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"Hey (Y/N)!"

You notice Remus sitting on the couch in the common room with a book in his hands when you enter through the portrait hole. Of course he is reading – anything else would have been a surprise.
Smiling you take a seat next to him. "What are you reading there?"
He blushes. "Uhm... Just my favorite book. I've read it like ten times already."
"Really? Then it definitely must be good", you state.
"It is. Do you want to read it? I would lend you my copy..."
"Really?", you ask as you are well aware of how much care he takes of his books. He doesn't give them to anyone and it's supposed to mean something when he gives you his favorite one.
He shrugs and gives you a small smile. "Sure. You can have it."
Just as he hands you the book the other marauders and Lily arrive in the common room. You carefully put the book in your bag to not put the slightest damage on it. "I have to go now. Lily and I want to go to the library to do some research for the potions essay. See you later, Remus!"
You give him a smile following Lily out of the room. As soon as you two sit down in the library she gives you a suspicious look. Oh no... Did she notice...?
"Well, (Y/N), you seem to hang out a lot with Remus these days. Is there something going on?"
You feel your cheeks getting hot. Of course she noticed. "Ehh... I guess we just get along well, you know... I really like him though but I don't know if he feels the same way."
"He lend you his book, right? That's a good sign. I bet he likes you too... I can ask James if you want me to?"
Quickly shaking your head you turn your attention to the books in the shelves. "No, not necessary. Let's just start writing that bloody essay."

* * *

In the meantime the four marauders are sitting in the common room discussing a new prank. Sirius is just explaining his latest idea as realization hits Remus.
"Shit", he screams out.
That immediately gives him the attention of his three best friends. "What's up, Moony?", asks James and takes a deep breath – preparing for something really bad as Remus usually never curses.
"I just gave (Y/N) my book... with that certainbookmark in it."
The boys' eyes widen in shock and Sirius jumps up. "You didn't do that, Moony. How could you forget about that bookmark?"
"I know it was stupid... I was just... distracted by her, she sat so close to me I even smelled her perfume..." He nervously runs a hand through his brown hair. "What do I do now? Merlin, what if she already saw it? I think I'll have to move to Alaska and change my name forever."
"Nah", James interrupts, "They are doing research so she has no time to read at all. She won't find it if we try to get it now."
"Wouldn't it be good if she found it though?", Peter says, "I mean... then she finally knows what's going on and you don't even have to tell her explicitly."
He earns a loud squeal from Remus. "Merlin no, Wormtail! That's the most embarrassing thing ever!"
"By Merlin's beard, that would be horrible", Sirius adds, "We have to get it as soon as possible. Do you have a plan, Prongs?"
James' grin is answer enough. "Okay, Listen. We are going to the library. Wormtail and Moony, you two have to distract the girls. Pads – you have to block the view so I can go to their bags without anyone noticing. Alright?", James asks.
The boys nod in agreement. The mission has started.

* * *

You and Lily nearly finished your essay when you suddenly see Remus and Peter approaching. The both of them seem nervous when they sit down next to you. In the next moment, Sirius takes a seat right on the table in front of you.
"Woah, what's the matter with you guys?", Lily asks, "And where is James?"
"Ah... We just wanted to talk... It's boring... you know, James had to go to Professor McGonagall... and yeah", Sirius explains, "We just want to spend time with you girls."
"Well, we would like to finish our essays. Would you move your ass off our notes now please..." Lily says.
Sirius chuckles. "Why are you so annoyed, Evans? We've just been here for thirty seconds."
"Because I want to finish that bloody essay, Black!"
While they argue, your eyes wander to Remus who sits next to you. He is watching you carefully and you give him a short smile. He still seems to be a little bit nervous though and his pale face makes you worried.
"Are you alright?", you ask him.
Right as he wants to give you an answer you hear a noise and loud swearing. When you jump up Sirius holds you on your shoulders to prevent you from moving. You notice Peter and Remus standing up as well blocking your way.
"What are you doing? What was that noise?"
"JAMES! What are you doing in (Y/N)'s bag?", Lily suddenly screams.
You shoot Sirius a death glare and he sets you free allowing you to take a look at James. He is standing by the bookshelf right in front of the place where you and Lily put your bags – his face  covered with ink splashes. But what surprises you more is that he is holding Remus's book in his hand – the one he just gave you in the common room. Luckily the ink didn't hit it.
"I just... eh...", James rambles.
"Give me that", you say and walk towards him.
Just as you want to grab it he takes a step back causing you to stumble and you both fall to the floor. Grasping the opportunity you take the book and stand up as fast as possible.
"Okay, guys. What are you playing at?", Lily asks the four marauders that are now blushing, "And don't give me any stupid excuses!"
Remus is so nervous he even bites his lip and stares at you, eyes full of fear. You watch him but then turn your attention back to the book. A small piece of parchment is peeping out. You feel everyone's gaze on you as you pull it out and scan it with your eyes.
"Oh", is the only word escaping your lips.
"Well, we leave you two lovebirds alone now", says Sirius yanking James and Peter out of the library.
Lily seems to get the hint and leaves as well. "Good thing I always jinx our bags. See you later."
As soon as they are away you take another look at the parchment. Actually it's really beautiful with all those hearts and your name in Remus' nice handwriting on it. He even wrote Remus+(Y/N) in one of the hearts. You just have to giggle. Who knew he could be so freaking adorable?
When you turn your attention back to Remus you notice him staring nervously at you. "(Y/N), listen... it is... I mean... I'm sorry to embarrass you in such a way... I just forgot about that stupid bookmark. I didn't mean to confess my feelings like that..."
You quickly close the gap between the two of you. "Well, it clearly could have been a bit more romantic but... I actually think it's really cute."
"You do?", he asks with a husky voice and coughs nervously.
You nod and cup his face in your hands. "And I want you to know that I feel the same way about you... if you mean what you scribbled on that parchment."
"I mean it..." He pulls you closer, one hand on your hip and the other one on your neck. "I love you,  (Y/N)."
"I love you too", you whisper before your lips finally meet his.

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