Chapter 8: Killing Me Softly

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  2 weeks ago 

I had tried to call out today after realizing my mom had the car and it was nearly a hundred degrees outside. My mom had been using the car more and more to get to work now so I would walk to work most days. The manager said he really needed me today though, and even went as far to offer to pick me up. I'm not very good at accepting help but today was just to hot! I sent him my address and went outside to wait. To my surprise the red sports car I had seen pulling out of Zoes long before, was pulling up in front of my house. Who could this be? Maybe it's not for me. It has to be for me, that would be too creepy if it wasn't. As I began to approach the car, the driver let down his window, and it was Donte. I smiled. Wasn't expecting him but I guess the manager was to busy. As I got in the car I hoped Donte wasn't going to be mad at me for having to leave work to come here.

"Good Morning, thank you for coming to get me. I'm sorry Eaton pushed it off on you."

"Hey, and I offered to come get you."

I was so shocked, I whipped my head around to stare at him but no words came to mind to say. I was speechless.

"T-thanks." I finally stammered.

"No problem." He answered and pulled away.

"What happen to your car?" He finally asked.

"Nothing, my mom is driving it today.... We share a car."

The rest of the ride to work was quiet, we just listened to music. His music taste was great! Exactly like mine really. I was so comfortable I had began singing along with the music, completely oblivious to the fact that he could hear me. His car was very fancy. It was black and red inside, and very clean, as If he had just got it. But the array of black and red air fresheners let me know it wasn't new. I wasn't very good at cars, so I didn't know the type of car but it was a sports edition and a stick shift. I always wanted to know how to drive a stick, I was very impressed. I really wondered how old he was. He seemed to have his whole life together. There was no way I was going to ask though. Certain things made me nervous and Donte was one of them. When we got inside, we both stopped at the computer to clock in when Donte said

"Here is my number. The next time you need a ride to work you can call me."

I took the piece of paper and stared at it in shock. That was very generous of him. He is such a nice guy.

Monday, August 11th


It was ridiculously hot outside today on my walk to work but I had finally made it to Zoes.

"Hello!" I spoke to the manager there that day.

He was standing by Donte, who looked up at me when he heard me speak. Things were getting better between us ever since he picked me up for work a few weeks ago because he actually responded when I talked now.

"Sorry I'm late. Walked to work."

I went and put my things away, and came back toward the counter they were standing near to clock in for work.

"You never used my number ." Donte said standing by my shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I replied with a smile.

I was honestly nervous to use it. I thought it was more of a person being nice, not an actual option to use for help. Yet I felt bad that I didn't use it when I noticed that he might have wanted me to... I doubt it! He is just really nice. I was going to say something to him but he had already walked away. So I pulled out my phone and sent a friendly text.

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