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You woke up to the rather unpleasant feeling of sunshine in your eyes. Unfortunately for you, you couldn’t move away from the sleep-ruining sunlight, because your heat-seeking boyfriend had you trapped in his arms.


“Remus,” you mumbled under your breath. “Remus, wake up.”


He groaned under his breath. “What?” He asked, burying into your neck.


“The sun’s in my eyes.” You tried to wiggle out of his arms.


Remus’ response was to hold you tighter against his chest. “What’s that got to do with me?” He asked sleepily.


“Rey.” You pulled at his arms. “We have to get up anyways.”


Remus’ hands curled around the fabric of the sweater you had stolen from his closet the night before. “It’s our holiday, why do we need to get up early?” His husky voice tickled your ear.


You glanced at the clock. “It’s eleven in the morning, not exactly early.”


“Five more minutes?” He begged, kissing the top of your head.


You couldn’t say no to his gruff morning voice. “Fine, but I’m counting.”


Remus’ rough fingertips ran up and down the inside of your thigh, he left a trail of butterfly kisses on your shoulder. “You know, I don’t think I want to get out of bed today?”


“Not even for coffee?” You turned around to face him, a smirk on your face.


Remus bit his bottom lip. “You got me there, love.” He pulled you closer by your waist and hooked your leg around his hip. “But after that, I’m not gonna let you leave.”


“Oh, the woeful villain has trapped me in his bed once again, looking to steal my innocence!” You said dramatically, a smile on you face.


He rolled on top of you, a smirk on his face. “You can’t steal what has already been given to you.”


“You sound like Sirius.” You laughed as Remus nuzzled into your neck.


“I learned from the best.”


🌙 REMUS LUPIN X READER ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now