
Yoojung felt someone place a hand on her shoulder and turned around. It was Taehyung.

"What's up with you and Jimin?"

Yoojung shook her head. She still had no idea how to explain what had happened to Taehyung. Even if she told him, what could he do? This was between her and Jimin afterall.

Yoojung brushed Taehyung's hand off her shoulder and walked back to the table where Jimin was at. She chose the seat furthest away from him and took a seat. Taehyung frowned, but followed behind Yoojung, taking the seat in between them.

"Oh no!" Taehyung yelled, lifting his thumb and index finger up. "My fingers got glued together!"

Not a single response from Jimin nor Yoojung.

"Hey- can I get a response please? I was trying to lighten-"

"Stop, Taehyung." Yoojung said quietly, not even looking up. Jimin was not going to talk to her, and she simply had given up on trying.

"Your joke is getting old." Jimin commented nonchalantly, his voice even softer than it normally would have been.

"Are you guys talking or working?" Minhyun shouted over from the nearer to the front of the room.

"Minhyun - these guys aren't fun at all. Can I join you guys?" Taehyung pouted, getting up from his seat.

"Taehyung, this is not about having-" Minhyun seemed to have changed his mind mid-sentence upon seeing Taehyung glare at him. "Alright. You can start cutting the plastic bottles, Jennie will join you when she arrives."

At that moment, Jennie strutted into the classroom, half an hour late but still full of confidence. She had a shimmering pink handbag slung over her right arm as she strutted in. "Sup, guys. Sorry I'm late. I had this facial thing-"

"Whatever." Minhyun couldn't even be bothered anymore. "Go cut up those plastic bottles with Taehyung."

Jennie glanced towards the back of the classroom and Yoojung thought for a moment that she was going to diss her as usual. She even opened her mouth slightly, and Yoojung was getting ready to hear some really nasty words come out. But for some reason, Jennie held her tongue, taking a seat next to Taehyung at the table near theirs.

"Hey, Jennie." Taehyung smiled radiantly at Jennie, reaching a hand out for a high-five.

"Put that down, Kim Taehyung." Jennie spoke nonchalantly as per usual. "You know I won't take that."

"Okay." Taehyung put down his hand, looking disappointed. Yoojung knew Taehyung had a crush on Jennie since a while ago, and that pissed her off so much. Despite knowing Yoojung for close to 10 years and knowing that Jennie was one of her worst enemies, Taehyung always seemed to side with Jennie whenever Yoojung badmouthed her. That pissed her off so, so much.

But now was not the time to get upset. Her eyes drifted back to Jimin who was still mechanically shredding newspaper.

She needed to settle this.



Jimin felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. He looked up into the mirror and saw Taehyung appear right behind him.

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