Chapter 20: I think I want to marry you

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August 11th, 2015

" The Sakura Buffet? That's where you want to eat for your birthday?"

"Yeah! It's chinese food, buffet style, nine dollars!"

I tilted my head back in laughter.

"Fine. I know you like your chinese. Let's go eat!!"

"Woo!" He yelled and got out. Then came around to help me out the car before I could.

"Thanks bae." I said with a smile.

"Thanks for opening the door for me too Donte." Ravi said sarcastically as he climbed out the back seat of the car by himself.

"You're welcome." Donte laughed in response. He was already heading to the restaurant before Ravi completely opened his door. He had forgotten about him.

As we got inside we were met by a very petite young asian lady that lead us to our seat.

"Your drinks?" She asked us.




We all got up from our seats and went to get our plate, or plates. I was the first one back at the table, surprisingly, I thought it would be Donte. Ravi arrived at the table a moment later.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked

"I'm justing waiting on the birthday boy before I start. Your plate looks good!"

"Thanks! I'm so ready to smash my food."

"Me too.. But not my food."

As Ravi laughed he shook his head, "You are ridiculous."

Just then Donte made it to the table.

"Wow, going all out huh?" I laughed in surprisement at his plate.

His food was stacked way higher than the plate and topped with a crawfish. It looked gross.

"You know it!" He said as he prepared his nakin in his lap.

"Is that a crawfish on top? Why does it still look alive? It has eyes!"

Ravi and Donte both laughed at me now, as if they didn't see the same thing I saw.

"It should look like that babe, you want to try it?"

"Hell naw. I'm good."

After about an hour of laughing talking and eating. We were stuffed and I was ready for what he wanted to do next.

"Y'all ready to go?"

"Not yet, I'm gone go to the bathroom." Donte got up and walked away.

"I'm going to go get ice cream." Rav said and got up to walk away.

"Ok, guess I'll just take a selfie."

I got my phone out and prepped for the perfect face angle. Then Ravi returned. No ice cream in hand.

"Change your mind?"

"On what?"

"The ice cream." I chuckled curiously.

"Oh, they were out of vanilla."

He sat down and then 5 minutes later Donte came back.

"You ready now bae?"

"No not yet." He said while on his phone.

"Why not? You still eating?"

"No." Now he was texting on his phone.

"So why not? What are we doing next?"

"Let's just chill for a second. I need to run to the car."

"The car?" I was getting irritated. Why was he acting so weird. "What do you need from the car?"

" I just need to grab something..." Donte said unfinished.

I was about to ask what when I was cut off by Ravi.

"I'm going to grab my charger so I can get it for you."

"Thanks." Donte said as Ravi got up and exited the restaurant.

I was very irritated now, they were keeping something from me because Rav got up and went to the car without even asking what Donte needed. However, It is his birthday and I don't want to ruin this day for him so I took a deep breathe.

"Whats going on?" I asked nicely.

"Nothing." He answered suspiciously.

Fuck it, I got up to go get a plate of fruit and attempt to ignore their behavior.

Rav returned and we sat there talking for about four minutes. No, it was four minutes. Four minutes exactly. I know because Ravi never gave Donte want he needed from the car and he didn't need his charger if we would only be here four more minutes.

We were on our way out the door finally and I was taking the lead because I was ready to go.

"Hey chris?"

"Yeah." I stated dryly

"Hey, I love you... you mean a lot to me and you are the only one I want to be with, we been through a lot will you marry me?" He asked and then got on his knee.

I didn't know how to understand this, is was so random and unexpected, I didn't know what to do, it seemed so wrong seeing all the drama I keep bringing to him... Yet Ravi was recording as if he was expecting this the whole time! Is this a joke? This is definitely a joke. So many emotion were happening at once that before I knew what I was doing I punched him... right in the shoulder. 

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