business pt 3

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“Lily,” you cried out, stumbling a bit over your feet as you searched for your best friend, “you have got to try this drink I made. It’s fantastic.”

After Sirius had left you alone feeling confused and pissed off, you downed the drink he had handed you and walked straight to the makeshift kitchen bar to pour yourself another.

“Y/N, what the hell?” Sirius asked as he successfully steadied your stance before you toppled to the floor. “I leave you alone for a half hour and you go and drink half the liquor cabinet. How many drinks did you have??”

You turned around and smiled while holding up three fingers, which caused Sirius to bust out laughing.

“Oh, good, so you didn’t drink an entire bottle, you’re just a lightweight. That makes this a little better. Are you alright? After your spat with Remus?”

“I don’t want to think about Remus,” you mumbled. “He hates me and I have a crush on him the size of Jupiter, but it’s fine, I’m fine.”

“Y/N, love, he doesn’t hate you, I swear,” Sirius said as he placed a comforting hand on your cheek.

“I don’t care; I want to forget about him. Let’s dance,” you shouted as you grabbed Sirius’s hand and led him into the living room.

You slipped one hand around his neck and had the other clutching your drink, occasionally taking sips and offering some to Sirius.

After countless songs and a few more drinks, you and Sirius were dancing wildly, along with everyone else at the party. More people had eventually arrived, and it finally looked like the rowdy college parties that you and Lily were used to.

You could hear Sirius laughing in your ear as you danced with him; his hands on your hips guiding them to the beat of the music while your arms were clasped around his neck. Your eyes wandered around the room and eventually landed on Remus standing off in a corner.

He was watching the two of you; you and Sirius, and although his stance was rigid and sober, his eyes held sadness and longing.

Remus’s gaze made your stomach do flips and your mind lose focus on everything around you except him. Your movements stalled and you quickly left Sirius alone to escape Remus’s eyes.

You found refuge on the back patio yet the breezy night air did little to calm down the redness of your cheeks or the bubbling feeling in your tummy. You slumped to the ground and placed your head between your knees, willing the nauseous feeling taking over your body to go away.

Suddenly, you heard the door open behind you. Expecting it to be Lily, you began to drunkenly ramble on about your night.

“Well, Lily, while you were off making googly eyes at chemistry boy, I was, once again, being treated like shit by psychology hottie. I’ve never known an adult man to act so childish, especially when I have done nothingwrong and I…and I…I think I’m going to throw up.”

You leant forward and felt the familiar lurching feeling in your abdomen while one hand gathered your hair into a ponytail and the other rubbed soothing circles on your back.

After emptying the contents of your stomach onto the grass in front of you, the comforting hands lifted your body off the ground and carried you bridal style into the house. Your eyes remained closed; the energy it would take to open them at that moment wasn’t worth it.

“When did you get so strong, Lils,” you slurred. “We work out together, how come I’m not reaping these same benefits? ‘ts fucking bullshit.”

Your savior chuckled, the warm vibrations lulling you into a trance like state as you ascended a staircase.

“I wish I didn’t have a crush on Remus,” you whispered. “He totally hates me. Probably thinks I’m too young and immature while he’s the one acting like a child. Men suck. Except chemistry boy, he really likes you. And Sirius. He’s fun. I wish I liked him instead.”

You felt the softness of blankets and pillows as the pair of arms gently laid you down. You curled up into the fetal position and sighed; breathing in a familiar and calming woodsy scent that you just couldn’t place.

“Goodnight, Lils,” you whispered as sleep began to overtake you.

Once your breathing slowed and soft snores escaped you, your savior gazed longingly upon your peaceful form before slowly closing the bedroom door.

“Goodnight, Y/N,” Remus whispered.

He had barely taken three steps down the hallway when a drunken Sirius stepped in front of him.

“You,” Sirius snarled as he poked Remus’s chest, “are the dumbest person I’ve ever met.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Remus huffed as he tried to walk away.

“No, no, you’re going to listen. Stop fucking walking, and pay attention. That girl, is a sweet girl. She doesn’t deserve how you’re treating her because of some brilliantly fucked up solution you’ve concocted in your head.”

“You don’t get it, Sirius, I could lose my job. I could lose my scholarship, which would jeopardize my degree. You don’t get it.

“What I get is that you’re treating her like she’s nothing.”

“I just held back her hair while she vomited and tucked her into bed, Sirius, she’s not nothing.”

“Oh, right, so helping her while she’s drunk, and thinks you’re someone else, just lets you off the hook, is that it? You know she thinks you hate her?”

“Yes, she might have mentioned that while I was carrying her upstairs,” Remus sighed sadly.

“Look, I’m not asking you to risk your job, your scholarship, or your degree, I’m demanding you start being nice to her or I swear you’ll regret it.”

“Why do you care so much?” Remus asked cautiously while eyeing his friend.

“I don’t want to see my best friend act like a royal dickhead and hurt an innocent girl because he can’t control his feelings, you absolute moron.”

Remus shoved his hands in his pockets and looked sheepishly at the floor. In his desire to keep you at arm’s length, he had gone too far and hurt you, which was the last thing he would ever want to do.

“She likes you, you know,” Sirius said matter-of-factly.

“I know she does. She mentioned that too.”

“So, why don’t you just tell her? I’m sure she would understand your situation.”

“It’s more than just the ‘situation’, Sirius, I’m not good for her. She deserves better.”

“I think that’s up to her,” Sirius retorted.

Sirius shook his head and sighed before walking past Remus to enter his own bedroom. Remus descended the staircase in order to spend his night on the couch, while you slept soundly, and unknowingly, in his bed. 

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