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Luna looked out her window, listening to the soft pitter-patter of the rain that hit against it. She leaned against the cold window, the rain calming her; calmed her thoughts that corrupted her. She felt alone in this household and just wanted to leave from the constant fighting and the sound of glass breaking from downstairs. She couldn't help but wince everytime she heard screaming or shattering.

Luna let out a breath, putting on a grey t-shirt and black ripped jeans. She grabbed her light black jacket and a beanie, adjusting her glasses as a small piece of hair poked out from the beanie. She smiled a bit at the reflection that stared back at her.

She wanted to go take a walk in the park; to get away from the negativity that was going on. She slowly opened the door to her room and made her way downstairs. They had stopped arguing when she walked outside of her room. Luna slowly peaked her head to see them cuddling, watching movie. "I'm going out." Luna yelled, grabbing the doorknob. "Be safe sis!" Her little sister looked up and smiled at her, hugging Luna tightly. Luna smiled, hugging her back before walking out.

She walked to the park, having her phone and earbuds in her pocket. She put them in and began to walk to the park, not really paying any mind to anything around. In hindsight, it was a stupid idea because the last thing Luna knew was a car honking, heading straight for her. She blacked out, screams filled her ears.

She woke up with a start, looking back and forth. Her glasses had a small crack in them and her phone was missing. She shivered at the cold chill that traveled down her body. She turned to see an amber light in the distance. She walked towards it; the flame mirrored in her eyes.


"Look, it's the freak again!" Autumn heard laughing from two girls behind her. "I heard that she's related to Freddy Kruger!" Another whispered. 'It's not true.' Autumn winced, hearing the rumors. "Maybe she's a child predator just like him." Autumn face was drained of color when she heard it. She stood up and faced them, tears fell down her checks. "I would never do that to someone!" Autumn yelled. They went silent before they burst out laughing at her. "She definitely does!" A voice said with amusement. "Maybe we should give the police and anonymous tip." Another cruelly suggested, accompanied with a wink.

Autumn sat there as the teacher did nothing, only let them torture her more. 'Why me?' She whimpered. As the bell rang, she instantly walked out of the classroom and headed out of the school, hearing, "Oh look! She's hurrying home to hide the 'evidence'." followed by laughter.

Autumn walked all the way home as her parents wanted nothing to do with being around her in public and the bus driver didn't want to be seen with her because of her last name. "It's not fair." She muttered to herself. "Hey, why so sad?" A little girl asked her, tugging on her shirt. "Oh I'm alright." Autumn smiled brightly until she noticed the girl's mom running to her. "Emma! Get away from her!" The mom yelled, grabbing her daughters hand and hurrying her inside. Her mom glared at her before slamming the door shut.

Autumn finished walking home and as soon as she walked into her house, she collapsed to her knees. She cried until she felt weak before putting on a smile. She walked over and grabbed her controller.

She played games upon games, from shooters games to survival games. To reading stories of her favorite types of characters and spending countless of money for preorders. She had her two consoles, along with a gaming computer. She would stream for hours and hours on end to increase her income. She did all of this to distract herself from her depression.

One day, her mother walked over, grabbed her things, and walked out when Autumn was only thirteen. Autumn watched her go, only making her cry again. 'She didn't even say she loved me.' Autumn whimpered. She needed air; a walk would make eeverything better.

She put on a black sleeveless shirt, skinny jeans, and her favorite sneakers. She then realized how cold it was and grabbed her custom oversized hoodie that had her name in all capitals on the back, with a cat lazily laying on the 'T', with its paws dangling over the edge.

She walked out and went into the small forest that was half a mile behind her house. She began to trek further into the woods when it began to rain. She sat down besides a tree and pulled up her hood. 'No one would miss me.' Autumn thought as her eyes closed. When she opened it, she noticed a campfire with people sitting around it. Though, would they accept her? Maybe she would lie about her last name, she thought with a smile before making her way over.


Hope invested herself with art and even took multiple classes; striving to become better with every drawings. She took classes online, classes for school, and even joined an art club. Though, she would hate being the center of attention or even her name to be mentioned.

She instantly knew that her social anxiety was worsening when she would even flinch and cower at the sound of her name being called for attendance. Feeling embarrassed and awkward, she walked over to one of her classmates and asked what was their favorite game character was.

She then began to draw said character and presented it to her classmate. She bursted into tears and hugged Hope, claming it was one of the most amazing things anyone has ever done for her.

As Hope grew up, her art improved along with her social life. She began to take commissions for people online, which people gladly paid to have her work hung up in there homes. Hope was happy and excited that she could wake up everyday to do something she loved.

As she was asleep, she was confused but intrigued about the creature that she had dreamt of. She woke up with the creature fresh in her mind. She picked up a pencil and began to sketch out the thing she saw. With each line, she began to feel uneasy about it but continued on, shrugging it off.

When she finally finished, it looked liked a spider-like creature with countless of sharp looking legs that were ready to strike. She thought she was getting too hot, seeing as she wore a brown hoodie and black shorts to sleep, when she saw the legs move from the paper.

She was ready to get up to get some water before one of the legs lashed out from the paper and wrapped around her form. Before she would scream, another leg wrapped around her mouth, cutting off her air supply. She began to lose consciousness and blacked out.

When she woke up, she was on the ground besides a campfire with a few concerned faces. They had helped Hope up but couldn't prepare her what was in store for her.


Smug was thrown onto the ground, two boys loomed over him. "Weakling," The taller one scoffed as he kicked Smug on the ground. The short one snorted, his arms acrossed his chest, "And you want to be on the football team but you can't even defend yourself!" The shorter one taunted.

They turned away, laughing. Smug cursed their names and slowly got up. They had bruised his right shoulder but Smug didn't let it get to him. He had joined a track team and was the fastest and could travel the farthest than anyone in the team. He could outrun anyone and he took pride in it.

Although, people always questioned his taste of clothing. He always went to school in jeans, a white t-shirt with a red tie; this accompanied with a brown trenchcoat. Everyone has thought this to be weird because they would had thought of him to wear something more comfortable and something he would move freely in.

However, Smug didn't care what people thought of him. Though, his guilty pleasure was reading Wattpad nonstop and would even get him in trouble with school. He was simply addicted to well-crafted stories.

At home, he had always went to one book that he enjoyed. Though, the chapter was only available for him to read; which concerned him. He just thought of it being a glitch and that he was lucky to be the first to read it. The chapter was strange to him and it made him unnaturally sleepy.

When he woke up, he panicked as he was out in the middle of nowhere. He jumped to his feet and looked around, trying not to panic. He let out a breath when he realized there were people gathered around a small campfire. He wasn't alone and that's all he cared about.

"So, these are the new survivors?" A gruff voice chuckled at the new bunch. "This is going to be fun." A deep, psychotic laughter erupted as tally marks appeared on the new bunch of survivors; excited of how they would do.

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