full moon fight

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It was a two day until the next full moon and Remus was getting quick tempered. You and a couple of friends went to Hogsmeade and you thought that it would be nice to bring Remus back some chocolate. You ran up the stairs and knocked on his door.

“Rem?” You waited a few seconds and when you didn’t hear an answer you decided to open the door to see if he was ok. “Remus?” You called as you walked through the doorway. You looked toward his bed to see him lying on his side, blankets and pillows thrown to the floor. You sat down on his bed and touched his arm lightly. “I bought you chocolates.” He shifted to look at you and when he saw your face he looked back towards the wall.

“Go away.” He mumbled, traces of anger in his voice.

“Come on babe, look at me.” You reached out to touch his hair when he turned around abruptly, almost knocking you to the floor.

“I said go away!” He yelled, voice echoing off the walls.

“I just want to-”

“And I just want you to leave but we can’t always have what we want!”

You got up from the bed seeing potential danger in the situation and took a few steps back. “Rem I-I just- I thought I could help.”

“Well you can’t!” He roared, getting off the bed. “You never can! You just make things worse!”

Hot tears stung the back of your eyes as you kept walking backwards away from the man that stood in front of you.

“Calm down! You need to stop Remus!” As you kept walking, your back met with the door and Remus trapped you against it. He leaned in and his eyes met yours. You searched them in hope of finding some regret but there wasn’t, just pure anger and annoyance. He snarled.

“And you need to leave.” He opened the door and you were thrown to the floor, almost falling down the stairs. You propped yourself up on your hands just to see Remus slam the door. You finally broke as you got up, tears running down your face. You ran down the stairs and headed to your room which thankfully was empty so you could cry your eyes out in peace. The next few days were mostly spent trying to ignore Remus because of the fight you had. You caught yourself wondering what you did wrong or why you weren’t good enough one too many times so you thought you could use a day out to yourself. You first went to Hogsmeade but it reminded you too much of him so you left and instead went to a small muggle cafe that your parents used to take you to all the time because you loved the pastries they sold. You were sitting at one of the tables reading and drinking your coffee when you heard footsteps from behind you and a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see Remus standing there, a hand behind his back and an apologetic look on his face.

“What are you doing here?” You question looking down and shifting uncomfortably under the hand that lay on your arm. He took it off with a sigh and sat down beside you.

“I am so so sorry y/n. I was a total jerk and I shouldn’t have done what I did. It has never been that bad I-” He looked down and started playing with the hem of his shirt. “I don’t know what got into me.” You took his hand that was resting in his lap and intertwined his finger with yours.

“It’s ok Rem. Really is. I know how much trouble you go through.” You shifted your glance to his hand that was still behind his back. “What’ve you got there?” He looked up at you and smiled, taking his hand from behind his torso and putting the familiar shaped box on the table.

“Just the chocolates that you got me. I thought we could share them though I already ate most of them.” You laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

“I don’t mind, love.” A grin appeared across his face as he took one of the chocolates and put it in your mouth.

“I love you so much baby.”

“Love you too Rem.”

🌙 REMUS LUPIN X READER ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now