the good part

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The once bustling common room was now dimly lit and vacant, the large stone fireplace crackled quietly in front of me as I sat on the over-sized red sofa in the corner. It was quiet, peaceful even, something I don’t get often.

he occasional breeze of hot air from the fire brushed my face as I lied back my head, resting it on the armrest behind me. Heaving a long sigh, I stared up at the dark ceiling, letting my eyes droop, hoping he’d show up soon. Just as I closed my eyes a small knock came from beside me, making my body instantly jump up.
Is that him?
Craning my head to the right, my eyes landed on a boy with a crooked smile leaning against the wall, a cream colored coffee mug in hand.
“Hey, Rem.” I whispered with a smiled, motioning for him to sit beside me. Just seeing him made my heart leap.
“Hello, love.” He whispered, leisurely walking over and setting down his coffee on the small wooden end-table to my right. Not saying anything else, he proceeded to stand directly in front of me. 
Pulling my eyebrows together, I glance up at him. As I was about to ask if he was alright, Remus took me by the hand and pulled me up, crashing me against his chest. Blinking a couple times I glanced up at him to see a small smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
“Rem-” Not giving me a chance to say anything he turned around and collapsed onto the sofa where I was previously sat, getting as comfortable as could be.
The once small smirk had turned into a rather large one as reached for his coffee beside him, taking a long, slow drink from it and swallowing it, ending with a rather loud pop.
“You just going to stand there and stare at me, love?” He asked cockily, raising his left eyebrow as he lightly patted his left knee.
I could feel my ears starting to get hot as I frantically looked around the room, looking for a different place to sit. “I-I’ll just sit over here…” I whispered awkwardly, cocking my head at the seat I’d spotted.
Making sure he wasn’t about to say anything, I nodded a couple times before starting to walk. As I took a couple steps past him, Remus’ had fell to my waist, and within seconds I was pulled back, right into his lap.
My body sat awkwardly still at first, not being completely used to this sort of thing.
Letting a short tut of laughter leave his mouth, he pulled me up his lap, bringing me into a straddle around his waist. “You’re adorable, Y/N…” He whispered, leaning in so his lips where pressed right next to my ear. “So, so adorable…”
Taking the chance given to him, he ran his tongue over my ear, nibbling lightly in certain spots, causing my hands to instinctively grab onto his shoulders.
Chuckling to himself, Remus wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled up further, bringing me within centimeters of his face. “Well hello there.” He whispered with a devilish smirk, glancing up at me with his stunning green eyes. Narrowing them, his glaze flickered from mine down to my lips, and as if confirming what he was about to do, he nodded to himself before pressing his lips to mine.
The kiss started out slow and clean, my lips molded into his as if they’d belonged there. His hands stayed planted on my waist, not wandering anywhere.
The room had progressively become hot with our bodies pressed against each other, and, coincidentally, the kiss turned more needy, as if we were depending on each others mouths.
Remus’ hands had slowly made their way downwards and were now resting on my bottom, gently squeezing it a few times, causing my mouth to fall open. Not losing the point of vulnerability, he quickly gaining dominance over me and let tongue invade my mouth as if he was searching for something. Letting out a quiet whimper, I slowly slid my fingers into his hair, pulling at the light brown strands, earning a groan from above me. 
Moving his hands up again, they quickly returned to my hips, squeezing them as he slowly pushed me down into the couch, releasing my lips from his.
Not sparing a second, Remus moved his attention down to my neck while his hands started moving my shirt up my body. Starting at the collarbone, he feathered small pecks all the way up my neck, right below my ear. Planting one last kiss underneath my ear, he lightly took the skin in between his teeth and started sucking. My fingers tightened their hold on his hair, my once quiet whimpers were now turning into full blown moans. 
“Oh my god, Remus…” My voice was soaked in pleasure, the fact that I managed to speak was a miracle in itself.
Why must he be so good at this?
Blowing on the hickeys he’d just created, he pulled away slightly to look down at me, the same smirk still on his face. His green orbs surveyed up and down my body before looking back at me. Clearing his throat he gave me an awkward smile and tugged lightly at the hem of my shirt that was now nearing my chest. “You-uh mind if I take this off.”
Even through the dim light I could see the slight flush of his cheeks, he’s such a gentleman and it’s adorable.
Leaning up, I lightly kissed his lips. “You’re so sweet, Rem, of cour-”
“…Merlin’s sake, Prongs, shut up! They’re just getting to the good part…” An ever so familiar obnoxious voice came from the nearby doorway.
Remus instantly froze from above me, whipping his head in the direction of the voice.
“See, look what you did.” The same voice whispered in annoyance.
“What I did? You’re the loud one here, Pads.” The other voice whispered back.
Instantly pulled my shirt down, Remus got off of me, not saying a word, I could practically feel his anger and embarrassment radiating off of him.
“Dammit, Sirius they can hear us now, move.” Within a couple seconds, two faces came stumbling out of the darkness, both with goofy grins plastered on their faces.
“Sooo…” Sirius started with a smirk, leaning into Remus’ face. “What'cha doin’?” At that comment, Remus’ already red face turned an even more vivid color as he turned in the opposite direction.
“Ohh this is good…” James piped in from behind as the walked up beside Sirius, lowering himself to Remus’ level. “Didn’t think you had it in ya, Rem.”
“Our little Moony-po is growing up! I’m such a proud mother.” Sirius blurted out excitedly, throwing his hands into the air.
Ignoring what they were saying, Remus buried his head into his arms that rested on the armrest while James ruffled his hair. “We need to have a celebration, when should we get started?” James asked, briefly turning his attention to Sirius.
“I don’t see why we don’t just do it now.” Sirius said with a smile, throwing his arms around Remus who was desperately trying to disappear into the sofa.
“Perfect idea I’ll ge-”
“No.” Remus whispered miserably, his face still buried in his arms as he shook Sirius off of him. 
“Can’t hear you buddy, maybe if you-I don’t know-showed us your face, we could hear you a bit better.” Sirius teased, pulling at one of the arms that held his head.
“Nope, not happening.” Remus’ voice came out again, still muffled in his arms.
“C'mon please?” Sirius begged, adding in a fake sniffle from his nose for the effect.
“Yeah, c'mon Moony…” James added in, still pulling at Remus’ hair.
Letting out a huge sigh and a rather disturbed groan, Remus lifted his head from his arms, glaring at the two children who stood in front of him. “I hate you.” He groaned, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Look how red his face is! Remus you’re so adorable!” Sirius yelled out again, completely ignoring what he’d just said and wrapping his arms around him.
“Making out in the common room…naughty, naughty Remus. ” James chuckled, shaking his index finger at Remus as he got up to hug him as well.
“Group hug!” Sirius added, yelling rather loudly.
“How old are you again?” Remus groaned, not making a single move.
“Oh shut up and let your mum be proud of you.”
Looking at their exchange, though I was embarrassed, it was actually quiet fantastic. “C'mere Y/N, it’s a great group hug and you’re missin’ it.” Sirius said with a grin, pulling me over to the rest of them.
The room became silent for a moment as all of us were wrapped around Remus who sat as still as a statue, it was actually sort of nice, for us anyway.
“We’re such proud parents.” Sirius whispered, nudging James with his elbow, ruining the so called ’moment’ we were having.
“I hate you all.” Remus groaned from underneath, a small smile making it’s way to his face.

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