Fairy Tail Boys Preference

Start from the beginning

Loke/ Leo-

Loke, obviously likes the mistletoe the most, I think this goes without an explanation. Loke kinda gets everyone the same standard gift he does every year and he regifts old gifts he hasn't even opened like label makers and stuff. He wears this little headband with mistletoe on it literally all the time so whenever you see him you have to give him a kiss by 'Christmas Law'. Loke likes putting the stupidest decorations on the tree and is so proud of it you don't have the heart to say anything. Loke actually is surprisingly always an early riser, so he wakes up really early which in turn wakes you up, not that you mind. Loke, being the leader of the celestial spirits, is totally not neat with opening his presents. In fact, he's the total opposite of neat. Then after you guys go to the guild and hang out at the Christmas party, though you usually end up making out in a closet somewhere...especially after having too much eggnog.


Natsu just likes the cheeriness and spirit (ok I lied, he really likes the excuse to buy a crapton of food and eat it all in front of everyone). Natsu is very clueless on what to get for some people yet other people he knows exactly what to get them, he'll gladly take any suggestions you have except for ones for you, you don't know it but he's had your gift for months and is so excited to give it to you. Natsu just wears this glass nose ball and dresses as Rudolph and goes around town casually and when people ask him to light his nose either jokingly or totally serious he'll create a small flame on his nose that lights up the red nose and makes all the kids totally amazed. Every mall santa wants him to work for them so you get a lot of mall jobs. Let's be honest with the tree tho, he totally accidentally burns it somehow and you end up decorating a metal pole. Natsu will totally sleep in on Christmas before realizing it's Christmas and scaring you and Happy when he just starts shouting 'IT'S CHRISTMAS!!' At the top of his lungs. Predictably, he's a messy present opener and it literally takes him two seconds to open a present. You guys go to hang out at the guild party and you end up bandaging Natsu up like, ten times because Gajeel's singing terrible Christmas carols and Gray's Christmas boxers are so bad they annoy him to no end.


Lyon likes ice skating with you and will take you out ice skating every night because it's so nice. First week you end up falling on your butt more often than not, but on the last week it's second nature and you and Lyon end up skating on the ice as if you were dancing in a ballroom. It's super romantic and there's a lot of little kisses here and there as you glide on the ice. Lyon gets everyone's presents super in advance and always hides them so you can never find them, you've even teamed up with your friends and you still weren't able to find your presents. Lyon doesn't really do anything special for Christmas, except for making one accidental Christmas pun because you've been spewing puns out all month. Your trees always look super elegant and amazing and you rub it in everyone else's face. (You don't actually, Lyon only brags about it to Gray really as you excitedly tell your friends how it looks and show them pics). Lyon wakes up as soon as you try to sneak out of bed to check on the presents and he just grabs you and is like 'don't you dare' and snuggles you closer. Lyon is a careful gift opener and you just wait patiently to watch his reaction on what you got him, though his reactions are absolutely worth it. He loves everything you get him and he kinda just cuddles you the whole time at the Lamia Scale Christmas Party.


Laxus is kinda a Christmas Scrooge while you get super excited. Though he kinda just buys everyone things that remind him of them, like last year, Natsu got a lump of coal from Laxus because that's who the coal reminded Laxus of. Laxus, being a Scrooge, doesn't really wear anything special for Christmas. He has his music super loud sometimes and you swear he's listening to romantic Christmas songs and everytime you ask him he totally denies it. Laxus doesn't care about the tree and leaves it all to you, but if he sees you getting frustrated or you start crying he'll help you out with the tree. His favorite thing to do is swap his coffee for hot chocolate and not tell anyone because everyone smells chocolate but don't know where it's coming from and it's funny watching everyone's confused expressions. He's a confused present opener and wonders why the hell someone would get him a present in the first place. Though after many hugs and kisses of appreciation you guys go to the guild and hang out at the Christmas Party, even though you guys end up sitting in the corner and drinking eggnog together.


Gajeel likes singing Christmas Songs for the guild, even if the guild doesn't like it. He just gets gifts based on the first thing he sees, except for you and Pantherlily, it takes him forever to come up with ideas on what to get you guys. Gajeel secretly has a little Santa hat in his hair, you just don't see it because it's absolutely buried in his thick black hair. He actually forgets he has it in there until like, April when you find it again. He also goes caroling with you and Pantherlily and kinda finds it stupid, though you guys obviously enjoy it so he puts up with it. Though you owe him plenty of cuddles later. Your tree ornaments are all metal and tinsel and it honestly looks amazing...somehow. Gajeel's an impatient present opener so you gotta be patient with him, though once he opens it and sees what you got him he hugs you. Then when you go to the guild he gets in a lot of fights because of his terrible singing and you end up bandaging his wounds and trying to make him presentable so he can keep singing.

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