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Remus knew something was odd as soon as he stepped into the dormitory. His eyes scanned the room slowly, trying to spot what was wrong with the room. Sirius and James’ side was still a battlefield of dirty laundry and Peters bed was still littered with candies and sweets. His side of the room was relatively neat, though it was cluttered with books and, well, his favorite; chocolate. But he didn’t remember pulling the curtains to his four-poster bed closed…

Then a small, stifled sneeze and a sniffle shattered his contemplative silence and Remus knew exactly what was wrong.

There was a girl in the dormitory. More specifically, in his bed. Remus moved toward his bed and tugged the curtains apart.

“(Y/N)!” He exclaimed in a mixture of surprise and concern.

(Y/N) was lying on her side, wearing his sweater, curled in the foetal position and looking terrible. Her eyes were closed; however, she looked drawn and pale, lacking the enchanting glow her complexion usually emanated, whilst under her nose her skin looked red and sore. Rippling through the silence was the sound of her breaths, heavy and laboured as she struggled to breathe efficiently.

(Y/N) stirred slowly before her eyes opened, squinting at the golden light of the afternoon sun. It was then he could fully see the impact of her apparent illness; her eyes lacked their usual glint of mischief that always kept him so on edge and underneath them was the dulled shadows of fatigue. Her gaze focused on him and she moaned, her voice gravelly.

“Hey, Remus…” she croaked.

“(Y/N), are you alright? We’ve been looking for you all day! How long have you been here for? Do you need anything? What do you want me to-”?

"Moony,” she groaned and her fingers flew up to her temples, rubbing circles in an effort to massage her throbbing head, “Slow down with the questions. My brain is running on two percent battery I can only take so much…”

“O-oh,” his voice softened, “Sorry.”

“You really don’t have to apologize,” she smiled, weakly, before launching into a violent coughing fit.

(Y/N) pulled herself up into a sitting position and Remus immediately moved to her side, his hand rubbing circles on her back in an effort to soothe her.

“I’m going to go to the kitchens and get you some soup,” Remus spoke softly.

“No,” she whined, “Don’t leave me…”

“It’ll make you feel better,”

“But I don’t want you to go!”

“It will only be a few minutes,” Remus steadied his gaze and she stared back at him with wide, watery eyes, “Trust me. You’ll feel better with some soup in you…”

(Y/N) stared at him for a few moments and Remus felt his heart flutter. She seemed to be reading something on his face that she had only just noticed for the first time. Finally, she relented, collapsing back onto the bed.

“Okay,” she sighed, “and bring me some treacle pudding…”

Remus returned roughly five minutes later and amongst the muggy feeling that clouded your mind, you saw the concerned expression of Remus and were surprised by how relieved you were to know that he had returned.

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