2 AM Isn't Get-Up-and-Go Time

Start from the beginning

"Come on, Jesse." Olivia said with a groan. "If we miss our flight, we're all going to murder you!"

"What's holding you up?" Olivia heard Lukas's voice from the door.

"The great Hero in Residence went back to sleep, that's what." Olivia replied in annoyance as she took a hold of Jesse's covers, trying to tug them off her friend.

Jesse moaned in her sleep, tightly clutching onto her covers. As Olivia managed to pry them from her grip, Jesse simply buried her face into her pillow, continuing to sleep.

"She's out like a light." Lukas remarked, walking up to the bed.

"You're telling me." Olivia muttered in frustration, wiggling her wrist to get a good look of her watch.

"Hey, wake up." Lukas tried coaxing, giving the sleeping Jesse a pat on her shoulder.

"Mmmm." Jesse simply let out another moan, not waking up.

"This is getting us nowhere." Olivia grumbled. "Jesse, wake up." She said loudly, taking Jesse by the shoulder and turning her over on the bed.

"I seriously didn't know one person can be this heavy of a sleeper." Lukas said in amusement as Jesse remained asleep, now lying on her back.

"What's going on in here?" Another voice asked, as Axel and Petra entered the room as well.

Axel reached over, flipping on the light switch and flooding the room in light. Petra had her coffee all ready in a travel-mug, having expected to drink it on the road.

"Operation Wake Up Jesse." Lukas responded with a chuckle.

"Want a bucket of water?" Petra asked, earning an eye roll from Olivia.

"Come on Jesse, wake up before Petra actually soaks you." Lukas tried again, sitting down on the side on Jesse's bed and shaking her lightly again.

Jesse's eyes opened ever so slightly, before she closed them again and turned her head to the side.

"I mean, it's a start." Lukas mumbled, pulling a hand through his hair.

"Jesse, we're going to be late because of you!" Olivia complained. "Come on, lift that head of yours, I know you can hear me."

"Mmm." Jesse mumbled in her sleep again. "Blueberries."

"What?" Petra asked, nearly choking on her coffee.

"I don't think I'd call that awake quite yet?" Lukas raised his eyebrows, trying to stifle a chuckle of his own.

"Okay, at this rate, we're never getting there in time!" Olivia muttered. "Come on Jesse, wake up."

Slipping a hand behind Jesse's back, Olivia promptly lifted her half-asleep friend into somewhat of a sitting position. Jesse leaned her weight onto Olivia, still not opening her eyes.

"So, what? We're carrying her out to the car?" Axel asked, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

"I mean, I would have liked her to get dressed first, but it seems she's having none of it." Olivia groaned in annoyance.

"Giving her a slap through the face could probably work." Petra suggested, taking another sip of her coffee.

"Petra!" Lukas scolded the redhead.

"Just spit-balling ideas here." Petra muttered.

Jesse let out another moan, wrapping her arms around Olivia and snuggling up to her like she was a giant teddy bear.

"Jesse, I love you too, but this is a little close for comfort." Olivia muttered, trying to pry Jesse off of her.

"Okay, bud, come on." Axel said, pushing himself off the wall and walking over.

Extending his big arms, Axel tried to pick Jesse up. But, as if refusing to wake up wasn't enough already, Jesse was also refusing to let Axel take her from Olivia.

"This has got to be one of the most amusing mornings of my entire life." Lukas whispered to Petra as the two of them watched the scene.

"With you on that one." Petra replied as she finished off the last off her coffee, simple tossing the plastic travel-mug over her shoulder.

"Mine." Jesse mumbled in her sleep, keeping her arms wrapped around Olivia's neck, nearly choking the engineer.

"Jesse, I can't carry you, just let go." Olivia tried freeing herself from Jesse's grip as Axel attempted to pick her up.

"A little help, you two?" Olivia asked in annoyance, glancing over at Petra and Lukas who were leaning against the wall, admiring the situation.

They exchanged glances and shrugged, walking over to see if they could help untangle Jesse from Olivia. Lukas and Petra each took one of Jesse's arms, unwrapping them from around Olivia's neck. Jesse squirmed slightly as Axel picked her up, promptly draping her over his shoulder. But then she just let out a sigh, and continued to sleep.

"That's got to be a talent." Petra said, raising an eyebrow. "I've never seen a person sleep like that."

"Let's go grab the bags and get on the road." Olivia said, taking one of Jesse's suitcases, while Lukas took the other. "Hopefully she manages to wake up before it's actually time to board the plane."

The others all laughed in agreement as they headed back downstairs, getting their own suitcases. Jesse stayed soundly asleep in Axel's arms.

Everybody got to the car, bundling all the suitcases into the back. Olivia got into the drivers seat, Lukas taking the passenger seat beside her, while Petra and Axel got in the back with a sleeping Jesse.

"Great." Olivia muttered, checking her watch. "We really won't have any time to hang around once we get there. All because a certain somebody refused to wake up."

The only response Olivia got, was a snore coming from the back seat.

"Yeah, I don't she heard you Olivia." Petra said with a snort.

Everybody laughed again as Olivia started the car, beginning to drive down the street. Jesse continuing to peacefully sleep, without any intention of waking up for at least a few hour to come.


Okay, so i am aware that this isn't quite what you requested, but once the one shot started heading in the direction it did, I was having too much fun to change it XD
If you want me to write another one, a little more accurate to what you had requested, I would happily do that - maybe in the form of a sequel to this one even? I'm getting ideas now XD

This was a ton of fun to write xD

I don't think I have anything else to say about this one shot, other than - again - I enjoyed it way too much for my own good!

Feel free to leave me more requests, whether they are actual plot lines, one word prompts or sequels to previous one shots I have done!

Current amount of pending requests: 4

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