loose lips

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Friday nights were nothing if not eventful. It often began with a knock on your dorm room door, followed by four boys sneaking in with expectant grins. They’d tell you to get ready to go out for a night of drinking, to which you’d reply you were busy studying. They’d hassle you for approximately 20 minutes, whining about how you were always the most fun to be drunk with. It wasn’t until Remus would put his hand on your arm, his bottom lip pouted as he uttered a polite “please”. And that’s when you’d groan, rolling your eyes as you closed whatever book you’d been reading. It always played out like this, every week, the differences in the night only varying from what pub you had been kicked out of. But this Friday night turned out to be a lot more exciting than any that had come before.

What’s the special tonight Morello?” Sirius asked, leaning against the bar.
“Dragon Barrel Brandy, and it ain’t cheap.” The bartender grumbled. “Been maturing for 150 years.”
“Do we really need to pretend I can’t afford it?” James sighed, placing down a heavy bag of galleons. “We’ll have 4 glasses, my good man. And keep it coming.”
You’d learnt a long time ago not to feel guilty about James buying all your drinks. It had become pointless to argue with him about it, and he had enough money for it anyway. The brandy tasted amazingly sweet when it arrived at your table; the ‘Marauders booth’ as it had been dubbed, since everyone knew the spot was yours on a Friday night. You all took up your drinks, clinking your glasses in celebration of all having completed your last pieces of assessment, the end of the school year drawing closer.
After a while of joking around and a couple more refills, everyone became more open, the alcohol working to loosen up the tension that had developed in your bones during your exams and essay writing. You were finally able to fully let yourself relax, with no deadline in sight. As the night continued on, Sirius had left to go chat up a person at the bar, James heading off with Lily to snog her in the back of the Inn, while Peter had been caught up in a rowdy crowd of betting wizards playing a drinking game. Remus was definitely a lot more drunk than you, so he insisted on going to dance.
“Come on love, it’ll be fun!” He smiled, his body swaying slightly as he stood, holding out a hand for you.
“You know I hate to dance.” You shook your head. “Besides, there are plenty of girls out there. I don’t want to ruin your chances.”
Remus whined, pulling you up anyway. “Buuuut I don’t want them, I want you.”
You’re sure he was only talking about wanting you as a dancing partner, but the sentence still made your heart skip a beat. “Alright.” You grumbled. “But if you step on my feet I’ll-“
“Kill me?” He raised a brow, his hand now lingering at the small of your back.
“No, I’ll kiss you silly.” You teased, poking at his side.
Remus chuckled, the delightful sound almost drowning out the loud music. “I’ll make sure to be reallyreallybad then.”
Once on the dancefloor, Remus took hold of your hands, twirling you around clumsily. He did manage to step on your toes a couple times, but you didn’t mind. If a few aching feet meant you would get to see that beautiful smile, it was worth it.
“You’re a good dancer (Y/n).” Remus hiccupped, his hands now becoming a little frisky, diving lower on your back. “Do you dance like this with ever-y boy?” He asked, his tone a lot flirtier than it usually was. Remus had always been somewhat into you – well, he harboured a painfully large crush on you. The other boys knew, but they never poked fun at him, and respected that he didn’t want to ruin your friendship. But with a lot of Brandy came looser lips.
“I don’t dance with anyone apart from you Remus.” You winked with a giggle. He beamed, pulling you closer to him. The drunken glaze over his eyes couldn’t hide the way he stared at you as if you were the most stunning thing he’d ever seen.
“Would ittt be very bad if I kisssssed you?” He asked with sudden confidence, the warm feeling in his blood given by the alcohol making him feel ten times braver. You stopped dancing, your breathing sharpening.
“Do you just want to kiss me because you’re drunk?” You questioned. Remus shook his head, his honey coloured hair shaking as he repeated the word “No” with a slur in his voice. His body was heavy as he leant against you, his head falling into your neck as you struggled to keep him upright.
“I think I might- gonna pass out.” He said with a furrowed brow. “The world is going really spinny.”
“Come on.” You pulled his arm over your shoulder, his body like a ragdoll’s as you skirted the two of you outside.
Once back at boys’ dorm, you finally flopped Remus onto his bed, his mouth slightly parted as he watched you look around the room for a new shirt, as on the way back he had gotten vomit all over his.
“I needa shower.” He mumbled, haphazardly tugging off his shirt with a lot of struggle. He grunted as he finally pulled it over his head, throwing it towards the laundry basket but missing. You shook your head, snatching it up and putting it inside. “Are you mad at me?”
You turned to him, fetching your wand from your jacked pocket. “Mad?”
Remus eyed your wand comically, his eyebrows raised. “You want t’ kill me?” He frowned. “I thought we was good friends.”
“Open your mouth.” You instructed, pulling at his chin. He did as you asked as you cast a quiet spell, working to take the foul taste of vomit from his mouth and clean up his face. “Because I probably won’t be able to lug you into the shower.” You noted, suddenly realising your hands were placed comfortably on his bare chest. You went to part from him, but his large hands pressed yours tighter to him.
“Feels so nice.” He smiled, his head falling back onto his pillow. “You’re so niceeee”
“Try to get some rest, okay? And if you need any more water, I’ve placed a glass on your nightstand.” You said, going to hop up. Remus whimpered, his fingers interlocking with yours.
“Don’t go.” He fretted. “You’re my nurse. Nurse (Y/n). I need you to- to stay alive.”
You tittered at his desperate expression, his hands squeezing yours. Before you could even reply he was pulling you into him, your body now on top of his comfortably with and arms wrapped around you so you couldn’t escape.
He took a dramatically long breath before expelling “Ireallywannakissyou but I’mnotallowed and you’resobeautiful and I’mveryhungry.” His chest fell as he exhaled, his eyes squeezed shut in fear of your response.
You combed his dishevelled hair back with your fingers, placing a sweet kiss on his cheeks. He opened his eyes, looking at you in awe.
“You hate me.” He pouted, his eyes watering up. “I’m the worst.”
“I don’t hate you, and you’re the best.” You sighed, resting your forehead against his. “I very much would like to kiss you too, but you’re drunk. I want to be sure this is what you want.”
“More than anything! More than- than chocolate or a new soft sweater. Wait wait no, more than the entire whole world.”
You giggled, biting your lip. “Then you can kiss me in the morning.”
Remus nodded insistently, immediately closing his eyes and snuggling into you.
“What are you doing?” You questioned, confused at his sudden stillness.
“Shh.” He whispered. “I want morning to come quicker.”
You grinned, taking his relaxed face in your hands. Once you were sure he was asleep, you placed the daintiest kiss on his soft lips; it was technically the morning, even though it was still dark outside.
And as the light filled the room, Remus’ eyes fluttering open with a piercing headache, he saw you fast asleep in his arms. He hadn’t forgotten what you’d said, and so leant down, capturing your lips gently. You stirred at the sensation, your hands subconsciously wrapping around his neck, your faces so close that you were sharing breaths. Still half-asleep, you kissed him back, the lingering taste of Brandy still on your tongue. And you kissed the whole morning through.

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