Chapter 12: The Way

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Tuesday, August 19th

I didn't work at Zoes today so I went into Ihop to work the two to ten shift. When I got in there, not one customer was there and there was already four servers. They usually only schedule four good servers this shift because they know it'll be slow, but the servers get the dinner rush. I was a fifth server so I had a feeling I'd be going home. I went to go find Liam, maybe I can cook with him. As I approached the office the door was cracked and noone was in there so I figured he was on the line cooking. I went behind the line and found Tyler. He was a different manager. We were cool too, he loved me, but he wouldn't let me cook. No one was supposed to know Liam lets me cook.

"Hey momma! I didn't know you work today." Tyler yelled when he saw me.

I smiled.

"It looks like you don't need me to."

"Shit, not really, but you know I always let you stay. I can send someone home, or you can take the day off."

I thought about it and I hadn't seen Jordan or Donte in days. I had talked to them, but I hadn't spent time with either of them. I also didn't drive to work today so I didn't feel like walking home, or to Jordan's. I would like to see Donte...

I pulled out my phone and text him.


Then I turned to Tyler.

"I'm going to sit down for now, I'll let you know in a second."

"No problem."

I walked to the lounging area and sat down when Donte replied.

'Hey, wassup.'

'I'm at work and turns out its to slow, I can leave.'

He replied immediately

'Want to hang out?'

'Sure. You can come up here.'

The smiling started again. Thats been happening for about a week now. He randomly crosses my mind and I start smiling like an idiot. I wish I knew how to turn it off.

'Yeah. I'll be there soon.'

I was so happy. I had to do something with myself to occupy my time until he got here, I guess I'll talk to Tyler.

"Whats up? You staying?"

"Uhm, I hope not, but I don't know yet."

I laughed at the look he gave me.

"You leaving with your boy Jordan?"

"Nope." I said as that stupid smile returned.

"Oh, its the guy with the red sports car huh?"

I don't even know how he knows that. He wasn't at work the day Donte came and got me. He wanted to know more but I wasn't talking. He would know soon anyway. I stayed in the kitchen with him though until a server came back there calling for me.

"Christin, some guy here for you, and he cute."

I feel like I jumped right out of my skin. I rushed pass her and to the front. As soon as I turned the corner he was standing there looking amazing. He had cut his hair so he had a fresh fade and fresh cut facial hair. Those arms that are always peeking out from his shirt sleeves looked especially big today. I felt like I was blushing, and once again I forgot to speak.

"Hi!" I said smiling.

"Wassup," he said with a slight chuckle.

"We can go sit in the back."

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