushed her against the wall and kissed her. "See you in a few minutes." I smiled "Your just trying to get me to go make out with you again." She smiled "Well I can just wait until you sleepover again tonight." I smiled "I'm sorry I don't remember agreeing to sleepover again." She smiled "Mary, will you sleepover again tonight?" I smiled "I would love to." She giggled then slipped out the door, I changed into my bathing suit and put cologne on and brushed my teeth. I tried to fix my hair but it was a mess. I walked over to Mary's house. Bash opened the door in his bathing suit. "Hey man." He said "Hey, Mary told me to come over to go tubing." I said "Oh yeah, come on in. Kenna and Mary are upstairs getting ready." He said. A few minutes later they came down and we went out to the boat. "Who's going first?" Kenna asked "Um Francis and I will." Mary said "Okay." Bash said "Wait do we need life jackets?" I asked "Can you swim?" She asked "Of course I can." I said "Then no." She smiled "Okay." I laughed then jumped in the water, she came in after me and we swam out to the tube. "I have to warn you I have only ever fallen off like twice." She smiled "Well it's about to be three times." I smiled, she giggled then kicked me off the tube. "Your gonna get it." I laughed as I got back on. "Are you guys ready?" Bash yelled "Yep" Mary yelled, we spent the rest of the day on the boat.

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